Life is what happens when you are making other plans~ John Lennon
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind~Gandhi
The time is always right to do what is right~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Showing posts with label fears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fears. Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 10: 10 Random Things About You

Day 10, here are 10 random things about me

I love cows and ducks
-IDK why, I just think they're so cute!

I hate spiders
-They scare me!

One band I really like the music of is Rush
-I happen to think that Geddy Lee is a very attractive guy for his age

I will soon have my license
-Yup, I've been practicing and I will soon be a licensed driver!

I'm planning on going to a concert this summer
-If I can swing it, hopefully I'll have a good paying job, a car and some money. I really want to see Rush when they come to Cincinnati as part of their 2013 Clockwork Angels tour

Some say that I'm a reincarnated hippie
-Who's to say they're wrong? For all I know, I might be...

I want to travel
-This is already painfully obvious

I want to learn some foreign languages
-I'm a nerd; what can I say?

I think Kelly Hansen of Foreigner and Tommy Thayer of Kiss are cute
-What can I say? They're both very attractive men

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo
-Possibly Japanese symbols, maybe something Irish, who knows?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 7: 7 Fears

I'm not really sure if I have 7 fears. But here are some of them

-I hate these stupid bugs! I'm scared to death of these horrible little creatures. They leave webs everywhere, and when you walk into them, you suddenly turn into a martial arts expert, because you're swatting at invisible stuff

Black Widow. If I see one of these nearby, I really should be worrying. The females with the red hourglass are the dangerous ones!
Having my heart broken
-I've never been in love, but one thing I do fear is having my heart broken
-I don't want to go until it's my time. I got waaaay too much to do to bite the big one!

Going to my high school reunion
-I'm a little nervous, thinking about what might happen...

And that's all I seem to have for fears

Thursday, March 14, 2013

10 Day Challenge

I've found this interesting little 10 day challenge on the internet. Here's how it goes. Each day, you put something
  1. Day 1: 1 person you can trust
  2. Day 2: 2 things you wish you could do
  3. Day 3: 3 words you can't go without using
  4. Day 4: 4 memories u can't forget
  5. Day 5: 5 things you can't live without
  6. Day 6: 6 songs you're addicted to
  7. Day 7: 7 fears
  8. Day 8: 8 things that annoy you
  9. Day 9: 9 things you do everyday
  10. Day 10: 10 random facts about you
I found it on Tumblr, in case anyone is curious.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Different Phobias

-Basically to be considered a phobia, the thing you fear must be big enough to interrupt every day life. Because if not, it's just a fear.

Here are some different types of phobias.

Ablutophobia- fear of bathing, washing, cleaning
Achluophobia- fear of darkness
Acrophobia- fear of heights
Agoraphobia- fear of leaving a safe place
Agraphobia- fear of sexual contact
Agrizoophobia- fear of wild animals
Agryophobia- fear of crossing the road
Aichmophobia- fear of sharp, pointed objects
Ailurophobia- fear of cats
Androphobia- fear of men
Anthrophobia- fear of flowers
Aquaphobia- fear of water
Anthropophobia- fear of people or company of people
Arachnaphobia-fear of spiders
Astraphobia- fear of thunder, lightning
Autophobia- fear of being alone, isolated
Aviophobia- fear of flying

Chaetophobia- fear of hair
Chiroptophobia- fear of bats
Claustrophobia- fear of enclosed spacesd
Coulrophobia- fear of clowns

Dentophobia- fear of dentists

Emetophobia- fear of vomiting
Erotophobia- fear of sexual love or sexual abuse
Ebulliophobia- fear of bubbles

Gamophobia- fear of marriage or commitment
Gelotophobia- fear of being laughed at
Gephyrophobia- fear of bridges
Gymnophobia- fear of nudity
Gynophobia- fear of women

Homophobia- fear of homosexuals aka homophobic
Hydrophobia- fear of water
Hylophobia- fear of trees, woods, forests
Hypnophobia- fear of sleep
Hemophobia- fear of blood

Icthyophobia- fear of fish

Mysophobia- fear of dirt, germs, contamination

Necrophobia- fear of death
Nosocomephobia- fear of hospitals
Nosophobia- fear of contracting a disease

Ocholophobia- fear of crowds
Ombrophobia- fear of rain

Parasitophobia- fear of parasites

Seismophobia- fear of earthquakes
Spectrophobia- fear of gohsts, phantoms
Stygiophobia- fear of Hell

Thermophobia- fear of heat
Thanatophobia- fear of death
Tokophobia- fear of childbirth, pregnancy

Animal Phobias

Apiphobia- fear of bees
Cynophobia- fear of dogs
Mottephobia- fear of butterflies
Ornithophobia- fear of birds

Prejudices and Discriminations

Anglophobia- fear of/dislike of England or English culture
Biphobia- fear of/dislike of bisexuals
Sinophobia- fear of/dislike of Chinese
Pedophobia- fear of/dislike of children
Nipponophobia- fear of/dislike of Japanese
Judeophobia- fear of/dislike of Jews

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Music Lovers

Hello everyone out there in the world. My name is Caitlin Clark, I'm 19 and this is my 2nd year at Gateway Community and Technical College. I'm a huge multi-tasker, I'm the kind of person who likes to listen to music, eat food, drink something and work on the computer ALL at the same time. In fact, I'm multitasking now. Unfortunately, multitasking isn't always good. One of the major goals for the near future for me is to graduate with an Associates Degree in Graphic Design.

One of the long time goals for me is to travel the world, I would like to learn a few foreign languages as well, for some interesting reason, I would like to learn how to speak Chinese and Japanese, some think that I'm nuts, because they will say that those languages are difficult. I have also had my share of quirky moments, like when I was born, I had to have tubes put into my ears to prevent the once-a-month seizures that I would often have. This one doctor told my parents that I was mentally challenged because I could walk or talk. What really worried and angered my parents is that one day, when I was at a daycare center, I had a seizure and the employees sent me to the hospital alone in the ambulance. My parents were very angry that day.

I'm not sure if anyone else shares my taste in music, but the kind of music I listen to is any type. I'm a die hard fan of R&B, like Rihanna, Stevie Wonder, Seal, Marvin Gaye, British Invasion era music, like The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Latin music like Shakira, Enrique Iglesias, Carlos Santana, Country music, like Carrie Underwood, Tim McGraw, Reba McEntire, rock music, like Aerosmith, Foreigner, VanHalen. My favorite band is The Rolling Stones, mainly because they have been around for a long time, at least since the 1960's. My favorite members of that band are the drummer, Charlie Watts, the guitarist Ronnie Wood, the lead singer Mick Jagger. This band and The Beatles some would say redefined rock music or something like that.

When I graduate, I hope to be good enough to go into a job like creating CD covers for famous bands/artists or creating video games or even advertising because those kinds of jobs I enjoy a lot. One really quirky thing about me is that I'm afraid of spiders. I am proud to admit that I'm an arachnophobia kind of  person, because in the woods behind my house, we have some poisonous spiders living in the woods near the train tracks. We had to actually call the Poison Control Center about this one spider in our backyard because y dad thought because it was brown that it was a brown recluse spider. Something that many people may not know about me is that I have a step-dad who is Italian. This one guy I graduated with seems to be convinced that my step-dad is with the mob because he's Italian. I told him "that's not right, that's stereotyping!" This is pretty cool to me because I love going to visit his mom. She cracks me up because sometimes she'll hear one thing and say another. She can't hear very well and if she hears someone say one thing, she hear it as another.

But I love visiting her and I also found out that my step-dad Greg has a friend named Frank that works over at Great American Ballpark, in the Concierge Service. He makes sure that when someone comes to town and they attend a Reds game, that they'll be satisfied with their visit. I'm personally glad that I'm out of high school because according to most people, senior year is supposed to be the best year of your life, the key word being SUPPOSED. Senior year for me was okay, but it seemed like an episode of Jersey Shore, only there 2 Italian guys that I graduated with instead of a lot, and a lot more drama! People seemed to bully me that year a lot for some odd reason. It seemed that only me and a few other people, mostly people in the band who shared similar music tastes. According to my mom, she is convinced that I'm a reincarnated hippie because of the way I act, dress, talk, because of my nonviolent ways. It's not that I'm nonviolent, it's just that I don't believe violence solves anything. It makes everything worse. I mean, you see how that ended up, look at all the wars we have ended up in! It also seems that in my dad's family, racial biasing runs rampant like a disease. I don't mean to sound rude about it, but it is the truth! My dad's cousin Laura and Robin were actually hoping Obama didn't make the presidential office! But anyhow, I'm pretty dull, the only thing I have interesting to say is that I'm in college and hoping to get a part time job, maybe at somewhere like Hot Topic at the Florence Mall or at the Newport Aquarium or at a bookstore, perfect job for a bookworm like me, especially someone who enjoys reading as much as I do!
That is just about everything about me! That's my life in a nutshell basically. I'm like a book, I can sometimes be boring, or at other times be interesting. Believe me, when I have about 3 cups of coffee running through my system, you should really see me then. I'm probably hilarious on caffeine.