Showing posts with label Not Bayonet Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Not Bayonet Week. Show all posts

Friday, October 23, 2009

October Revolution Week, Day 8!

"In Russia, Week Has Eight Days of You!"

Ugh. I apologize for that.

Anyhoo, moving on to more of this NOT IN ANY WAY A BAYONET WEEK, we have another one from our old friend(s) Kukryniksy:

Silly Russians. Hitler didn't *have* a heart.

"Strike in his heart!"

And strike in my heart they did.

Mark carpetbombed my heart when he sent me this link.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October Revolution Week, Day 6!

That's right. Despite evidence to the contrary, this is October Revolution Week, NOT Bayonet Week, part deux.

What is that, a haiku?

"Our blows become stronger every day,
East will be Hitler's grave, and West will be his trap."

Once again, I restate: Mark, who is CLEARLY an avowed Communist who hates the troops, provided the link for this.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October Revolution Week, Day 4?

Yeah, I know I haven't called it that yet, but it's October, and I've been tossing out Russian Propaganda Posters like it's my job.

God how I wish it were my job.

Look, the original Bayonet Fortnight aged me ten years. Don't put me through that again!

This one has the benefit of also doubling as a bayonet picture (I am NOT doing another week of those..).

The poster translates as "Decisive Step." If Hitler really was deciding to step into a whole mess o' bayonets, I sure as hell wouldn't stop him.

Thanks to Mark. Like all the posters this week, it's from this link he sent me.