Showing posts with label Deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deer. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mule Deer and Pronghorn Antelope

If I see wildlife on the side of the road, I have to pull over and try to take a picture.  My dad was the same with rubber tarp straps.  If he'd see one of those in the middle of a four lane highway, he'd hammer the breaks and back the truck up.  The best would be if he could back right over it and just lean out the door to pick it up.  He'd be happy for the rest of the day.  I can't ever recall seeing dad buy a tarp strap.  Any trip could be rated on the number of tarp straps found along the way.  
Anyhow, when I was in Alberta earlier this month I saw dozens of mule deer and pronghorn antelope along the highway. The deer were all near the Bow and Little Bow Rivers and the antelope were in a big herd just outside Medicine Hat.  

Photo Credits: Tim Rast
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