Showing posts with label for parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label for parents. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Milestones Info & More

Next week, 3rd graders will take the Georgia end-of-grade tests, the Milestones.  You have worked hard all year and are ready for these tests!

Here are some ideas to think about before you take a test.
• Get plenty of rest and eat right. Take care of your body and your mind will do the rest.
• If you are worried about a test, don’t be. Talk with a teacher, parent, or friend about what is expected of you.
• Review the things you have learned all year long. Feel good about it.
• Remember that a test is just one look at what you know. Your class work, projects, and other tests will also show your teachers how much you have learned throughout the year.

Most importantly,
• Take your time!  There are no prizes for finishing first or finishing early.  Use all the time you are given because you will have to sit there with the test anyway.
• Read the questions (and answer choices) carefully before you answer.
• Try your best!

Our testing schedule is:
Monday, 4/24: Writing (70-90 minutes to write an information essay, opinion piece, or narrative story)
*Students should write A LOT today!  Their response is expected to be more than a paragraph!

Tuesday, 4/25: English/Language Arts (TWO 60-75 minute sessions)
*Students will read passages and answer questions about them.

Wednesday, 4/26: Math (60-85 minutes)

Thursday, 4/27: Math (60-85 minutes)

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Friday, December 2, 2016


The field of education LOVES to use initials for everything, and this can be really confusing at times!  You may see grades with the initials beside them, so here's an explanation of some of my "codes."

You've probably already figured out SP = spelling, SS = social studies, and WB = workbook...

RC = Reading Comprehension
Basically anytime the students read a passage and answer questions, I add RC to the assignment name.

DRW = Digital Readworks
Feel free to click on the link to check it out!  Mrs. Cook and I assign articles for students to read and then answer questions.  It is one of my favorite ways to get ready for the End-of-Grade Milestones test because not only do students read online and answer multiple choice questions, they also have to type short answers and even paragraph responses.  (The Milestones test will ask them to do the very same thing!)

A really cool feature of the typed responses is that when I read/grade them, I have the choice of correct, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, or incorrect.  (The Milestones test will scores responses on a similar scale.)

I can assign different articles on similar topics or the kids can all read the same article.

SRA = Scholastic Reading
This is the big green box on the counter near the book shelf.  The students were assigned a color based on their reading level.  They read 3-5 cards and answer the questions on the card.  If they make three 100s, they automatically "level up" to the next level.  Once they prove successful at their level (generally 5 cards total), then they level up.

I track their responses to each section, but the overall grade (circled at the top of the paper & entered in the grade book) is their percentage correct on the entire passage.  

If students are always scoring well then they need to be challenged and their level will increase.  You can expect some "dips" in grades as they practice new skills, but don't panic.  As long as they continue to grow and progress, it "will all come out in the wash" as my mom says.

Please let me know if you have specific concerns about your child and his or her progress!  Also, know that Mrs. Cook and I won't "keep" every grade that we take by the end of the term.  If a child didn't do well on a skill and yet later shows mastery, the "old" grade can be dropped or replaced with the new one.  (Of course we can't do this with every single grade all the time, but knowing the material and showing that knowledge consistently is the most important thing.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday Tidbits

We have lots to share with you this week in purple folders!

*Tomorrow we will go see "Charlotte's Web" at the Fine Arts Center.

*Spirit Week:
Wednesday: WACKY TACKY
Thursday: DECADES DAY (Dress from your favorite decade.)

*Parents are invited to 3rd Grade Fall Showcase at EITHER 2:00 PM (not AM like the paper says) or 5:00 PM in our classroom on Tuesday, October 4.  Please bring your child to the 5:00 session if attending.  Return purple slip by Friday.

*"Voter Registration Forms" are due by October 5 to participate in our classroom election.

*Family pumpkin project is due no later than October 11.  (We would love to have them back by the 4th for our Fall Showcase!)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Charlotte's Web

We will be going to the high school on Wednesday, 9/28, to see the high school production of "Charlotte's Web" at about 8:30.  If you do not want your child to attend for some reason, please let me know.  Thanks!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday Folders

Please sign & return the green progress report and Mrs. Cook's white Donors Choose photo permission along with the front of the purple folders.  Thank you!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday Tidbits

Our principal asked us to share the following information with you:
  • School begins at 8 AM.  Students arriving after 8 AM are considered tardy.  Please walk your child to the front office and sign them in if you arrive tardy to school.
  • Parents are invited and welcome to join their children for lunch one day per week.  Any parent planning to join their child for lunch should send a note to the child's teacher prior to the visit.  The child and visiting parent will sit at the designated "parent table" in the cafeteria.
  • The parent pick up line closes at 3:15 each day.  Please pick your child up by 3:15.  Students who are not picked up by 3:15 will be in the office awaiting parent pick up.  Parents will need to come to the office with photo ID to sign their child out.
  • Picture day is September 22.
PROGRESS REPORTS ARE NOT going home today as scheduled due to some computer glitches.  They will go home next week.  Thanks for your understanding.

Please read This Week's ELA post (click or scroll down), because a new assignment has been introduced, the IRA.  IRAs are due by Friday.

Thank you so very much for your help with Roald Dahl Day from Dahl-icious dress up to scrumdillyumptious snacks!  Photos were posted in Class Dojo.  If you'd like to watch the Roald Dahl Day broadcast, click HERE.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Parent Conferences

If you did not already sign up for a parent conference, we have a few slots available on 9/26 OR we could meet at another time.  Please contact us if you would like a conference.  Thanks!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday Folders

This Tuesday's folder is jam-packed with important info!
  • Please keep the Benchmark Assessments Report for your records.  We will discuss this at our upcoming conference (but of course contact me sooner if you have questions).
  • Consider donating something to our Fall Festival "In Nature's Garden" basket to help 3rd grade.
  • Consider letting your child participate in "Our School Bank" and then return the small form.
  • Sign and return the field trip permission slip to go see a play at Young Harris College.  NO SLIP = NO TRIP (NO EXCEPTIONS!
Tuesday, September 13 is Roald Dahl Day!  Students are encouraged to dress up as one of their favorite Roald Dahl characters.  If you could send in a scrumdillyumptious snack, please let me know!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Open House Presentation

If you were unable to attend Open House or would like to view the presentation that I shared, click HERE.  Please email me if you have any questions!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

For Parents: Building Family Routines

Occasionally when I come across something on the web that I think would be especially beneficial for parents/caregivers, I will post them here for you.  The Sylvan Learning "A Guide for Building the Best Family Routines" might make back-to-school (and the rest of the year) a little less stressful for you and yours.