Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Riverfront and Ohio St. bridge..

Saturday was another nice day, so Mike and I decided to check out the downtown part of the Greenway. We started at the Ohio St. Bridge, where the creek dumps into the Ohio River. This old bridge will eventually become an overlook at this section of trail with a park around it, but right now is just an old rusty bridge with lots of junk around it and a lot of trash along the creek where people dump stuff. It's one of those bridges you can look through, so I was trying to take pics through it of the water below.
We headed on downtown past the riverboat casino.

The lower drive/boat ramp/amphtheater area was closed for high water and debris, so we went to the Visitor Center parking lot and walked up behind the museum and the 4 Freedoms Monument. Mike checked out the new Vietnam Wall, which we had not seen yet. He pointed out names of guys he had gone to grade school and high school with.

There wasn't a lot of nature to see......

I tried to track a gull (Ring-Billed would be my best guess based on the black wing tips and the territory map for it)

Looked at some with an old nest......

Watched a barge heading downriver.....Mostly, I enjoyed the backside of the museum and its sculptures, and the Celestial Gate. The gate fascinated me......lovely lines and wavy bits of stainless steel, and each planet represented on a pedestal. The other sculptures in the area.....Bend of the River, and The River, and several I didn't know......were all interesting.....I like sculpture.

I loved the old train behind the train musem and the tops of the great old houses I could see along First Street. I really love those old houses and would like to see inside of them. Just the sort of place that would be wonderful to live if you had the money to renovate, pay the property taxes, and heat one!

We are blessed with a wonderful river flowing by our city and looping into our tight "horseshoe bend". I'm glad the city is trying to revitalize downtown and make better use of this beauty.


Sandpiper (Lin) said...

What an interesting walk. I love seeing places like this and it seems you got to see a wild variety of things, too. Nice visit to the memorial site, and I like the art, too. Good stop action on the seagull. I like the picture of the metal scrap you took. It's full of depth and texture and interesting to look at. That's a very attractive train depot and I would LOVE to get inside of that Victorian house. GORGEOUS! I don't like crossing over those bridges where you can see down though. They scare me!!! :) Thanks for the great tour.

me ann my camera said...

There are so many wonderful shapes and designs here...and many so very intricate and shapely. I enjoy sightseeing via pictures of places I've never seen or been to. This is a nice posting; very enjoyable. Thanks for the tour!

Mary said...

I didn't like the bridge either. I assume when they make it an overlook they will put a more solid walkway....maybe not. Those old victorian houses really fascinate me....there is only one that is a museum and open to the public, but it is great, and they decorate it every year at Christmas time. It has the most beautiful parquet floors with a different pattern in every room!

Mary said...

Me and My Camera: Like most people, I sometime under appreciate the wonderful things in my own city....this blogging is reminding me of what is here and taking pictures of things I want to see more of! Time to get out of the house and see my own little world!

Melissa said...

Photography is art. You switch from being a wildlife photographer to an artist very well. Yes, Evansville, has wonderful things to see and do. I can't imagine why I would want to come back there to live. Melissa

Mary said...

Well...start packing! We DO want you to come home.