Showing posts with label math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label math. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Milestones Info & More

Next week, 3rd graders will take the Georgia end-of-grade tests, the Milestones.  You have worked hard all year and are ready for these tests!

Here are some ideas to think about before you take a test.
• Get plenty of rest and eat right. Take care of your body and your mind will do the rest.
• If you are worried about a test, don’t be. Talk with a teacher, parent, or friend about what is expected of you.
• Review the things you have learned all year long. Feel good about it.
• Remember that a test is just one look at what you know. Your class work, projects, and other tests will also show your teachers how much you have learned throughout the year.

Most importantly,
• Take your time!  There are no prizes for finishing first or finishing early.  Use all the time you are given because you will have to sit there with the test anyway.
• Read the questions (and answer choices) carefully before you answer.
• Try your best!

Our testing schedule is:
Monday, 4/24: Writing (70-90 minutes to write an information essay, opinion piece, or narrative story)
*Students should write A LOT today!  Their response is expected to be more than a paragraph!

Tuesday, 4/25: English/Language Arts (TWO 60-75 minute sessions)
*Students will read passages and answer questions about them.

Wednesday, 4/26: Math (60-85 minutes)

Thursday, 4/27: Math (60-85 minutes)

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

3.32 Spelling Prefixes trans- & con- and More Milestones Key Terms

3.31 Spelling: Prefixes trans- and con-
Write your words in your agenda Monday (4/17).  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  Be sure to know the meaning of each word and how to spell it correctly.
            You will choose your own bonus word(s) this week.  What other words use these prefixes?  Your test will be Friday, 4/21 (20 words total).

1.     transform
2.     transcribe
3.     transfer
4.     translate
5.     transmit
6.     transplant
7.     transportation
8.     concern
9.     convince
10. confirm
11. conflict
12. consist
13. confront
14. conclude
15. consent

Vocabulary: More Milestones Key Terms
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to apply them to reading passages.  Your test will be Friday, 4/21.

1.     analyze:  to break apart
2.     describe: to tell about in detail; to explain what something is like
3.     evaluate: to judge; to assess the qualities of an object or idea
4.     explain: to tell how; to offer reasons for
5.     formulate: to devise create (an idea, a plan, etc.)
6.     predict: to explain what will happen next based on clues in the text; to foresee or foretell future events
7.     support: to back up an idea with details or reasons

NO IRA this week.  Finish “Cream for Cakes” reading comprehension and turn in no later than Friday, 4/21.

Don’t forget to study at!  Students who work at Moby Max (reading, language, and math),, and will get a prize after spring break!

Upcoming Events:
4/8-16 Spring Break
4/17   Back to school!
4/18   Hat day to benefit St. Jude’s ($1)
4/24   MILESTONES Writing Test
4/25   MILESTONES ELA/Writing Test
4/26   MILESTONES Math Test

4/27   MILESTONES Math Test

Friday, December 9, 2016

Week 17: Winter ELA

Students received their spelling & vocabulary sheets and their math homework sheet for next week TODAY.  We hope this helps ease the holiday madness.  Our theme days have had to change slightly because of school-wide plans.

3.17 Winter

Spelling practice bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (See the Spelling & Vocabulary tab on Mrs. Dyer’s blog at if you need ideas.)
Don’t forget about practicing at

1.     frosty
2.     sparkling
3.     glistening
4.     dazzling
5.     freezing
6.     frigid
7.     arctic
8.     mounds
9.     snowflake
10. icicles
11. blizzard
12. swirls
13. blasts
14. shivers
15. diamonds

This week, you must look up your vocabulary definitions.  You are welcome to use a dictionary at home or borrow one from school. is a good resource too.  Vocabulary practice bonuses are due no later than this Thursday.  Don’t forget about
*Your test Friday will have a total of 10 words (this week’s words plus review words).  

1.  blustery
2.  bleak
3.  hypothermia
4.  drafty
5.  frigid
6.  solstice
7.  sniffle

Upcoming Events:
*The UCES Student Council has planned Holiday Spirit Days for this week, so we have incorporated an them into our plans and changed our days around a bit.

12/12 Stocking Day: Wear your Christmas socks.
12/13 School theme: Red & Green Christmas Bows
12/14 Ugly Sweater or Gingerbread Day: Dress like a gingerbread man (or lady).
12/15 Parent involvement and class party (8:15-9:45); Santa’s Workshop: Dress up like you work for “The Big Guy”
12/16 Holiday Hat Day; Snow THEME Day: Wear something with snowflakes.

12/19 Christmas Cookie Day
12/20 Reindeer Day: Dress like a reindeer!
12/21 Polar Express Day: Wear your Christmas PJs.
     Early release for the holidays!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

IXL Pilot

Mrs. Cook and I are piloting a computer program called IXL.  The company states "IXL is an immersive K-12 learning experience that provides comprehensive, standards-aligned content for math, language arts, science, and social studies."

The kids really enjoyed working there today and earning badges for their progress!  I like that it will reteach if they continue to miss the skill.  (Of course they have to read the reteaching portion!)  I also like that I can see at a glance which kids have successfully mastered skills and who is struggling.

To access our IXL pilot (through the end of December), go to  The student usernames are their first initial last name @uces1 (so Sally Student would be sstudent@uces1) and their password is their 5-digit number without the UC at the end.

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Monday, October 31, 2016

3.12 Spelling, Vocab, & More

3.12 Spelling re- and un-                                                                             

The prefix re- means “again.”  The prefix un- means “not.”

Please study your words nightly!  You do need to know what each word means.  Practice bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (Please remember that these are NOT required, but they can help you study plus give your English grade a boost.) is a great place to practice your words!  Your test on Friday will include 5 review words also.

1.     rearrange
2.     redo
3.     remove
4.     renew
5.     replace
6.     reverse
7.     repackage
8.     recount
9.     unbeaten
10. unequal
11. unfair
12. unfinished
13. unfit
14. unplanned
15. untamed

Vocabulary: Charlotte’s Web (Week 4: Chapters 11-19)
This week’s words will look familiar!  We didn’t get as far as anticipated, so we will test on last week’s words + two new ones this week.  Vocabulary bonuses (if completing) are due no later than Thursday.

1.     exertion: a great deal of effort

2.     solemnly: in a deeply serious and sober way

3.     ascend: to go or climb up

4.     sociable: friendly and companionable with others

5.     monotonous: always the same, as in tone or activity

6.     distinguish: to recognize differences

7.     lacerated: tore or cut

8.     veritable: being authentic or real

9.     genuine: authentic, real

10. familiar: commonly or generally known or seen

IRA: Noun Hound (Due no later than Friday)
            Using your independent reading book, find and write down 10 different nouns.  Categorize them as either person, place, thing, or idea.  (Try to find at least 2 for each category.)  Feel free to make a chart to categorize the nouns.  You can do this on your own paper or as a Google Doc.

Math homework is due no later than Friday!

Social Studies: What are the three levels of government?  Who are the leaders of each level?  Why do Americans vote?  How do we vote?

Science: rocks & minerals

Upcoming Events:
11/1 October Book It! reading logs due

11/7   Forms due to order a Carmen Deedy book

11/8   Election Day for class elections

11/10 Bake sale & hot chocolate: make a donation to the food pantry (canned goods or
            nonperishable item or cash); Veterans Day Program

11/15 Author Carmen Deedy program at school and at 6:30 PM at Fine Arts Center (FREE)

11/22 Santa’s Workshop/Craft Day (Parent volunteers needed!)


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Math Test Thurs.

Tomorrow students will have a math test over estimating sums and differences.  They have worked on this plenty in Mrs. Cook's class.  They do not have materials to study, but you could ask them what they have learned.