If you {heart} Close To My Heart, then this challenge blog is for you! Please read our revised rules, above.
Showing posts with label Friday Five. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday Five. Show all posts

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Five and DT CALL

It's time for a new Friday Five but I want to start out today's post with information on applying for the next round of Design Team members!

The current members will be ending their term on December 13th so it's time to find new members!! Do you have what it takes? Here are the requirements to consider before applying:
* You must be a current Close To My Heart consultant (Junior consultants are welcome).

* You agree to be a member of the Design Team for a term of 4 months.

* You must have a blog and be willing to join a Yahoo Group set up specifically for team members.

* You must be able to participate in every week's challenge (posted by 6:00 am on Monday mornings) and have your artwork for each challenge posted to the DT Yahoo Group the Saturday before the challenge begins.

* You must be willing to post your artwork on any other boards/galleries you belong to and advertise our challenge blog whenever and where ever you can so we can continually grow in numbers of participants. We currently have a group at Paper Craft Planet and on Facebook that I would like DT members to join but this is optional.

* You will be expected to participate in any extra programs that we may decide upon as a team (for example, the past 4 for 40 program). You are also expected to weigh in on your choices of winners in weekly awards (a new version of Friday Five - more details to come).
* You will be expected to visit the blogs of the challenge participants and leave comments.

What will you get in return?

* Committment to producing artwork once a week gives you an opportunity to create on a regular basis!

* Increased blog traffic which will hopefully lead to an increase in your business!

* Fun and fellowship with the entire team and a chance to meet new consultants and CTMH fans!

Now who couldn't use a little of that?

To apply, please send an email to me at mbryt1@bex.net .

You must include the following:

* Name, address, phone number, email address, blog address, website address (if you have a website).

* A brief bio telling me how long you have been with CTMH, a little about your stamping/scrapbooking background, and anything you would like to share about your family or hobbies, for instance.

* Please tell me if you have ever had any experience on any other Design Teams

* Tell me why you would like to be on this team.

* Tell me what your favorite type of challenges are.

* You MUST send 3 samples of your best CTMH artwork. These do not have to be elaborate but they must be well done, attractive and clean.

The deadline to apply is December 24th and new members will be notified December 30th and announced on the blog on January 3rd. The first challenge for the new team will be January 10th.

Ok, now on to our fabulous Friday Five! Take a look at these awesome creations based on last week's sketch:

Gorgeous work everyone! I will be sending out your badge info soon.
There is only one more challenge coming up this Monday so be sure to play along this week and next! We will then be taking a little break until the new year and there will be a whole new look and surprises planned for everyone when we resume in 2011!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thankful for our Friday Five - and ALL of you!

Last week we saw some beautiful expressions of thanks created by our fabulous players. Thanks to each of you for playing along and making Heart 2 Heart Challenges a fun blog!

As it always is, narrowing down our choices to just five was no easy feat but we have finally made our decisions and this week's Friday Five are:

And can I just say that blue was a theme among these "thanks" cards... must be the "in" color! All are lovely! Congratulations ladies! Click the photo to see the entire project.

I will be sending out your badge information this evening - Michele and Brenda - I do not have your email address. If you need a badge code, please contact me at mbryt1@bex.net

Still time to play along this week! We are looking forward to seeing your creations!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our Girly Friday Five!

Sorry for the late post - out of town company for the holiday will do that to ya! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving (also known as Thursday to our non-American friends!)

Here are our top 5 girly artwork picks - enjoy!

Congratulations, ladies! Your Friday Five badge information will be in your email this morning. If you don't receive it, drop me an email at mbryt1@bex.net.

A new challenge will be posted Monday but there's still time to play along with our Thank You card challenge! See you soon!

Friday, November 19, 2010

This Friday Five is in great shape!

Our shapely Friday Five really wowed us this week - congrats ladies! Here they are - click the picture to see the whole project!

Nice job everyone! Tiffany, please contact me at mbryt1@bex.net so I can send you the FFive badge information.

Keep on playing with this week's challenge - there will be another Friday Five announced next week!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Five - evening edition

Sorry to be posting so late today - it was a packed day of work, house "stuff" and a dinner auction to attend this evening. But I have a great Friday Five to congratulate so let's get to it before Friday slips away!

Great way to use our color pallette, everyone! And a special congratulations to our top five! Be sure to click on the photos to see their entire project!

Angie - I need your email address in order to send you your Friday Five blog badge - email me at mbryt1@bex.net.

There's still time to enter this week's "shaped card" challenge. You might just be in the next Friday Five!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Not-so-Spooky Friday Five!

Last week, our challenge was to create a Halloween project or one that featured pumpkins and wow, did we have a great turn-out! Thanks to everyone who played along!

The DT had lots of nominations for the top five but we finally narrowed it down to the following entries:

Congratulations everyone! Your badge info will be sent to you soon.

Don't forget our current color challenge - it might be your turn in the Friday Five next week! And watch for the introduction of our next Guest DT coming soon!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Impressed with another Friday Five!

Time to announce another Friday Five! These are the favorite embossing projects as chosen by the Design Team. Click the photos to get a full image view of these lovely creations:

Congratulations ladies - beautiful artwork! Your Friday Five badge info will be sent out later today.

Are you in the next Friday Five? You could be but you have to play along! There's still time to enter your Halloween (or pumpkin) project - deadline is Sunday night at 10 pm EST.

See you Monday with another new challenge!

Friday, October 22, 2010

"Leave" it to our Friday Fivers!

We had so many TREE-mendous entries in our Trees and Leaves week and we had so many nominees for our Friday Five that it was a really difficult decision narrowing our choices down! But a call was finally made and I hope you will congratulate the following talented winners:

Fabulous work, ladies!

If you were not in this week's Friday Five, there's another chance this week! Check out the current challenge and enter before 10 pm EST Sunday night!

See you Monday with a new challenge!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Five - the Evening Edition

Sorry for being so late posting today - time just got away from me! (and I had shopping to do so spending money came first...lol). So without further ado, here are our top picks for the H2H sketch challenge week:

Click on the photo to see the whole project - they are all definitely worth checking out! Congratulations ladies! Your Friday Five badge info will be in your email (Jody, I don't have your email - let me know if you need the badge info).

That's it for me - the family is starving so duty calls! There is still time to enter this week's challenge for 4 awesome cards from Design Team member Jamia so keep the entries coming!

See you Monday with a new challenge, new sponsor and new Guest DT!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sentimentally Yours Friday Five

Using sentiments as a main image can be a bit of a challenge but you all rose up and met it head on - and beautifully! Here are our five favorites for the week:

To see these projects in their entirety, click the photo.

Congratulations! All of the Friday Five winners will receive a badge they can proudly display on their blogs and they all have a chance to be the next Guest Design Team member!

Our challenge this week is a sketch - we hope you'll play along!