Finally finished these ex-Grenadier Miniatures Elf Spearmen for Midgard. Love these old models!
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Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Monday, 25 November 2024
Silmarillion Noldor Archers
Ex-Grenadier Miniatures High Elves based for Midgard and painted as part of the Warhost of Caranthir, son of Feanor.
Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Feanorian Hero for Midgard Silmarillion Elf Army
Here is the first hero base for my Midgard Silmarillion Elf army. The army represents the warhost of Caranthir the Dark, son of Feanor.
As it's a Feanorian army I have avoided my usual Elf colour scheme of blues, silvers and purples and have gone with a rich red scheme as befitting a son of Feanor. The two core colours are Foundry Madder Red (surcoats) and Foundry Brick Red (shields, cloaks). The yellows are Foundry Ochre.
The models here are Copplestone 1990s Elf sculpts, originally Grenadier Miniatures, but purchased from Forlorn Hope and Battlezone here in the Uk a few years back (and still available!)
The shield design was done on Pages on my MacBook using a star symbol, converted to JPEG, transferred to Word and resized. It was printed on plain white paper at 5mm width, cut out (VERY carefully!) and glued on. It's not 100% correct as a symbol and as Caranthir is son of Feanor, should be oriented as a square not a diamond. But diamonds look better, so diamond it is!
Banner hand painted and features the star of Feanor plus Laurelin the Golden Tree of the Valar.
Thursday, 27 April 2023
Wiglaf Miniatures Unarmoured Anglo-Saxons and Skirmishers
Real life got in the way a bit lately but here is the latest batch of Wiglaf 18mm Angles from Edwin's retinue in the army of Raedwald of East Anglia.
Sunday, 9 April 2023
Wiglaf Miniatures Anglo-Saxon Hearthguard
Here is the hearthguard unit to accompany Edwin, exiled Prince of Deira in my East Anglian 7th Century army. It was created from a mix of the Armoured Saxons and Armoured Vendel packs from Wiglaf Miniatures. I'm really pleased with how these turned out!
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
Oldhammer Elf Spearmen and Axemen
Here are the spearmen for the Oldhammer Elf army I'll be using in Midgard and Dragon Rampant. The old 4th Edition plastic and 5th edition metal High Elf spearmen and the White Lions have had their uniforms and shields repurposed to fit the green scheme chosen for the 80s models I've been working on for 5 years now. I could make a pretty hefty unit of spearmen for Warhammer 4th/5th edition ifI wanted to although I'd ideally need a few more White Lions (which were crap in those editions due to striking last with their big axes...)
Anyway, I'm pleased with the overall look of these. The army is looking pretty cool thus far, I think...
Friday, 13 May 2022
Oldhammer Elf Heroes
Following on from the Elf cavalry posted the other day, here are the Elf heroes. I love these sculpts. Some were painted over 25 years ago but have had a recent refresh in the green colour scheme of the recently purchased and painted models. I'm pleased with how these have worked out. They all look good together, whether recently painted or 'refreshed' and that's what I was aiming for.