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Showing posts with label Duke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duke. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2025

Shemp Howard Meets John Wayne! ("Pittsburgh", 1942) (video)

Shemp Howard enjoyed a successful solo career in movies...

...before returning to the Three Stooges to replace ailing brother Curly.

Here he shares the screen with fellow Hollywood icon John Wayne... well as Marlene Dietrich and Randolph Scott.

Shemp could hold his own with anyone on the screen.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!



Friday, December 13, 2024

Funny Extra Blooper in "IN HARM'S WAY" (John Wayne, 1965)(video)

In Otto Preminger's classic WWII epic "In Harm's Way", John Wayne is Admiral "Rock" Torrey.

He arrives aboard his former battleship to give a briefing on the Pacific situation.

But one of the extras is a step ahead of him.

Anticipating another actor's line, he'll mouth the words "Attention, gentlemen" along with him as Wayne enters the room.

Maybe he wants to get paid extra for a "speaking part"!

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

VERY Risque' Joke in 1934 John Wayne Western "BLUE STEEL" (video)

It may not seem like much now, but in 1934...

...this would've been a pretty daring scene.

The punchline DEFINITELY would've raised a few eyebrows.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Monday, December 2, 2024

Estelita, Charlita, and John Wayne* (video)

*(And Howard Hawks and William Beaudine)

Cuban actress Estelita Rodriguez appeared with John Wayne in Howard Hawks' "Rio Bravo" (1958).

In 1966, Estelita co-starred in "Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter"...which was directed by William Beaudine.

Beaudine had earlier directed Bela Lugosi, along with Sammy Petrillo and Duke Mitchell in "Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla" (1952), featuring actress Charlita.

Beaudine also directed "Billy the Kid Meets Dracula" in 1966--again with Charlita. 

And in 1967, Charlita appeared with John Wayne in Howard Hawks' "Rio Bravo" remake, "El Dorado." 

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

John Wayne Loses His Toupee In "NORTH TO ALASKA" (1960) (video)


While John Wayne rarely wore a toupee in his private life...

...he was never without it in his later films and personal appearances.

But we get a rare glimpse of his thinning pate in NORTH TO ALASKA (1960)...

...when a punch from Ernie Kovacs sends both hat and hairpiece flying.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Modern Vehicle Blooper In John Ford's "Fort Apache" (John Wayne, 1948) (video)

Right around the one-hour mark in John Ford's western cavalry classic "Fort Apache" (1948)...

...the camera pans right along a line of mounted Indian warriors. 

When it stops, watch the lower right of the screen... catch a modern vehicle driving by in full view.  Oops!

Originally posted on 6/1/19
I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Thursday, September 14, 2023

John Wayne: The Singing Cowboy (video)

John Wayne as "Singin' Sandy"?

Here are some of the attempts by various movie studios in the 30s to turn John Wayne into a singing cowboy.  (Dubbed, that is.)

Scenes used are from:

"Riders of Destiny" (1933)
"Westward Ho!" (1935)
"Lawless Range" (1935)
"Man From Utah" (1934)

Originally posted on 11/26/18
I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #45: Ferry Crossing, "True Grit" (1969) (video)

Grizzed old lawman Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne)...

...and a callow Texas Ranger (Glen Campbell)...

...forbid young Mattie Ross (Kim Darby) to join the hunt for the man who killed her father.

But the determined girl is not so easily left behind.

Originally posted on 7/28/19
I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Monday, September 11, 2023

7 Times John Wayne Got Killed In A Movie (video)

7 Times John Wayne Got Killed In A Movie


Reap the Wild Wind (1942)
Fighting Seabees (1944)
Wake of the Red Witch (1948)
Sands of Iwo Jima (1949)
The Alamo (1960)
The Cowboys (1972)
The Shootist (1976)

Originally posted on 5/23/18
I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Monday, August 21, 2023

Three Extras Killed Filming "Noah's Ark" (1928) (video)

During the key flood sequence, safety was ignored in favor of spectacle.

Extras were not warned of the severity of the water that would engulf them.
These included a young Marion "Duke" Morrison (John Wayne).

While the stars were doing their closeups...
...the unwary extras were being deluged by deadly torrents of water.

Their fear is real as they scramble for their lives.

Several extras were seriously injured.
Three of them were killed. 


Originally posted on 8/31/18
I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

SANTA FE STAMPEDE -- Movie Review by Porfle


Originally posted on 4/14/21


Currently watching: SANTA FE STAMPEDE (1938), starring John Wayne, Max Terhune, and Ray "Crash" Corrigan as "The 3 Mesquiteers."

This horse opera is no better or worse than a lot of Duke's "B" westerns from the 30s, which means it's mildly enjoyable while also being wholly unremarkable.  

(I won't mention the fact that there aren't even any cattle in the movie, and thus no titular "stampede.")


The plot is the usual stuff about a town bigwig with a sinister plot to make a bundle of easy money at the expense of innocent townsfolk, with Duke getting wrongly accused of murder in the bargain.

The thing that sets it apart is that something happens midway through that's so shocking, and such a horrific downer, that it casts a pall of tragedy over the rest of the film from which it never recovers.

It's so bad, in fact, that seeing the main villain get punched unconscious by our hero at the end doesn't even begin to give us the vengeance we crave.


Nor does the traditional weak bit of comedy relief at the fadeout seem in any way appropriate for characters who should still be in a state of profound grief and outrage.

Probably the most noteworthy thing about it is that only a scant year later, John Wayne would finally become a major Hollywood star in John Ford's classic STAGECOACH.

But just as the horrific passenger plane crash in DIE HARD 2 lingered over that film's attempts at a feelgood ending, SANTA FE STAMPEDE's mid-film shocker plunges a hot branding iron through its modest enjoyment value.


Thursday, February 3, 2022

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #69: He Won't Feel It, "EL DORADO" (1966) (video)


Ace gunman Cole Thornton returns to town to find...

...his friend the marshall (Robert Mitchum) has become the town drunk.

Their reunion is not a pleasant one!

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!



Tuesday, February 1, 2022

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #68: You Know A Girl, "EL DORADO" (1966) (video)


John Wayne plays aging gunfighter Cole Thornton...

...who, to the surprise of his skeptical young friend Mississippi (James Caan)...

...does, indeed, know a girl (Charlene Holt).

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Beautiful Acoustic Guitar Theme For "RIO LOBO" (John Wayne, 1970) (video)


A beautiful opening theme by genius film composer Jerry Goldsmith...

...delicately played on acoustic guitar...

...provides an unusual overture for this vintage Howard Hawks/John Wayne western.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Sunday, July 18, 2021

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #66: Measuring Up, "RIO GRANDE" (1950) (video)


John Wayne plays the no-nonsense commander of an embattled cavalry regiment.

Claude Jarman, Jr. is his estranged son, a rookie soldier...

...who joined up after flunking out of West Point.

They both have a lot of measuring up to do.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Saturday, July 17, 2021

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #65: Empty Gun Bluff, "ANGEL AND THE BADMAN" (1947) (video)


Quirt Evans (John Wayne) finds himself with an empty pistol...

...just when his mortal enemy Laredo (Bruce Cabot) shows up with two gun hands.

With an innocent Quaker family looking on, including his new love Penny (Gail Russell)...

...Quirt must rely on sheer nerve to bluff his way through the situation.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Saturday, April 24, 2021

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #64: Four-Buck Shirt, "BIG JIM MCLAIN" (1952)(video)


Big Jim (John Wayne) knows how to talk to a lady (Veda Ann Borg).

But Poke (Hal Baylor) doesn't share his verbal finesse...

...and requires an on-the-nose lesson in etiquette.

John Wayne
Veda Ann Borg
Hal Baylor

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Friday, April 17, 2020

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #63: The Conversation Kinda Dried Up, "THE UNDEFEATED" (1969) (video)

John Wayne plays a former Union officer leading a cattle drive into Mexico...

...and Rock Hudson is an unbowed Confederate officer leading a group of diehard rebels.

When they join forces against a band of ruthless Mexican bandidos...

...their attempt to negotiate with the leader

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Monday, March 30, 2020

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #62: Here's My Word, "THE COWBOYS" (1972) (video)

John Wayne plays rancher Wil Andersen, whose entire crew of cowboys just quit... go off searching for gold just when a major cattle drive is about to begin.

They give him their word they'll return if they don't strike gold.

Then he gives them HIS word.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!


Thursday, March 19, 2020

John Wayne's Coolest Scenes #61: Wedding, "The Fighting Kentuckian" (1949) (video)


John Wayne and Oliver Hardy were a historic pairing in this lively western.

Vera Ralston made for a lovely leading lady.

The ending finds Duke, Ollie, and Vera in a heartwarming wedding scene.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!