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27 November 2012

Necrons Vs Orks 750pts (game one)

Nick speaking,

Time for some Waaagh...

I had a gaming night the other day with my buddy, and he was keen to try out his Orks for the first time in 6th Edition. We decided to play a few 750pt games using the Battleforce Recon mission rules. We deployed using a standard pitch battle format instead of the corners, as the small deployment zone of the Recon mission is just too small for 750pts, and it seemed to work pretty well this way. I showed up with my Necrons and had two 750pt lists, a Foot list and a Mech list. I rolled a dice and the Mech list came up as the army I would play first...

1x Destroyer Lord/Scythe/Weave/MSS (160)

5x Warriors/Ghost Ark (180)
5x Warriors/Ghost Ark (180)

3x Destroyers/1x Heavy (140)

1x Annihilation barge (90)


Game two coming up next...
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24 November 2012

Footdar First!

Nick speaking, 

Right, the next stage for the IDIC Eldar is a foot list. There are a few reasons for me taking my Eldar in this direction. First, I am still unsure how to run my Harlequin themed list in 6th Edition, where two groups of Pathfinders are just not going to cut it anymore. So, I want to try out foot Guardians and Dire Avengers to see how they fair nowadays. As previously discussed, I am also experimenting with Support Weapons at the moment, which could fit into my Harlie list as well.

I already have my 6th Edition Mechdar list tweaked and ready to go, which is where I am aiming all my painting time towards at the moment, getting the final few units finished. My fully painted 5th Edition Saim-Hann army is also in the process of being updated, but that will be for a future post. So why a different foot list? Why not concentrate on the Harlies?

Well, apart from my Harlequin army, which has little points left over after buying thirty Harlequins for experimenting too much, I have never really played a Footdar army, so that is the main reason. I’ve also had a bit of an itch for Footdar recently, after seeing a fair few armies around on the Blogs. One of those armies is based around a Foot Seer Council, with Eldrad and a Farseer rocking their stuff with them. A Footseer really appeals to me because I have never used my Warlocks on foot before, and as I have my Jetbike Warlocks all magnetised to go on foot, I would really love to try them out.

I hope I can gain some extra experience of playing Eldar through this new army concept.  Moving away from Wave Serpents and the like and having all the units on foot sounds like a bit of a Challenge to me, which I am sure will increase my depth of knowledge with the Eldar. Hopefully, this new footlist will also give me some inspiration to help me adapt my Harlequin list as well.

Here is my new list. The Farseers and Warlocks go up front with both Dire Avenger groups either side. Behind them will be two groups of Fire Dragons, with three groups of Guardians behind them. Two support Weapons will give some covering fire with a single Skyleaping Hawk unit. I also have a single War Walker with dual Scatter Lasers, who will flank as a cheap distraction unit. That’s a model count of eighty models compared to the forty four in my Harlequin list, so I am really looking forward to playing this army for the first time...

IDIC Footdar V1

1 x IDIC Eldrad (210)
1 x IDIC Farseer/Spear/Doom/Fortune/Guide/Mind war/Runes of witnessing/Stones (183)
8 x IDIC Warlocks/4x Spears/5x Destructor/2x Embolden/1x Enhance (297)

8 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/Power Weapon/Shimmershield/Bladestorm (138)
8 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/Dual Cats/Bladestorm (128)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)

8 x Fire Dragons (128)
8 x Fire Dragons (128)

5 x Swooping Hawks/Exarch/Skyleap (132)

1 x IDIC Support Weapon/Shadow Weaver (30)
1 x IDIC Support Weapon/Shadow Weaver (30)
1 x IDIC War Walkers/Scatter Laser (60)

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21 November 2012

Mawloc Battle Report Vs Sisters of Battle

Nick speaking,

This is my first game with the Nid 'Loc List' as previously posted about. I end up playing a Sisters of Battle army with Grey Knights Allies. Draigo and two units of ten Terminators head up this Sisters army, which means I will desperately need first turn so that I can burrow my Mawlocs and make full use of my Hive Guard shots from the off, but can I do it? Here is my list as a reminder...

Stinger Loc List v1

1 x Winged Hive Tyrant/ Devourers/Adversary/Swap powers for Biomancy (285)

1 x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
1 x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
15 x Termagants/Devourers/Mycetic Spore (190)
19 x Termagants (95)

3x Hive Guard (150)
3x Hive Guard (150)
3x Hive Guard (150)

1 x Mawloc (170)
1 x Mawloc (170)

Points 1750

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18 November 2012

Mawloc list

Nick speaking, 

Right, let’s get on with a list for my Mawlocs, this will be the first time I have used my magnetised Trygon models as Mawlocs, so I am pretty excited at trying them out now that they have had a bit of a boost in 6th Edition. I also want to use this new list to incorporate my recently painted Winged Hive Tyrant, which I also haven’t got around to playing with yet. So that will be my starting point. One Winged Hive Tyrant with twin linked Devourers, Old Adversary and a swap of Psychic powers on the Biomancy table.

For this version one of my ‘Loc List’ I am going to fill out the Elite slots with Hive Guard. I still don’t have the models yet though despite all the hype about them. I have only used them once, and that was with my Warriors as a proxy. I plan on converting my Warriors as Hive Guard anyway, so they can continue as a proxy for now. I am not sure if I will keep them for the list yet though, as I am a big fan of some of the other Elite choices like DoM, Y-Stealers and Death Leaper, but for now they are in.

I am going to stick to my faithful Tervigons as troop choices, just two in this list. They will be backed up with a large brood of Gants to start them off, and a brood of fifteen Devilgants, who will take a pod and deep strike in wherever they are needed, not used Devilgants before, so lots of new stuff in this list for me to try out and I am really liking the sound of the forty five, strength four shots they have.

Lastly will be two Mawlocs, they will start on the table and burrow turn one ready to do their stuff.  I am really looking forward to putting these beasts on the table for the first time and find out how good Terror of the Deep really is! Here is my final first list, battle report to follow soon...

Stinger Loc List v1

1 x Winged Hive Tyrant/ Devourers/Adversary/Swap powers for Biomancy (285)

1 x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
1 x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
15 x Termagants/Devourers/Mycetic Spore (190)
19 x Termagants (95)

3x Hive Guard (150)
3x Hive Guard (150)
3x Hive Guard (150)

1 x Mawloc (170)
1 x Mawloc (170)

Points 1750
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