Showing posts with label Violet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Violet. Show all posts

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Conversation with Alex, the exchange student coming to live with us. We are in the paperwork process, and have to have background checks. We were talking about how we might be closet murderers or criminals, and how would he know?

Violet: But what if we're con men?
Alex (puzzled): "Con" men? What's that?
Violet: People who pretend to be good, but end up taking your money.
Alex: Oh! You mean an asshole?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Exchange Students

I know I'm terrible about updating my blog on a regular basis, but I figured it was worth noting two significant events: Lu left in July to Brazil for a year as an exchange student, and we are getting an exchange student from Denmark for the school year. It will be our first time ever to have a BOY in the house. How weird is that? :)

Alex is 18, and a guitarist. He's coming to live with us because we are moving to a house near the Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts, where Violet currently attends. So we'll get singing and guitar playing happening all the time. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Violet (poking me with a fork): You know what this is, right?
Me: What?
Violet: You're going to hell in a handbasket and this is your welcoming committee.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Facebook Status

Violet: I cannot comprehend the girls who like to get made-up, fix their hair perfectly and go somewhere, barely being able to enjoy themselves because they are worrying about how they look. I want to be the type of girl who doesn't care what she wears, or how she looks. I want to be the girl who, instead of spending money to go have a good time with their friends, puts on pajama bottoms with them, turns on a chick flick, and in the end barely watch the movie and just talk about life. Doesn't that seem a whole lot better than gossiping and sucking in your tummies?

I don't worry about what people think of me because, in the end, the only opinion that matters is my own.

Instead of my pictures making me look fake, and have me pouting like a four year old, I want a picture of who I really am: A fishing, camping, singing, hiking, laughing, crazy, strong, confident, etc. girl who isn't afraid to show who she really is. I want to be laughing, hugging, acting odd. I want to be me in my pictures. I see this in mine, and all I see in other's pictures are girls afraid to be themselves.

So please, be yourself, live your life to the fullest, brush off snide comments, and never be afraid to stand up for what you truely believe in. Stay different.

Friday, March 04, 2011


Violet: I've eaten so much candy... I'm on a sugar high! I'm gonna puke the rainbow...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Facebook Status

Violet: And thus, on the third day, Violet created the word crapping unicorn muffins.

Monday, February 07, 2011


Violet, Lu and Nikki are eating their early Valentines' Day present-- boxes of those little conversation hearts.

Vi: Hey, mine says "hottie".
Nikki: Me, too!
Vi: Hmmm..... my next one is telling me, "just kidding".

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Texting Conversation

Violet: I woke up this morning wishing a hoping it was Friday.......Then I decided it was Wednesday. I got a sad suprise when I found out it was only TUESDAY! :'(

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Violet: Gravity loves me. That's why it is always tripping me so I can fall down and give it hugs.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Violet's Talent Show Performance

I just wanted to share Violet's (age 12) school talent show performance with you. She did such a great job today! This was her first solo performance in front of a large audience. When I flipped the video, it kind of squashed her, but you can still hopefully hear her ok. :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Lu: Snow? It's snowing??? It's supposed to be spring!
Violet: Utah is bi-polar.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Violet: I'm a weird child, and I love it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Texting Conversation

Lu: Mooommmmyyyy
Me: Yes? :)
Lu: Since I had an amazing practice and I made every basket but 2...can I pretty please have some ice cream because you love me
Lu: I'll only have a little :P
Me: You don't need ice cream at 10:30am. LOL
Lu: Yes i do. I'll die
Me: I'll start planning your funeral then. Obituary shall read, "Died from lack of ice cream."
Lu: It will be on your consious!! BEWARE
Violet: How do you live with yourself? How do you sleep at night? Oh by the way this is Violet cause Lu died.
Me: Ok, Violet. The ice cream is now all yours, just like we planned.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Lu throws a gummy piece of candy across the room and Kayla catches it in her mouth...

Us: (cheering)
Violet: You'd be good at baseball.
Kayla: No, I'd be good at frisbee! (bark)

Friday, November 20, 2009


Violet: Mom, stop! You're embarrassing me.
Me: It's required of parents to embarrass their children.
Violet: No, it's not.
Me: Yes, it really is. In fact, when you decide to become a parent, you have to take a parent test. One of the last questions is, "Are you willing to embarrass your children?" If you don't answer "yes", then you don't pass the test and you can't have kids.
Violet: (pause) Really???

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts


We're back! And very, very tired... so you're gonna get a theme meme about a theme park today.

We all got sucked into the world of Disney pin trading. I got some awesome ones, including a Toy Story Alien, the evil Malificent, and a "Do Not Disturb" door hanger for the Tower of Terror's "The Hollywood Hotel".

Here's the four girls in the theatre, waiting for the stage production of "Aladdin" to start. (And if you are ever in Disneyland/California Adventures, you HAVE to go see this...)

Overheard on the shuttle bus going to Disneyland:
Mom to 2-year old girl: Janie, would you like to come over here and sit by me?
Older sister to 2-year old girl: Don't fall for it!

Ron is 6'2", and still had to stretch to high five Sully. :)

I ran into an old friend from college while at Disneyland! We haven't seen each other in over 15 years. We found out we were both there at the same time because of our FaceBook updates. LOL!

Favorite rides at California Adventures: Tower of Terror and California Screamin'. The latter is probably the smoothest coaster I've ever ridden, and is just plain FUN to ride.

Favorite new ride: Toy Story Midway Mania! in California Adventures.

Favorite rides at Dizzyland: Splash Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, and The Haunted Mansion. I find it rather strange that Splash Mountain, one of the main ride attractions at Disney, is based off a movie you can't even get ("Song of the South"). Go figure.

We also went to the beach for an afternoon. It was Jak and Nikki's first time at the ocean! Doesn't Nikki look like she's having a blast in the waves? :)

A half hour into our long drive home, the check engine light came on. Thankfully, we were traveling back in the afternoon, and found a Jiffy Lube to diagnose the computer code for us. I googled the code on my Blackberry, and we figured out that we needed to tighten our gas cap. Yes, really. I guess if it's not on tight enough, something happens to the emission vacuum positron electron gasitron whoknowsitron thingamajig, causing an air leak. And causes you much stress until you figure out you don't need to worry about it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Life Through A Younger Set of Eyes

Kids see things from a very simple angle. There's no prejudice, no life experience to weigh them down, and things are pretty black and white.

Out of the blue the other day, Violet asks me, "Can anyone get married in our country?"

I asked for more clarification of her question, and she said, "Well, can people who are both the same sex get married?"

"Only in two states, I believe. Gay marriage rights are much further along in Europe."

"Well, that's stupid. People should be able to marry anyone they love, even if it's the same as them."

This was also the child who wanted to know, "Do we put very sick or hurt old people to sleep, just like we do dogs and cats?"

I explained to her that it was a complicated issue, and gave a little background on Dr. Kevorkian. She responded with, "But if we put animals to sleep because it's the kind thing to do for them, why isn't it the same for humans?"

Just thought I'd share some thought provoking discussion this morning, courtesy of my 11 year old.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins: The 11 Year Old Edition we go!


1. It seems like asking you to do your math homework is akin to child torture.

2. Wash your hands for heavens' sake when you're done, please? And did you wipe this time?

3. If I thought you cleaned your room without asking, I'd faint. Right here on the spot!

4. Beautiful blue eyes, charming smile, love and laughter is what I think of most when I think of you.

5. To me, Valentine's Day means you dragging out all the craft items and coming up with an extremely clever Valentine box for school. And then leaving aforementioned craft items scattered all over the kitchen.

6. Knowing you are counting on me gives me strength.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to listening to you play your piano, tomorrow my plans include giving you your coveted Valentines' candy and Sunday, I want to spend some time with you!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

First Piano Recital

Violet has been taking piano lessons for about 9 months. She's doing very well, and recently had her first piano recital. I was so proud of her!