It was in the year of '79
Dee Dee Ramone lay on his leathered back
Saturday smack addled shine
No whiskey did he lack
He stepped on board a vision
And followed with some gin
And ended up in Germany
Near the border of Berlin
He watched the marching army
Baffled at their clothes
Thought that he'd gone barmy
Seeing the Nazi pose
He walked the streets for hours
Then stopped at the Reichstag doors
The guards were simply cowards
Ran at the set of his jaw
He put on his jet black shades
Motorcycle boots on polished floor
A one man commando raid
Looking good for sure
Dee Dee sneered at the day
A moustached creep screamed
"Sieg heil! Actung! Danke schon! Away"
As on the fireplace he leaned
Easily caught and quickly taught
A lesson or two in place
Hitler brought up short
Dee Dee pulled out his razor bass
Yes, he caught the little turd
Punched Adolf after the chase
Singing 53rd & 3rd
As he banged the bass in his bloody face
The Ramone hit him for ages
Kicked his jackbooted arse
As Hitler had his impotent rages
As the sunshine turned to dark
Blood's never looked so pretty
As when it came from Hitler's shin
Dee Dee awoke in New York City
Many miles from Berlin
Gabba Gabba Heil?