Showing posts with label dollhouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dollhouse. Show all posts

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Museum of the Doll in Lodz, Poland

On our way to the Museum of the doll in Lodz. Poland. || W drodze do Muzeum Lalki w Łodzi.

Yes, we're on the right track.
Tak, jesteśmy na dobrej drodze.

At the entrance. The doll is my own Little Pullip Assa on Obitsu body. || Przy wejściu. Lalka to moja własna Little Pullip Assa na ciałku Obitsu.

Inside, there are some dioramas. || Wewnątrz są dioramy.

And lots of random dolls. || I mnóstwo różnych lalek.

Old german dolls. || Stare lalki niemieckie.

Porcelain dolls. || Lalki porcelanowe.

A really old one... || Naprawdę stara...

More baby dolls. || Więcej bobasów.

This one was still in "doll clinic". It reminded me of one of my childhood dolls. || Ta była jeszcze w "klinice dla lalek". Przypominała mi jedną lalkę z dziećiństwa.

One of my favourites pieces on display - witch cottage. || Jedna z moich ulubionych rzeczy na wystawie - chatka czarownicy.

Another old acquaintance - porcelain doll made to represent the fashion industry in Lodz City. It wasn't very popular and it got retired quickly. Most of the remaining dolls ended up in this museum. I'm kind of fond of Lodka Doll. || Kolejna stara znajoma - porcelanowa lalka stworzona by reprezentować przemysł modowy w Łodzi. Nie była zbyt popularna i szybko trafiła na emeryturę. Większość lalek, które pozostały, trafiły do tego muzeum. Jakoś lubię lalki Lodki.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Something for mum, something for daughter

We've entered the period when whenever I get a dolly treat for myself, I have to bring a token for my dauhter.

Weszłyśmy w taki okres, w którym kupując coś lalkowego dla siebie, muszę przynosić coś dla mojej córeczki.

For me: 
Dla mnie:
Barbie Fashionistas #121

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Dollhouse Museum

The Dollhouse Museum in Warsaw || Muzeum Domków dla Lalek w Warszawie.
If you ever happen to be in Warsaw, The Dollhouse Museum is a must-see for a doll enthusiast. It is quite easy to get there - it's located in the centerpiece attraction of the capital city, the Palace of Culture and Science. If you are going by train, it is just above the Warsaw Central Station.
My only complaint is that the Palace is quite large and we had to make an almost complete circle around it to find some guide-posts of the museum. However, having arrived there, we forgot the inconvinience.

Jeśli kiedyś zdarzy się Wam być w Warszawie, Muzeum Domków dla Lalek jest przystankiem obowiązkowym dla miłośnika lalek. Dość łatwo tam trafić - jest zlokalizowany w głównej atrakcji stolicy, Pałacu Kultury i Nauki. Jeśli jedziecie pociągiem, jest niemal dokładnie nad stacją Warszawa Centralna.
Jedyny zarzut jaki mam, to że musieliśmy obejść dookoła prawie cały Pałac, całkiem spory, zanim zauważyliśmy drogowskazy na muzeum. Jednak po dotarciu na miejsce szybko zapomnieliśmy o niedogodności. 

Enter... ||  Wejdź...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

There are rats in my new couch!

Ikea "Huset" dollhouse furniture set infested with rodents.
I guess that's what people call a bargain - I'd adopted a little rattie girl and a couple of days later she's given birth to a surprise litter. Today is their day 10 and although they can't see yet, they're quite active.

This is the time when they get used to handling. In a couple of days they will open eyes and start to explore even more.

Vago chair.

Their mommy is called Sardines. I got the idea from Terry Pratchett's "The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents". So, the litter is also called Sardines or Shrimps.

Fascinating palette on Expedit shelving unit.

No rat was hurt during this session. I had everything ready and completed the whole shoot in less than 10 minutes, while the litter's mommy was having hard boiled egg nearby.