Showing posts with label social studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social studies. Show all posts

Friday, April 28, 2017

3.34 Spelling & Vocabulary (Week of May 1)

First and foremost, thank you all for your help in making our Milestones testing week successful!

These spelling and vocabulary words have been uploaded to so feel free to practice and have some fun there.

3.34 Spelling: Prefixes hyper-, micro-, mega-
Write your words in your agenda Monday.  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  Be sure to know the meaning of each word and how to spell it correctly.
            You will choose your own bonus word(s) this week.  What other words use these prefixes?  Your test will be Friday (20 words total).

1.     hyperactive
2.     hypersensitive
3.     hyperextend
4.     hyperthermia
5.     hyperventilate
6.     hyperbole
7.     microscope
8.     microphone
9.     microbe
10. microwave
11. microcosm
12. megabyte
13. megaphone
14. megalopolis
15. megadose

Vocabulary: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to apply them to reading passages.  Your test will be Friday.

1.     condescending: (adj) having a superior or patronizing quallity
2.     derogatory: (adj) putting down or disparaging someone else
3.     excruciating: (adj) unbearably painful and intense
4.     consequence: (noun) result, outcome of an event, often negative
5.     disregard: (verb) to ignore or pay little attention
6.     mortified: (verb) humiliated, degraded, or shamed
7.     crow*: (noun) a large bird with shiny black feathers; (verb) to make a sound like a rooster’s call; to make a loud, happy sound
8.     frenzied: (adj) in a static of panic or mania
9.     resonate: (verb) to sound good, strike a chord, or echo

*to eat crow: (idiomatic expression) to be forced to admit to having made a mistake, to suffer humiliation
*as the crow flies: (idiomatic expression) in a straight line; the most direct route

NO IRA this week. 

Upcoming Events:
5/1     Tour the Art Show

5/5     Social Studies Workbook Elenanor Roosevelt chapter must be completed by Friday.  You will have class time to work on it.  

5/12   Last day to turn in Box Tops for this school year!

5/16   Field Day (afternoon)

5/17   Cook/Dyer Field Trip to the Chattanooga Aquarium & IMAX Theater (Pick up students at 4:30!  No afternoon bus transportation home!)

5/22   End-of-Year PARTY!

5/24   Last day of school (half day early release)

Monday, March 27, 2017

3.30 Prefixes inter- and sub-; Cesar Chavez

3.30 Spelling: Prefixes inter- and sub-
Write your words in your agenda Tuesday.  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (Dividing these words into syllables would be very beneficial.) 
            You will choose your own bonus word(s) this week.  What other words use these prefixes?  Your test will be Friday (20 words total).

1.     international
2.     interact
3.     interchange
4.     interconnect
5.     intersect
6.     interfere
7.     intercept
8.     intermediate
9.     subtotal
10. subfloor
11. submerge
12. subway
13. subtitle
14. suburban
15. subheading

Vocabulary: Cesar Chavez
            Use a dictionary,, or to write down what each vocabulary word means.  (If you do not finish in class Monday, then you need to finish for homework Monday night.)  Use the back if necessary.
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to be able to use them correctly in a sentence and identify examples of each.  Your test will be Friday.

1.     boycott:  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.     strike: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.     citizen: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.     migrant: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

5.     labor union: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.     overcome: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

NO IRA this week.  Finish “Coffee & Tea” reading comprehension and turn in no later than Friday.

Upcoming Events:
3/28   Hat Day to benefit St. Jude’s
4/3-7  Second Penny Drive to benefit St. Jude’s
4/4     Mrs. Dyer’s surgery; Mrs. Wesche to begin subbing
4/7     Diary of a Wimpy Kid Day!
4/8-16 Spring Break

Friday, March 10, 2017

Week 28: Prefixes pre- and fore-; "Who Was Franklin Roosevelt?"

3.28 Spelling: Prefixes pre- and fore-
Write your words in your agenda Monday.  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (Dividing these words into syllables would be very beneficial.) 
            You will choose your own bonus word this week.  What other words use these prefixes?  Your test will be THURSDAY (no school Friday for students).

1.     foreman
2.     foreword
3.     forefathers
4.     foresight
5.     forethought
6.     foreshadow
7.     forecast
8.     prepare
9.     predict
10. prefix
11. preface
12. prehistoric
13. precede
14. preseason
15. preposition

Vocabulary: Who Was Franklin Roosevelt?
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to be able to use them correctly in a sentence and identify examples of each.  Your test will be THURSDAY (no school Friday).

1.     widow:  (n) a woman whose husband has died
2.     widower: (n) a man whose wife has died
3.     agony: (n) recurring pain
4.     engagement: (n) the promise of marriage in the future
5.     era: (n) a long period of time when something specific is happening
6.     cause: (v) to make happen
7.     cause: (n) a problem that you care about and want to fix; something that you are very emotional about and want to change
8.     champion: (n) the winner of a tournament; someone who fights for a cause
9.     champion: (v) to fight for someone or something else
10. advantage: (n) something good that helps you succeed

NO IRA this week.  Finish your original fairy/folk tale and submit by 3/16!

Upcoming Events:
3/14   Something Special!
3/16   Picture Day (Class & Individual); Original fairy/folk tale due (We have been working on these in class.)
3/17 & 3/20   No school for students

Penny Drive
Collection 1 : March 13-March 24                                         Collection 2 : March 28-April 4
All money will go to

to help children with CANCER and Cancer research!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Hero Project

The kids are very excited about our upcoming HERO project!  We will be learning about 10 American heroes: Paul Revere, Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Mary McLeod Bethune, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Thurgood Marshall, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Cesar Chavez.

In addition, we will be having a HERO DAY in February or March where the students will teach us about their hero.  Their hero cannot be one of the 10 we are studying AND they must read a book about their hero.  (Yes, that does limit them somewhat.)  I will be sending home complete details about their project later in the month, but I wanted to share their excitement with you.  I hope you have some great discussions at home about what a hero is and who your heroes are!

While there is no need to start on the project, I wanted you to know what they have been told and to reassure you that you will be getting clear instructions later.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thurs. 12/1

Please finish the Three Branches of Government "infographic" if you didn't get finished in class today.  Study for tomorrow's government test: levels and branches of government.

IXL Pilot

Mrs. Cook and I are piloting a computer program called IXL.  The company states "IXL is an immersive K-12 learning experience that provides comprehensive, standards-aligned content for math, language arts, science, and social studies."

The kids really enjoyed working there today and earning badges for their progress!  I like that it will reteach if they continue to miss the skill.  (Of course they have to read the reteaching portion!)  I also like that I can see at a glance which kids have successfully mastered skills and who is struggling.

To access our IXL pilot (through the end of December), go to  The student usernames are their first initial last name @uces1 (so Sally Student would be sstudent@uces1) and their password is their 5-digit number without the UC at the end.

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Monday, November 28, 2016

This Week's ELA & More: Government

3.15 Spelling: Government

Spelling practice bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (See the Spelling & Vocabulary tab on Mrs. Dyer’s blog at if you need ideas.)
Don’t forget about practicing at

1.     government
2.     federal
3.     national
4.     state
5.     local
6.     leader
7.     president
8.     governor
9.     mayor
10. Congress
11. capitol
12. representative
13. senator
14. judge
15. consequence

3.15 Vocabulary: Government
Vocabulary practice bonuses are due no later than this Thursday.  Don’t forget about
*Your test Friday will have a total of 10 words (this week’s words plus review words).  

1.     law: a rule or set of rules

2.     leader: one who leads or guides others

3.     democracy: government by the people

4.     veto: exercise authority to stop a bill

5.     Constitution: the supreme law of the United States of America

6.     checks and balances: a system set up by the U.S. Constitution to keep the branches of government equal

7.     justice: fair behavior or treatment; a judge in the Supreme Court

IRA (Independent Reading Activity): Text-to-Self Connections
            We are learning about the three different types of connections that readers make as they read: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world.  As you read in your independent reading book this week, write down at least one “text-to-self” connection.  Describe the passage in the story and how you connect to that passage.  Turn in the connections assignment by Friday.  (Copy given out Monday.)  Don’t forget to include your book’s title.

Levels and Branches of Government Test Friday!

            You need to know the three levels of government, who the leaders are at each level, and at least one responsibility of each level.  You also need to know the three branches of government, the people in each branch, where each branch is located, and at least one responsibility of each branch.  Why do we have three branches of government?