Wednesday, April 18, 2007

big WHEW!

Don't know how many of you I told, but.... here's a "catch-up-gram" :)

I dropped out of that Healthcare Administration program in January. I just wasn't getting into it, and didn't see the need to stress myself out about what I was studying. I need to be INTO what I'm studying. So in March, this person from the University of Phoenix calls me to reconcile the "bill" from me withdrawing from the class... My academic advisor basically screwed up, dropped the ball, and ended up getting me charged to the tune of over $1800.00! I spoke to this lovely person who called me in March and told her my story. She immediately got me a credit and got me in touch with the people from the EDUCATION department, which I had asked for before... I started in the Education program this month and am enjoying myself so far... despite it's crazy work load. I take that as a good sign. It's a Masters of Education - Elementary education. :)

So I had to tell you THIS, in order to explain the big "whew" :)

We got our grades for the first week back today... and there was a comment in mine that freaked me out. The instructor said : "
Your participation for week one is barely meets the requirements for this course. Please remember to participate 4 out of 7 days a week with at least two substantive responses. Consult the University of Phoenix handbook for the requirements." and she gave me 2 out of 3 points.

So I wrote her and asked what I could have done differently, because I was really quite involved in the discussions and all...

She wrote back and told me : "
Traci, Let me recheck my program. I have you down for all point possible, but I may have hit the wrong key. I will check and repost if necessary.".

Then I got another email with an upgraded score (from 90% to 100%.... BIG difference!!!!) with comments saying : "
Sorry Traci, it was a slip of a finger. You have been active in the main newgroup for the required number of days. Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

happy she fixed that! SOOOO happy I called her on it!

I really am enjoying the class so far, so ... yay! :)
My class ends May 7th, and I leave the 11th! I'm taking time off of school for Nationals and will resume when I get back.

So there's my Yay story of the night :) Off to get my beauty sleep ;-)

I'm a bad dogmom

I knew today was SOMETHING. I couldn't put my finger on it. I heard on the radio that it was the anniversary of the SanFrancisco Earthquake and thought for sure.. after living there for so long, that must be it.
I was JUST sitting on the couch with Sedona and was playing with her when it DAWNED on me! Oh my gosh, they're 10 months old today! They're growing up!! Almost a year old... is it possible???