Next week, 3rd graders will take the Georgia end-of-grade tests, the Milestones. You have worked hard all year and are ready for these tests!
Here are some ideas to think about before you take a test.
• Get plenty of rest and eat right. Take care of your body and your mind will do the rest.
• If you are worried about a test, don’t be. Talk with a teacher, parent, or friend about what is expected of you.
• Review the things you have learned all year long. Feel good about it.
• Remember that a test is just one look at what you know. Your class work, projects, and other tests will also show your teachers how much you have learned throughout the year.
Most importantly,
• Take your time! There are no prizes for finishing first or finishing early. Use all the time you are given because you will have to sit there with the test anyway.
• Read the questions (and answer choices) carefully before you answer.
• Try your best!
Our testing schedule is:
Monday, 4/24: Writing (70-90 minutes to write an information essay, opinion piece, or narrative story)
*Students should write A LOT today! Their response is expected to be more than a paragraph!
Tuesday, 4/25: English/Language Arts (TWO 60-75 minute sessions)
*Students will read passages and answer questions about them.
Wednesday, 4/26: Math (60-85 minutes)
Thursday, 4/27: Math (60-85 minutes)
Please let us know if you have any questions!