Flowers, be sure and check out the next post down for a taste of life according to HPF....LOL!
A birthday toast from BBF for HPF:
May the bloody piles possess them
May the corns adorn their feet
May the crabs as big as horse turds
Hang off their balls and eat
And when they're old and feeble
A syphilitic wreck
I hope their spine falls through their asshole
And breaks their G*! D@#n neck!
36 of my and BBF's favorite Hawwwwwt Perverted Friend quotes
1. Hawwwwwwwwwt!
2. You ever see a relaxed Liberal?
3. I have thick luxurious hair damnit!
4. You've done well, my young apprentice.
5. What's a get out of jail free card?
6. Very naughty you are little Miss Blondie!
7. Wench!
8. I look forward to keeping the both of you satisfied, I mean occupied...
9. I may not be 'new' but I am feeling a little warm...
10. Was that a good slap or a bad slap?
11. I'm just sayin'...
12. I'm very happy to announce, that you have passed with flying FuckMePump's, I mean, colors!!!
13. Bah, who needs a halo anyway?
14. They are obviously all liberals and scared of me. Rooooooaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
15. ....or as Doggie would put it: RRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUFFFFFFF! He takes after me you know.
16. I do have a hot nasty story or two up my sleeve.
17. Holy hot damn.
18. You are very cute when you are on strike.
19. Seen anyone in butt floss today?
20. By the way, nipples are above the waist.
21. Baseball is NOT determined by cuteness.
22. Caterpillars?
23. Shiny, sparkily and skimpy, heh. Perfect!!!
24. I may have to redesignate her... PT G/F # 1.7 she's slipping...
25. *thinking that a pic in a little black t-shirt would certainly help the deduction to be reconsidered*
26. I think I may be in trouble here.
27. What can I say... I'm a giver..
28. What is it that you say Blondie? We are all going straight to hell?
29. Balls? Did I hear... balls????????? I have some you know.
30. You are wearing a bikini to work, right?
31. We are so much alike it is scary, lol.
32. You two start making out ar anything?
33. I think this is the perfect opportunity to toss him to the curb. And kick him while he is down. And let me kick him a few times. And then let my doggie bite him. And pull out his dreads.
34. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I agree! Everything is better after a few buttery nipples!
35. Now now now... no need to stomp and pout. That will get you (edited to protect the innocent)...
36. Growwwwwwwwwwly.
A little birthday music...
"Blasphemous Rumours" By Depeche Mode
"Just Can't Get Enough" By Depeche Mode
"Stripped" By Depeche Mode
"People Are People" By Depeche Mode
"See You" By Depeche Mode
"Shake The Disease" By Depeche Mode
"Never Let Me Down Again" By Depeche Mode
Happy Birthday you rascal! Hope you have a wonderful day.....
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Happy Birthday you wicked man!
Yep. Wicked is a good word for him. *grin*
Happy Birthday!!! I'm going to have a buttery nipple in your honor! :)
BBF......we should go for "balls" and send naughty texts.....hehehehe
hee hee hee! We got hot stinky balls, but forgot the phone. How sad....had a shower yet, hpf? LOL!
I wish he would hurry up and WAKE UP!
Awwwwww *blush* did I really say all those things?
Thanks for the bday wishes!!!
LOL! You sure did! I have evidence!
Damn, even a toast around here can be an eye opener.
blackops, I have seen BBF do that toast decked out in an evening gown at a gala before......
She sooooo effing rules.
Happy Birthday HPF...whoever and wherever you are. If Blondage likes you -you must be a good guy and I see from #2 & #14 that you must be another perverted Republican ;)
He is pretty damn cool Ala.
Nuts, but cool.
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