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I am so excited because I received an invitation to do a live on-line chat about the Frida Skirt from EBSQ . EBSQ is a great on-line gallery that many artists use to display their work. I just read the email last night and of course I responded right away. I love to teach others how to do different techniques! So, needless to say.....I am honored. Will keep you updated on the details. Meanwhile, here is a link to my on-line gallery at EBSQ . This is my last weekend for Cody to be here before he is off to college. We are going to take him out to eat tonight for a special-family dinner. I don't know how I will cope with his absence but I imagine it will all work out. I just pray he will be safe and make good decisions and stick to his studies so he can accomplish his dreams. Lately, I have been worrying about how hubby and me are going to cope with so much time together! Last night we were talking about how we need a hobby both of us would enjoy together. Hmmmmm-like my sister and he...

Fabric Art Placemats

Hello Creative People! Here is a pic of my Funky Art Personalized Placemat. This one of course will be mine. Now I have to be able to stay focused enough to make hubby, son and daughter theirs. Then we will have one funky table. But I love that it is personlized. When I saw this fabric-(it came like this all pieced together) I knew I had to have it for something. It would also make a lovely Funky purse. I'm still on my fabric craze! I finished Heather's purse last night. I'm working on my dear friend Renea's birthday present now. So, as usual, I have plenty to do in the art/craft world. But, I love it! I have been reading the Belle Armoire magazine (Art to Wear)and I found a new magazine (new to me) called "Creative Techniques". I can flip through these eye candy magazines over and over-oh so many great ideas. One more thing before I go and get beautimus for work! TGIF!!!!! I have to tell you I was given a Rockin' Girl Blogger award by my friend stacey. I...

Lost Soles

I suppose by telling you this, you might think I am a little on the strange side. Maybe you already thought that and maybe I don't really care! ok ...i CARE..but not that much. Be prepared because once I explain all this to you, you will begin to notice what I am talking about and it will bug you too even if just a little. You will begin to notice this phenomenon and wonder as I do the who, why, what and all the stuff that goes with this particular subject. Are you ready for this question? And, if so, are you ready to begin to explore the subject through a series of photos that I begin presenting to you today? Perhaps you too will take some photos to help with this study. LOST SOLES I'm sure they were always there and this phenomenon is not new, but for the last few years I have begun to notice many, many single shoes lying on the highways, city streets, and neighborhood roads. One shoe in the middle of the road. There are big, dirty, worn out, man looking shoes. Then, there ...

Frida Kahlo Altered Skirt

Here it is...the moment you have all (and when I say all I mean all 3 of you-heehee) been waiting for. The Frida skirt is making her debut right here. This of course is the front of the skirt. I finally finished it this morning. See, it pays to get up early. I always get so much done in the morning when everyone else is still in bed. First, I get the dogs out, start the coffee, let the dogs in, sip my coffee and I start eye balling all my projects to decide which one I feel like working on. I had already determined that I would get this skirt done this weekend. I also plan to finish Heather's purse and my little placemat project. Oh, and my friend, Renea, said she would not mind getting one of my funky purses for her birthday in July so I better start that project. So, it looks like it will be a fabric art type of weekend. Things could change though! ( I like to add that clause in case my interests change as they so often do. Here is the back and a close up of the Frida Kahlo skirt...

Altered Denim Skirt Goes Frida Frida Frida

Using fabric as a medium for art is something else I really enjoy. It seems like I go through phases of mediums. One week might be canvas, the next it is wood, then metal, glass.....oh the possiblities are endless. But now, I'm going through a fabric lust. I have worked on this Frida skirt for a month or two on and off. I'm so excited about it because I tried it on the other morning and it fits me. In one way, that is bad because when I started the seemed a little big in the waist-hmmmmm. Maybe that ice cream every night is not a great idea. But for this purpose, it worked out well. I know I will have a hard time deciding if I will sell it or keep it for myself. The extra money is always nice....but sometimes I wonder if I don't deprive myself by not keeping some of my things for me! RATIONALIZING-I KNOW! I did give myself one of the funky purses because...I could not sell it. I started carrying it the other day and I've enjoyed it! It makes me feel like some...

My Little Container Garden

OK, this is my first garden ever and I am so excited that I have to share this with you. We had vegetable gardens when I was a kid-lots of times. The best meals were those with fresh vegetables from the garden. Cantelope, black eyed peas, tomatos, fried squash and fried okra (burned just a little on the edges like I liked it). My mom was always canning peas, beans, cucumbers (oh the bread and butter pickles were out of this world). So finally, after all these years of missing out on all that home grown produce, I decided I wanted to try my hand at a little gardening. When I say "little" that is what I mean. I knew I did not have time for a big vegetable garden since I work full time and have a 45 minute drive to and from work. I also knew that our soil in the back yard is horrible. We have had such dry spells the past few years. Our back yard is not much more than a cliche pit. So, my solution was to have a little container garden. I have never had my very own garden. So I st...

Exploring Funky

I got tagged! This is my first time actually. I always wanted to get tagged. It's kinda like school days when you hoped you would be picked quickly for the Dodge ball or Red Rover-Red Rover game. So, I'm IT!@!!!!!! Stacey tagged me and here are my answers Ms. Stacey. But first, I must say that some thought has gone into my answers. Mind you, I have a 45 minute drive to and from work every day so I probably have a little too much time to think. Some thoughts about this tagging and revealing about one's self; First, you have to consider how much you want to reveal about yourself. What parts of your self are you willing to share? How much do really want others-(in the internet world) to know about you? What will they think of you? What if you are too boring or to risque or just plain weird? See....I have too much time to think. So, I decided, I would try to be as honest as possible. Those who love me because of who I am. All of my flaws and imperfections. It's ...