Showing posts with label FYI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FYI. Show all posts

Monday, May 22, 2017

4th Grade Blog

Mrs. Cook and I are trying to work smarter, not harder, AND make life easier for our students and their families; therefore, we have a combined blog for 4th grade that you can access HERE (  We will be posting there over the summer from time to time as we find things of interest.

We hope that you all have a safe and happy summer!  Continue to read and practice your math skills.  (We are linking some really fun websites for summer practice on our new blog.  Some are familiar to you and some are new!  Check them out.)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Important Info for the Final Days of School

Important Reminders for the next 6 ½ days of school

Tuesday, May 16th- 3rd Grade Field Day
  • 12-2 PM on playground
  • Students will need to wear tennis shoes and sunscreen.  They are also welcome to wear hats and bring water bottles.  
  • Students should wear clothes that are okay to get wet to school (no swimsuits).  They will need to bring a towel and  an extra change of clothes including undergarments and shoes.
  • Break Station Sales:  Popsicles are $0.50 and Gatorades are $1.00

Wednesday, May 17th- TN Aquarium Field Trip
  • Students need to be in the classroom at 7:30 AM for breakfast.
  • We will leave promptly at 8:00 AM.
  • Students who returned signed permission slips regarding electronic devices may bring them, but devices will be left on the bus.  There can be NO pictures taken of classmates and parents are only allowed to take pictures of their own children.
  • Students will wear field trip shirts given to them the morning of the trip.  They also need to wear comfortable shoes.
  • If you indicated that your child is bringing his/her own lunch, please make sure the lunch is with him/her that morning.  This will be used as a snack for the ride home.  
  • We will be eating lunch at the aquarium during our IMAX movie.  ONLY students, chaperones, and teachers will be receiving this lunch.  Any parents who are meeting us there are responsible for their own lunches.  The aquarium has concessions available for purchase.
  • We will return to the school at 4:30 PM.  Please be here to pick up your child at that time.  Students will need to be picked up in the classroom so they can be signed out by a parent/guardian.

Thursday, May 18th-  PJ & Movie Day    We will provide Popcorn!!!   Bring your own drink & candy!

Friday, May 19th-  Camp Out Day    Sleeping Bag and Pillows.   No overnight guests allowed.  ;)

Monday, May 22 @1:30 End of Year Nacho Party and Parent Involvement
  • If you would like to help  with our party- I’ve created a SIGN-UP on
1. Download the “Bloomz" app from the AppStore/PlayStore and click "Create Account".
If computer browser, go to and click on "Join Bloomz"
2. In the text box, enter TAZGZ7      
3. Create your account and you can sign up for items for the party!  Thank you in advance for your help!!!
  • The list of items needed is below --- if you are unable to access the internet- circle what you’d like to bring- and send it back to school.  I will mark that item off of the sign up site.  

Tuesday, May 23  Game Day- bring in your favorite board and card games!  

Wednesday,  May 24  Talent Show and Early Release.   You will not need to bring a back pack or anything this day……...LAST DAY OF 3rd GRADE!!!!!

We are very excited about these upcoming events!

End of Year Nacho Party!
Tortilla chips---10 Large bags   (6 have been donated)
Doritos  4 Large Bags  (2 have been donated)
Seasoned/Cooked Taco Meat
Shredded Cheeses
Diced Tomatoes
Shredded Lettuce
Sour Cream
Pinto or Black Beans
Cheese Dip
Black Olives
Sliced jalapenos
DIced Green Chilis


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Milestones Info & More

Next week, 3rd graders will take the Georgia end-of-grade tests, the Milestones.  You have worked hard all year and are ready for these tests!

Here are some ideas to think about before you take a test.
• Get plenty of rest and eat right. Take care of your body and your mind will do the rest.
• If you are worried about a test, don’t be. Talk with a teacher, parent, or friend about what is expected of you.
• Review the things you have learned all year long. Feel good about it.
• Remember that a test is just one look at what you know. Your class work, projects, and other tests will also show your teachers how much you have learned throughout the year.

Most importantly,
• Take your time!  There are no prizes for finishing first or finishing early.  Use all the time you are given because you will have to sit there with the test anyway.
• Read the questions (and answer choices) carefully before you answer.
• Try your best!

Our testing schedule is:
Monday, 4/24: Writing (70-90 minutes to write an information essay, opinion piece, or narrative story)
*Students should write A LOT today!  Their response is expected to be more than a paragraph!

Tuesday, 4/25: English/Language Arts (TWO 60-75 minute sessions)
*Students will read passages and answer questions about them.

Wednesday, 4/26: Math (60-85 minutes)

Thursday, 4/27: Math (60-85 minutes)

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


A few things of importance...

  • Due to an error on last week's vocabulary test, 18 points has been added to each student's grade.  That is NOT reflected on the grade on their spelling test paper (which lists both the spelling test grade and the vocabulary test grade).  Add 18 points to the vocab test grade please.
  • Mary McLeod Bethune workbook pages and biography graphic organizer are due Wednesday.
  • March 3 is Folktale Dress Up Day for our two classes!  Please do NOT spend money on costumes!  Have fun being creative with what you already own if you'd like to participate.
  • Thanks for your patience with us as Mrs. Cook and I recover from our awesome trip to Disney with the high school STEM Academy!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Friday 1/20

Friday is PJ Day! We will be showing a conduct reward movie in the afternoon. Students may bring snacks & drinks or money tobuy snacks/drinks. No blankets, etc.

Friday, December 2, 2016


The field of education LOVES to use initials for everything, and this can be really confusing at times!  You may see grades with the initials beside them, so here's an explanation of some of my "codes."

You've probably already figured out SP = spelling, SS = social studies, and WB = workbook...

RC = Reading Comprehension
Basically anytime the students read a passage and answer questions, I add RC to the assignment name.

DRW = Digital Readworks
Feel free to click on the link to check it out!  Mrs. Cook and I assign articles for students to read and then answer questions.  It is one of my favorite ways to get ready for the End-of-Grade Milestones test because not only do students read online and answer multiple choice questions, they also have to type short answers and even paragraph responses.  (The Milestones test will ask them to do the very same thing!)

A really cool feature of the typed responses is that when I read/grade them, I have the choice of correct, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, or incorrect.  (The Milestones test will scores responses on a similar scale.)

I can assign different articles on similar topics or the kids can all read the same article.

SRA = Scholastic Reading
This is the big green box on the counter near the book shelf.  The students were assigned a color based on their reading level.  They read 3-5 cards and answer the questions on the card.  If they make three 100s, they automatically "level up" to the next level.  Once they prove successful at their level (generally 5 cards total), then they level up.

I track their responses to each section, but the overall grade (circled at the top of the paper & entered in the grade book) is their percentage correct on the entire passage.  

If students are always scoring well then they need to be challenged and their level will increase.  You can expect some "dips" in grades as they practice new skills, but don't panic.  As long as they continue to grow and progress, it "will all come out in the wash" as my mom says.

Please let me know if you have specific concerns about your child and his or her progress!  Also, know that Mrs. Cook and I won't "keep" every grade that we take by the end of the term.  If a child didn't do well on a skill and yet later shows mastery, the "old" grade can be dropped or replaced with the new one.  (Of course we can't do this with every single grade all the time, but knowing the material and showing that knowledge consistently is the most important thing.)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Yearbook Cover Contest!

Each year, UCES has a student drawing contest for the yearbook cover!  The winner will earn a free yearbook with their name printed on it.

The contest criteria is as follows: 
Each entry should be neatly drawn and in color on a vertical 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.  Students should put their names on the back of their drawing only. 
Drawings should be representative of our school, mascot, etc.  
Entry deadline is Monday November 14th
Students can submit their entries to Mrs. Perry in the library.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mark Your Calendars for 11/15!

The talented author Carmen Deedy will be here on Nov. 15!  Students will enjoy a presentation at school, and then families are invited to attend a free evening event at the Fine Arts Center at 6:30.  You will not want to miss this opportunity!  Please know that you do NOT have to purchase any of her books to enjoy her visit, but students may want the chance to own a book signed by an author.

Monday, October 24, 2016


Lots of info has gone home today!  Our fundraiser kicked off today and students have a newsletter and envelope with more info.

Please read both sides of the spelling/vocabulary sheet this week!

The IRA is the haunted house story organizer.

Book Character Day is Friday.

The Design a Web project is due NO LATER THAN Monday 10/31.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

This Week's ELA: /f/ Sounds and Charlotte's Web Week 2

3.10 Spelling: /f/                                                                    

BONUS Practice/extra credit (due Thursday on your own paper OR through Google Docs*): 

Choice 1: Three Times Each (MUST be on your own paper)
Choice 2: Spell and Draw* (Write each word & draw an appropriate picture/symbol to explain the word meaning.)
Choice 3: Spelling Sort* (Sort and write your words into three categories, based on spellings of the /f/ sounds.)
Choice 4: Alphabetical Order*
Choice 5: Spelling Triangles* (Write the first letter on the first line, first two letters on the second line, first three letters on the third line, etc., to spell the word and make a triangle.)
     Example:   w

*These choices can be created in Google Docs.  Save as SpellingBonus306.LastF (so mine would be saved as SpellingBonus306.DyerH).  When you are ready to submit, click the blue SHARE button at the top right, enter Mrs. Dyer’s email address and check “Can Edit,” and then click DONE.

Monday: Which are the 5 hardest words for you to spell?  Write them correctly in your agenda in the box on the bottom right.  Practice and study these words.  (Start on bonus practice if completing.)
Tuesday: Write the rest of your spelling words correctly in your agenda.  Study all 15 words.  (Work on bonus.)
Wednesday: Study all 15 words and previous weeks’ words.  Finish bonus (if completing).
Thursday: Study all 15 words and previous weeks’ words!  If possible, take a practice test (either on paper or at 

*Your test on Friday will have 20 words.  The “extra” five will be selected from previous weeks’ words.

1.     golfer
2.     dolphin
3.     farmer
4.     full
5.     rough
6.     forgetful
7.     fashion
8.     photograph
9.     tough
10. phrase
11. paragraph
12. difference
13. elephant
14. pharmacy
15. laugh

Vocabulary: Charlotte’s Web (Week 2: Chapters 5-9)

BONUS Practice/extra credit (due Thursday on your own paper OR through Google Docs*):
Choice 1: Make flashcards.
Choice 2: Make a Quizlet with the words and definitions (
Choice 3*: Write each word in an original super sentence.
Choice 4*: Write a story using all of the vocabulary words.  It can be silly, but it must make sense.

*These choices can be created in Google Docs.  Save as VocabBonus310.LastF (so mine would be saved as VocabBonus310.DyerH).  When you are ready to submit, click the blue SHARE button at the top right, enter Mrs. Dyer’s email address and check “Can Edit,” and then click DONE.

Monday-Thursday: Study your words and definitions.  Begin bonus if completing.  Your test will use each word in a sentence (in context) and may include words from previous weeks.
Wednesday: Finish bonus if completing.  

1.     appropriate:  suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose

2.     meekly:  in a humble or submissive manner

3.     inheritance:  property received by an heir

4.     campaign: a course of action for a specific purpose

5.     gratified: satisfied or indulged

6.     vaguely: indistinctly felt, understood, or recalled

7.     conspiracy: a sneaky plan or plot

8.     sedentary: moving about very little; inactive

NO IRA this week!  (Happy Fall Break 10/15-23!)
Students who read 240 minutes in October (10 minutes per day, 6 days per week) will be eligible for a FREE personal pan pizza through the Pizza Hut Book It! Program.  Logs for October are due no later than 11/1 to receive your pizza coupon.  (Logs can be turned in as soon as the 240-minute reading goal is met.)

Paper pumpkin project is due Tuesday, October 11!

Report cards go home Tuesday, 10/11, to be signed and returned.

Flu vaccines will be given Friday, 10/14, at school to students who returned their paperwork.

Looking Ahead:
10/27 Picture Retakes

10/28 Book Character Dress Up Day!  (Feel free to reuse those Roald Dahl costumes- or come up with something new based on a book!)

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Thursday & Friday

Thursday is the opening of Our School Bank!  It is also our Decades Day for Spirit Week.

The UCHS Drama Class will be performing "Charlotte's Web" at 6:30 PM at the Fine Arts Center.  (The performance Wednesday was wonderful!  Please try to go Thursday or Saturday!)

On Friday, students will participate in a Walkathon for Childhood Literacy, sponsored by the Rotary Club.  We will be watching the movie The BFG on Friday afternoon, so feel free to bring a snack and drink for the afternoon matinee.  (This is of course not required.)

On Saturday, the UCHS Drama Class will be performing the final showing of "Charlotte's Web" at 6:30 PM at the Fine Arts Center.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday Tidbits

We have lots to share with you this week in purple folders!

*Tomorrow we will go see "Charlotte's Web" at the Fine Arts Center.

*Spirit Week:
Wednesday: WACKY TACKY
Thursday: DECADES DAY (Dress from your favorite decade.)

*Parents are invited to 3rd Grade Fall Showcase at EITHER 2:00 PM (not AM like the paper says) or 5:00 PM in our classroom on Tuesday, October 4.  Please bring your child to the 5:00 session if attending.  Return purple slip by Friday.

*"Voter Registration Forms" are due by October 5 to participate in our classroom election.

*Family pumpkin project is due no later than October 11.  (We would love to have them back by the 4th for our Fall Showcase!)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Upcoming Events

Tomorrow is school picture day!  These are "head shots" of the shoulders up.  We do have PE tomorrow, so wear or bring your sneakers.

The Fall Festival is this Saturday, 9/24, from 3:00-7:00 at UCES.  Come out for some great family fun!  (We are still accepting donations of toys and/or garden items for our booth and basket.)

Monday, 9/26, is Parent/Teacher Conference Day.  Conference reminders were sent home last week.

Next Friday 9/30 is Homecoming.  We will be celebrating Spirit Week all week!
Monday- no school for students
Tuesday- Favorite Sports Team
Wednesday- Wacky Tacky Day
Thursday- Decades Day (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc)
Friday-Panther Spirit Day

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Our Schedule

Here's our daily schedule. 

8:00 morning message; language arts (reading, grammar, writing)

9:00 Portuguese or French

9:45 snack time

9:55 specials*

10:40 social studies

11:20 lunch

12:00 recess

12:40 Switch classes and go to Mrs. Cook for math and science

2:35 Switch back for end-of-day routine (check agendas, pack up, review, etc.)

Purple Week: Mon. Art; Tu. Music; Wed. Writing; Th. PE; Fri. Writing
Gold Week: Mon. Art; Tu. Music; Wed. STEM; Th. PE; Fri. STEM

Friday, August 5, 2016

8/5: First Day of School!

We had such a great start to third grade!  I am so proud of our boys and girls!  They tried very hard to listen and follow directions.  They are very respectful and kind to each other (and me).  Thank you, moms and dads!  We still have a lot to learn about our school, but we are off to a great start.  (I hope your kids said the same thing!)

One important thing we did today was organize our binders.  Click HERE for a post about that specifically to check your child's things.

Normally posts won't be this long, but I wanted to give you some important information.

Starting in 3rd grade, students have an agenda (calendar book) that they use to write down their homework and other important info.  We started using it today.  Parents have the job of checking the agenda, looking over student work, and signing the agenda each night.  Your children have been instructed to train you to do this!  Please sign Friday, Aug. 5 this weekend.

The kids were pretty excited about their weekend homework.  Hopefully they explained it to you correctly, but here is clarification.

Agenda p. 1 & Dojo means to look at p. 1 of the agenda for the blog info and my email address.  Dojo is a reminder to check to see if parents have signed up for Class Dojo.  You certainly do not have to sign up, but I think we will all find it beneficial.

Olympics means that I have encouraged them to watch some of the Olympics.  We will begin studying ancient Greece and the Olympics this month, so what a wonderful opportunity!  (Of course there is no penalty if they do not watch any of it.)

Read means just that!  Please read over the weekend!  I had hoped to loan them books from my class library, but we ran out of time.  Again, there is no penalty for not reading, but we all know the importance!

Have a wonderful weekend!  Thank you for entrusting your child to my care.  I look forward to getting to know you all better and take them on exciting learning adventures.

P.S. If you've managed to read this far, please write a note in the agenda (on Friday) saying "I read the blog!"  Students will earn an extra Dojo point for teamwork, because it takes us all working together.  You are a part of our team too!

Binder Organization

Today we set up our binders to help us stay organized this school year.  I took pictures to be able to show you what Mrs. Cook and I expect.  If you need any help getting supplies, please let us know!

A pencil pouch clipped in the front is a great tool to carry a few supplies to and from Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Cook's classes and between school and home.

The agenda comes next.  (Parents, please sign every night, even on Fridays as sometimes we need to communicate then.)
Next come the subject tabs with notebook paper behind each tab.  The tabs are Sp/Voc (spelling & vocabulary), ELA (English/language arts/reading), SS (social studies), math, and science.
We will expect students to file their work behind the appropriate tab.

Thanks for helping your child get and stay organized!