Just nu läser jag Ice Cold Heart, som är den tionde delen i Monkeewrench-serien av P.J. Tracy. Som jag nämnt tidigare handlar serien om mordutredarna Leo Magozzi och Gino Rolseth, som ofta får hjälp med sina utredningar av sina minst sagt excentriska vänner på mjukvaruföretaget Monkeewrench.
I den här tionde boken är det mitt i smällkallaste vintern i Minneapolis, och en kvinna meddelar sin make att hon ska gå ut och träffa en väninna, men kommer aldrig hem igen. När hon hittas mördad tror Leo och Gino först att det kommer att bli hyfsat enkelt att hitta den hemlige älskare som av allt att döma har dödat henne av misstag under en misslyckad sexlek, men riktigt så lätt blir det inte. Mördaren har nämligen sopat igen spåren efter sig ordentligt.
"To be fair, that was mostly your fault."
"It was totally my fault, but he didn't have to flip me off. My day was already ruined the minute I answered the phone this morning, and he just made it worse. And I just made his day worse. We're all just evil little tribes, profanely gesturing our way toward collective misery."
"You are having a bad day."
"And you're not? I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life. And you know what doubles the suck factor about this? When the circumstances of Kelly Ramage's death get out, that poor woman is going to be judged. People will tsk-tsk about high-risk behavior, like she was asking for it. Her husband thinks he's already at rock bottom, but he has no idea what's coming at him."
"You're probably right. That's really depressing."
"It gets worse. Big-time accountant at a big-time firm? He's going to be radioactive, which really pisses me off, because his wife is a victim, so he's a victim, and they're both going to be treated like pariahs."
"If people heard that perspective, they'd be shamed into human decency against their will."
"That's the worst part, having to shame people into decency."