Friday, October 05, 2007


My husband will be at my office in about half an hour to take me to the doctor. We're getting my test results today. Within about an hour, I should know if this doctor can help us get pregnant or not.

I thought I'd be scared, but I am pretty even at the moment. I was definitely scared last night. Couldn't sleep. Ugh. Maybe that is part of the reason why I am so calm right now. I am just too tired to freak out? I dunno.

Flowers, I'd be most grateful if you would please say a wee prayer for us.



just some dude said...

Prayers said, I'll be thinking of ya.

Anonymous said...

You got it! Good Luck!!

kdzu said...

Winging their way upward.


I discovered last week that my first blog (it was pure politics), got deleted. Blogger must have some new rule where if you don't log in...