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Showing posts with label Cryptek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cryptek. Show all posts

20 March 2014

Crazy Royal Court Necron List!

Nick speaking,

OK, so just for fun. Let's say you have to make an army list using two full Royal Court units! I know it sounds a bit crazy, but as many of you know, I have been collecting Crypteks built and painted by the wargaming community, and nearly have enough for this crazy idea to come to happen. I have done a little fiddling and come up with a rough first draft list. The whole idea behind the list is to not split the courts off, but to keep them as units themselves with Overlords...

Court Crons 2k (v1)

1 x Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Orb/Shifter/labyrinth (225)
1 x Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Orb/Shifter (205)

Royal Court 1 (405)
5 x Lords/2x Sempiternal Weave/1x Orb (235)
5 x Crypteks/1x HoD – Veil/1x HoS - Lightning (170)

Royal Court 2 (500)
5 x Lords/5x Warscythes/5x MSS/1x Orb (330)
5 x Crypteks/1x HoD – Veil/1x HoS - Lightning (170)

5 x Warriors (65)
5 x Warriors (65)
5 x Warriors (65)
5 x Warriors (65)
5 x Warriors (65)
5 x Warriors (65)

6 x Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270)


So, how would you make a 2k list using two full units of Royal Courts?

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13 March 2014

Kitbashed Cryptek from Messy Painting

Nick speaking,

Time to showcase another community Cryptek. This guy is kitbashed, converted and painted by Alex from Messy Painting. Messy Painting is an up and coming YouTube Channel run by Alex and Tom, two young guy's with a lot of talent and passion for our hobby, so please go and check out their Channel and give them some support and encouragement. Meanwhile, take a look at the awesome kitbashed Cryptek they sent me...

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30 November 2013

Community Cryptek Project - MiniatureManiacs

Nick speaking,

Here is another Cryptek I received for my Community Cryptek Project, this Cryptek was painted by Steve from MiniatureManiacs. Steve is available for commission work at very reasonable prices, so why not go and check out his Website and have a look...


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28 September 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Nerdopolis Prime

Nick speaking,

Another Community Cryptek for you today, and this time I have received a Stormtek conversion, built and painted by my buddy and fellow Legion of Gamza member Nerdopolis Prime. I think he has done a fantastic job on this guy, and I feel that he has captured my Stormtek request really well. Thank you Poku, I am very happy with him. Please go and check out his YouTube Chnnel and see what else he is doing...

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6 June 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Kikumiku7

Nick speaking,

Time for another Cryptek! This fine example of a converted and amazingly painted mini, was sent to me by Kris, over on his YouTube Channel, Kikumiku7. I have been following Kris's Channel for some time now and he has been doing some fantastic looking paint jobs on his minis, so I was very happy and excited when I received my Necron Cryptek. He has gone for a Wolverine themed Tek, check out his open mouth and the guts on his claws...

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23 May 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Pezzapoo

Nick speaking,

Time for another Community Cryptek that I received from another YouTube buddy of mine. This one was a bit of a surprise to me, as I had no idea Pezzapoo was sending me it. I really love the blue marble effect he has done on the cloak as it makes him stand out very nicely. Pezzapoo Is a really great guy and it would be fantastic if you could pop over to his Channel and support him by subscribing.

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13 May 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Archaeolas

Nick speaking,

With the forth Cryptek I received for my Community Cryptek Project, I have something very special for you, a scratch built, fully sculpted mini! This amazingly sculpted Cryptek was sent to me by Archaeolas on his YouTube Channel. He even magnetised the arm so that the stave comes off for storage. This Cryptek is very special to me and I will treasure it forever, so thank you so much Archy, you are the best. Here are some pictures of the mini fully painted by Archy himself, but if you want to see this guy before he was painted, with the WIP pictures, then please check out his video here and don't forget to subscribe.

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5 May 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Ogres Lair

Nick speaking,

Thank you to Ogres for supplying me with pictures of his very cool Necron Cryptek conversions, as part for my Community Cryptek Project. I think he has done an awesome job with them and it gives me great pleasure to be able to share them with you all. Please click on the link of each Tek to see the full post for each conversion, and don't forget to press the follow button on his Blog and give him some support.

Harbringer of Destruction

Harbringer of the Strom

Harbringer of Despair

Harbringer of Transmorgification

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23 April 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Tomas Gessler

Nick speaking,

Here is a third Cryptek I received for my Community Cryptek Project, this time from TomasGessler, who painted this old Necron Warrior as a Lancetek for me. I don't own any of the OOP Necron Warriors, so this is going to fit perfectly into my army as a Cryptek. Tomas has recently got a new video camera for his YouTube Channel and has been making some very cool videos lately, so please go and check him out and subscribe...

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15 April 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Rebel Wargaming

Nick speaking,

Here is the second Cryptek I received for my Community Cryptek Project, this Cryptek was converted and painted by Dan from Rebel Wargaming. Dan is not only an awesome guy, but he is also a fantastic painter and I am very proud to have his Cryptek join my army. Dan is also available for commission work at very reasonable prices, so why not go and check out his Channel and see what he is currently up to...

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9 April 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Introduction

Nick speaking,

It has been sometime since I received my Necron Cryptek painted up for me by my YouTube buddy Dunk, but ever since then I've had a little side project I've been wanting to do, sort of on the back burner as such. Basically, I thought it would be really, really cool if all the Crypteks in my army were all painted/converted by all my friends in the community, both on YouTube and here in the Blogosphere.

Now I know that this project may just sound like I am trying to get free models, but that is not the case, it is just something that I think would be very cool, and I am willing to buy the mini if needed. Having said that, I am currently in contact with several people on YouTube already, and it seems like there is a large proportion of very talented and generous people who would find pleasure in having a mini they did in my army, just like Dunk did...

The project is a little bit more involved than this alone, I would also like to build up a section on the Blog, where people can find loads of really cool Cryptek minis and conversions, after all, there is only one mini made by GW and there are five different Crypteks to choose from, with lots of different wargear options. So if you have any cool Cryptek conversion pictures of your minis, please feel free to email them to me or post a link below and I would be willing to do a shout out for you on the Blog.

Of course, if you wanted to convert and paint me up a Cryptek instead, I would not only be very happy and honoured to have him in my army, I would also do a YouTube video/Blog post with any links to your Channel/Blog as a little thank you. Here is an Introduction video to the project that I made, just in case you want to find out more...

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5 February 2012

Necron Cryptek painted by Dunk!

Nick speaking,

In this post, I would like to introduce you to a good YouTube buddy of mine, dunk1978banker. Dunk is a wannabe painter who just loves to paint and learn all he can about this wonderful hobby of ours. Dunk started his Channel at the begining of 2011 as a visual feed of his progress, and so that he could look back and learn from his trials and errors. Dunk has been a long time follower and commenter on my own YouTube Channel, and a while back he found an old Eldar War Walker model that he decided to paint up for me in my IDIC Eldar paint scheme. He posted it out to me as a little thank you for the help I had given him with my videos/emails over the months.

Dunk is currently working on an Imperial Guard army, but even so, he very kindly, and generously, took some time out to paint me up one of the new Necron Cryptek models. He has never painted a Necron before and wanted to have a go at painting one himself. He tried to give the mini the same feel that my Necrons already had so that it would match in to the rest of my army, and what a great job of it he did too. So just as a thank you to Dunk, I thought I would spread the word and try and get him a few more subscribers for his Channel. Here are a few pic's of the Cryptek and War walker he did for me, plus some of his other work, please check out the link above and subscribe.

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