Showing posts with label Provo Craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Provo Craft. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekend Re-Cap

I haven't blogged in a few days. Thank you for missing me! ;) I was given the AMAZING opportunity to attend the Cricut Circle Swarm as a vendor with my business Flair and Frills. I am also a Cricut Circle VIP Charter Member so I was going mad making swaps and calling cards!

Everything went well and we all had a BLAST, as evident in my favorite photo above! The best part?! The profit? No. The prizes? Nope. THE WOMEN that are now life-long friends! Seriously! I spent the weekend with these crazy fun gals and am very blessed to now call them friends. A special hello to Lori Allred and her creatively wonderful posse of Imaginisce girls Bridget, Janet, and special Divalicious friend Jen Meyer! You all are delightful!

Other uber-talented friends include Jana Eubank, Kris Stice, Jenny Kozar, Amy Mitchell, Elizabeth Currie-Matsko (my blind-date friend set up by Shannon), Michelle the 5th grade teacher, Cindy, Brightley Beautiful, Shantaie Fowler AND of course, the super fabulous one-and-only Shannon Lerner. Thank you for making the day so spectacular!

A super special thank you to one of my Best Friends Altaira for joining me on this spectacular adventure. With Oklahoma City fast approaching as our new home, it was extra special to have this time with her. I am beyond blessed to have such a dedicated, dear and BEAUTIFUL friend as her. I love you Al.

Of course, I went to spend time with my dear UTBFF Jana B. aka Queen B. We even snuck out in the afternoon to visit Hatch Family Chocolates! I heart you darling and it was awesome to spend time with you and your family.Seriously folks-the Newman-Bruchhauser's are fabulous-you too Cam ;)

Flair and Frills set up shop to perform massage services and special Cricut Circle mini-manicures. A special thank-you to my Utah employess for making everything run so smoothly. Here is Ben and Amy taking care of our clients!

I had heard a lot about Brightley from Jana but she had left out how gorgeous she is! Sh's got a tellar personality with a fun sense of humor to match. Here we are (with my BFF Altaira)

This was our table and booth!

I made a Cricut green tu-tu to display as well. It turned out awesome and has little Cricut heads with Provo Craft in green glitter ;)

The next Provo party will be in March 2011. I hope you'll join us there in DALLAS for a wicked good time!
Creative blessings, Brynn

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Secret....I need your help!

I wanted to find a photo to share, but you know CREATIVE ESCAPE is a trademark! Yep-I'm going!!!! I am a guest of Provo Craft, having won a card contest recently. Their photographers are taking the official shots of my card and I will share them with you all as soon as I can.

A week after the announcement, my extreme excitement is currently overshadowed! What could possibly cause this, you might ask? BRINGING A FRIEND! Yep. The guest pass. My guest will enjoy all of the same great things that I do, with an all inclusive package. The problem lies in the fact that I have 3 best friends I create with, 2 of whom I am especially close, PLUS my mom (that has never scrapbooked but wants to go)! What is a girl to do?! PRAY. That's exactly what I did too. I received an answer, E.S., a girl I have scrapped with but never really hung out with-but that was the answer and it is my duty to obey. It was all set, the others we're let down, and I could try to forge ahead. HALT-E.S. called yesterday to say that she WOULD NOT BE GOING! Other circumstances are preventing her and she thankfully declined. Now, I'm back to square one. Here's the thing:

Friend A (I will NOT say #1,2 etc.) LOL is going through a divorce and her life circumstances would not render it possible to extend the invite.

Friend B always calls to check on me, picks up little things when she thinks of me, helps watch my kids whenever possible, inspires ideas for bettering projects, stops by to just hang out whenever she can and her husband and mine good friends.

Friend C is fun-loving and there for me in tight situations. We have 'worked' together in the past through CTMH and vendoring at Scrap events. She insisted I go with her to meet Patsy Gaut (owner of Quick Quotes). She has great ideas and techniques and is very business minded.

Friend d has panic attics and does not travel well so there's no way! LOL

Mom: has never scrapbooked but would like to start. Her favorite color is Teal (the C.E. color). Her body betrays her quite frequently but she asked to be E.S.'s back-up. And, she's MOM!

Both friend's B & C love my kids and me there's. Our families are friends and I LOVE them with all of my heart as the cherished friends they are. Friend C is looking at this as business and wants to share the opportunity's with me as we have in 'business' before, she was very hurt to not be chosen hands-down. They are both absolutely dear to me and this is BREAKING MY HEART. Seriously-TEARING ME UP!

At a time when I should be over joyed with the happiness this brings, I am distraught in what this means for my friendships. Granted, they will both remain friends with me, but it is bound to change things. I have literally shed tears over this and now I'm asking you. What would YOU do?! How do you choose between those you love?! Please share your thoughts with me.

Blessings, B.

P.S. Did I mention how AMAZING this is?! I still cannot believe that I won! ME! WOW. I have always wanted to go and now-it's as a GUEST OF PROVO CRAFT. P-R-O-V-O C-R-A-F-T! Thank you our sweet Lord. Thank you.

Oh-and I am so grateful for your time and advise that I will reward 1 random follower with a fun summer flip-flop kit from Quick Quotes!
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