
Showing posts with label #2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #2015. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Teacher's Resolutions: 2015

This is the January blog carnival from the RTT Teach Abroad Blog Carnival. The next blog carnival host is Sharon Couzens, so be sure to check out her blog around February 5th to see everyone's great posts! If you’d like to contribute to the next Blog Carnival, please get in touch with to get in the loop!

The New Year is always a reminder to get, "out with the old and in with the new." We take the time to try and get rid of old bad habits and start new great ones!

This blog carnival has links to blog posts from different English Language Teachers who write about their plans for the New Year. Many of them have stuck to a strictly educational perspective, whereas others have included their personal goals. Take a moment and check out these great blogs! Get inspired by their resolutions, or help them out by giving them tips. Most importantly, have a great 2015! 

New Year, New Goals
Who: Sarah is a New Hampshire native and a proud graduate of the University of New Hampshire. She taught at a high school in New Hampshire for a year, then decided to move to South Korea.  She is currently teaching in South Korea with amazing co-workers and students alike. She enjoys the challenges, surprises, and lessons that come with living abroad, and couldn't be happier about moving to Korea!

What: Sarah learned a lot of lessons the hard way during last semester, and is looking forward to improving her teaching, traveling, and preparing for her life after Korea in the upcoming year.

Check it out:

New Year, New Potential
Who: Holly was bitten by the travel bug in her early teens and has long since rejected the idea of spending her entire life in Canada!  Having volunteered in Honduras, backpacked around Southeast Asia and studied in Australia in the past, she now calls Seoul home for the next year.

What: After four months of teaching, I no longer fear I’m on the verge of getting fired, and I’ve found my own groove, but there’s always room for improvement.  This year, I plan to get more creative, ensuring I’m teaching effectively, and focus on what really matters- my students!

Teaching and Travel Resolutions for the New Year
Who: Abigail prefers walking to motorized vehicles and likes the idea of slow travel, getting to know a place by building up a routine that absorbs the new culture. Her interests include illustration, editing (film & writing), reviews, boston terriers, artist books, and iPhonography.

What: Three lists of general teaching, teaching ESL in Korea, and personal travel resolutions for the new year, as well as a teaching history from Abigail of Bodging for Apples II.

Check it out:

New Year Travel Resolution

Who: Dean has been traveling for around 3 and a half years now with a small stint back in his home country. He's from the UK and began his teaching career on the island of Bali. Then he made the move to Taiwan where he currently resides.

What: Dean's blog delves into the rewards that can come from learning another language. He focuses on the challenges that had so far, as well as the hopes had for the future. Mandarin is not an easy language to learn. But the best rewards come from those that demand the hardest work.

Travel and teaching resolutions in 2015 
Who: Rebecca Thering is a freelance writer and editor who has lived abroad teaching ESL in Spain and South Korea. Valuing education and things that aren't things, she inspires and helps others by writing about her experiences abroad, cultural insights and self-improvement pursuits at her personal blog, Rebe With a Clause.

What: Rebe does not currently have an ESL teaching position, but she's discovered that she has done a decent amount of teaching since leaving her elementary English classroom in Korea this past fall. Here's her new angle on teaching, plus how she resolves to improve and grow her teaching and traveling in the new year.

Check it out:

Teaching Goals  
Who: Carissa has been teaching abroad for many years and finally made the move back to San Diego. She loves trying new things in the classroom and is slowly embracing the crazy cat lady status she earned by bringing her Mexican cat over the border to California.

What: Adjusting to a new school and different classes can be difficult. By making five simple changes Carissa hopes to become a more productive teacher.

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed! For those of you who were unable to contribute, feel free to post your blog link in the comments, or just list your resolutions there. I look forward to reading them :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Share your teaching resolutions!

I am really excited to be hosting January's Blog Carnival for RTT. It is a great chance for you to share your blog with a different audience and really get the word out there! Carnivals are one of the highest viewed posts on my blogs, so we hope to get everyone some new readers.
Since the blog will be posted on January 7th, the topic is timely. You've taught for all of (or part of 2014)! Maybe you have a new class, or are in a new country. Now that 2015 is rolling around what's the resolution that you will make for your teach year of teaching (or traveling)?

That's it!
  • Do you want to try more of a new teaching method?
  • Give a new website a try?
  • Make students work with different people?
  • Get guest speakers to come to your class?
  • Have more (or less) patience with the students?
  • Introduce an imaginary student to your class?
Whatever it is we'd love to read about it. Of course, if your post is more about YOU, that's fine too!
  • Travel more
  • Grade less
  • Get a teaching certificate
Any questions be sure to ask!
To participate, I'll need you to e-mail or tweet me a link to your blog article by January 4th (just in time since my school year starts up January 5th) 

Be sure to include:
-The link to your blog post
- A short description of your entry. 
- A short bio of themselves
- A picture if you wish (otherwise I'll just use a screenshot of your blog)
To be sure others can participate please include an introduction that includes the following information (reword as you wish)

This post is part of the Reach To Teach Teach Abroad Blog Carnival. The host for January is Carissa Peck over at mELTing Activities, so be sure to check out her blog January 7th to see everyone's great resolutions! If you’d like to contribute to next month’s Blog Carnival, please get in touch with for information on how to participate!

I hope that everyone is having an AWESOME December, and that you will have an even better 2015.
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