Showing posts with label Greatest Generation Punching Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greatest Generation Punching Hitler. Show all posts

Monday, March 15, 2010

GIs Shooting

Hey, remember this?

Here it is in action:

Great Generation...or GREATEST Generation?
I want one.

Thanks to Olaf.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I meant to put this one up ages ago:

I support this troop.
Click to enlarge.

Originally found here.

Hit tip to Mark.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Blow Him Sky High, Boys!

Our fighting men may have struggled mightily to defeat the greatest evil the world has ever known, but that didn't mean they couldn't have fun along the way.

I would love to see Droopy take on Hitler.
The caricatures on the bomb were drawn by legendary cartoon director Tex Avery, which is pretty amazing. I'd be lucky to get a fill-in artist from Tiny Toons for my gag bomb.

This was submitted by rcs, who discovered it here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Well, I'm Spent...

After a patriotic week of smacking Hitler around, what's left to do but desecrate his memory?

If you couldn't make it in time to punch him, by all means at least tear him up.
See you tomorrow!

Thanks to rcs for this photo.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Love Noseart!

Which is apparently what I'm about to show you is called.

So, yesterday, Supes gave Hitler a Kryptonian Knuckle Sandwich. But we all know Ma and Pa Kent didn't raise no lawless vigilante, so the next logical step would be for him to take Adolf to the proper authorities:

I hope Hitler got tons of bugs in his teeth, if not a birdstrike to the forehead.
And what better way than to fly on the nose of a bomber? I submit there is none.

According to this website, the proper credits for this picture are:

Lt. Hiram O Bevins, 61st Fighter Squadron. P-47C 41-6232 HV-B. Detail view of artwork situated on fuselage.

Photo: Fred Christensen via Sam Sox

Oh, and get this: a very fuzzy picture of Supes punching Hitler or the other side!

Hat tip: Olaf

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bayonet Week, Day Five!

I look at this picture and think to myself:

''Ma'am, would you say the mustache was more 'Chaplin' or more 'Oliver Hardy?'''

Truly, this is why they are the GREATEST GENERATION.

And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Also, is it just me, or did a police sketch artist draw that target? It looks like an unfinished sketch of the Unabomber doing a Chaplin impression.

Olaf again with this picture of soldiers on a Pullman train methodically planning for the very real possibility that Hitler would be on the business end of one of their M-1 Garand's.