Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Home Owners

Not the greatest picture of me, but it's all 5 babies AND me...  how often does THIS happen?!  :)  Probably never again!  LOL 
All were tired and warm (the house had been shut tight for several days with no a/c until we got there).  Sedona was being a punk (goof), but this only adds to the memory :)
Two of my great friends came out to help me clean the house and get it ready for me to move in...  in 3 hours, the three of us knocked out every room in the house.  :) 
As the sun was setting, I went out back (west facing backyard) to let the dogs out.  I stood out there and listened to the neighboring bird farm and watched the sun go down at our new house.  The dogs seemed happy...  their mom is happy...  all is well.