Showing posts with label New Product. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Product. Show all posts

Friday, March 26, 2010

New Product! Hafted Beothuk Arrowhead Necklace

Hafted Beothuk points for necklace
This weekend marks a big change of theme for Elfshot. Its the weekend of the Provincial Craft Wholesale Show in St. John's. Craft producers from around the province set up booths at the Holiday Inn and shop owners come and place their spring orders for the upcoming tourist season. The show isn't open to the public and no one actually walks out with product in hand, but if you are a retailer and would like to see what new and innovative products are out there, then this is the place to be.

Hafted Beothuk Necklaces (Newfoundland Chert, Wood, Artificial Sinew, Epoxy, Red Ochre stain) $39.95 CDN tax inc.

The new product that I'm introducing this season combines two previous best sellers and adds a bit of colour. I'm making hafted Beothuk arrowheads stained with red ochre. I've made hafted necklaces in the past and the Beothuk necklaces made from Newfoundland chert have always been popular, but I haven't hafted these before because I didn't have a good colourfast method of applying the red ochre stain... until now. I know a few people who wear their Elfshot jewelry all the time and I love watching how the pieces age. I think that one of the cool thing about these hafted Beothuk necklaces is that they look old right out of the box and will only acquire more character over the years.

Reproduction Arrow, Recent Indian (Little Passage Beothuk style)

Metal Tipped Arrows made
for "Stealing Mary"
The points that I use on these necklaces are exactly the same as the points that I use on full Beothuk arrow reproductions. Technically the style of arrowhead that I use are Little Passage points. Little Passage is the name given to the Beothuk artifacts that are found in Newfoundland for the 500 years or so before European contact and trade goods start showing up in their archaeological sites. There's no doubt that the Beothuk were the people making the Little Passage arrowheads, but archaeologists tend to make a distinction between the Little Passage time period before contact and the Beothuk time period, after contact. The chipped stone arrowheads started to take second stage to hammered iron arrowheads as soon as European iron became available in the form of scavenged nails and trap parts.

Photo Credits:
1,2,4: Tim Rast
3: Eric Walsh

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Product: Groswater Palaeoeskimo Knives

So here's the finished Groswater Palaeoeskimo asymmetric knives that I mentioned in an earlier post. I went with two different style handles based on palaeoeskimo knife handles found at two different sites. I'm happy with both of them as archaeological reproductions - there is a random roughness about the baleen wrapped handle that I really like. On the other hand, as a marketable 21st century craft object I'm going to go with the sinew binding.

Groswater Paleoeskimo Knife
Top $115 (Retail price, Tax inc), Bottom $175 SOLD (One-of-a-kind, tax inc)

A lot of the aspects of the baleen knife handle that appeal to me from an artifact reproduction point of view work against it as a craft product. Its more labour intensive, the baleen is much more exotic and expensive to acquire than sinew, and its a little less tidy looking in the finished product. Baleen has a hardness and strength comparable to plastic, unfortunately it can sometimes look like plastic. I intentional left it rough and stringy to better match the original artifacts from Greenland, but needed to seal all those loose ends in with a thin coating of hide glue, which accentuates the shiny plastic look of the baleen. Its a little frustrating because all that adds up to an interesting artifact reproduction, but as a craft product I think its first impression would be messy, over-priced, and probably fake looking. And that's all before the issues of try to export sea mammal parts.

I think I should fire my PR person - that new product review sucked. I probably should have spent more time promoting the product I intend to market and less time bashing the one I don't.

Like most of the reproductions that I make I'm fairly confident about the stone blade while there is a little more guesswork involved in the handle. I don't know of any Groswater Palaeoekimo knife handles that have been found. (Does anyone reading this know of something? - I'd appreciate the heads-up) There are good examples of hafted palaeoeskimo knives from a slightly earlier time period in Greenland as well as a slightly later time period in Labrador. So I've drawn from both of those sources and went with something in between.

Qeqertasussuk, Greenland. This site dates from 3900-3100 years ago and offers a unique glimpse at palaeoeskimo life from this time period because of the exceptional organic preservation. The knife handles here tend to be flattened towards the blade and rounded at the grip. They were composite handles, made from two halves that pinched the blade and were tied together with sinew or baleen. The blades are un-notched and the hafting area of the handle isn't well defined with notches or grooves.

Avayalik Island, Labrador. The later Dorset Palaeoeskimo handles from Northern Labrador are a little different. Instead of two pieces they are made from one piece of wood with a slot cut in one end to accept the knife blade. They seem to be much slighter than the Saqqaq knife handles, some of them taper to a narrow rounded grip that reminds me of a artist's paintbrush handle. Others handles are flat and rectangular. They also have a well defined groove where the binding material, probably sinew, would be tied. The blades here have narrow side-notches.The handles that I came up with borrow from both of these sources. I didn't want to haft a Groswater knife in a Saqqaq handle or Dorset handle, I wanted something in between. The shorter knife with baleen lashings is a little more Saqqaq inspired and and the longer one with the sinew binding is a little more Dorset.

When I make reproductions like this I consciously try to build in a lot of variety. Each one will be different. That's important to me since I don't really know what a Groswater Palaeoeskimo knife looked like and if I make the same form over and over again I can inadvertantly create a style in my mind. That style might not be based on anything other than a pattern that I invented and fell into the habit of using.

Photo Credits:
Top, Bottom: Tim Rast
Middle: scan from Bjarne Grønnow article

Photo Captions:
Top, Groswater Palaeoeskimo Knives. The top knife is made from chert with a softwood handle and bound with sinew and hide glue. The lower knife is the same but with baleen and hide glue lashings.
Middle, Illustration of Saqqaq knife from Greenland. From Grønnow, Bjarne 1994, Qeqertasussuk -- the Archaeology of a Frozen Saqqaq Site in Disko Bugt, west Greenland. In Threads of Arctic Prehistory, edited by David Morrison an Jean-Luc Pilon, Archaeological Survey of Canada, Mercury Series Paper 149.
Bottom, Dorset Palaeoeskimo knife from Avayalik Island, Labrador in the archaeology collection at The Rooms, St. John's.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Product: Fibre Optic Brooch

New Jewelry for 2009 - Fibre Optic Brooches - $46.00 (Retail Price, tax inc)

Just in time for the Provincial Craft Wholesale Show this weekend, a brand new addition to Elfshot's line of jewelry - Fibre Optic Brooches! Available in a range of brilliant colours.

The new artifact reproductions are drying and I'll post an update on them shortly.

Photo Credit: Tim Rast
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