I have good luck making microblades from this jasper. |
Microblades are one of the hardest types of reproductions that I make, so the are usually the last thing that I work on when I'm filling orders. I started working on some jasper microblades yesterday and was able to produce a few individual blades that I can use in hafting projects, but no nice blade and core sets. When I'm making a core and blade set, I really like to have a run of successful blades that can be refit onto the core. I finally got those blades made today. When it is working, the blades should get straighter and more regular as the blade removal process goes on. The photo on the right shows the last three blades in the series. Even without any trimming they have nice parallel sides and one or two long straight ridges or arrises running down their length.
Here is the sequence of blades as they came off the core from left to right. You can see how they gradually become flatter and more regular with straighter edges as the core is reduced. |
Looking down on the refit microblades from the top of the core. The gaps that you can see between each blade is a result of all the platform preparation necessary to isolate each microblade platform before they are struck off the core using an antler soft hammer. |
The complete set, signed, and ready to pack up. On the left is a Maritime Archaic adze and the rest of the tools are Palaeoeskimo reproductions. The reddish orange pieces are the microblades and core. The middle columns are side scrapers on the left and end scrapers on the right. The flat slate tool with the two holes in it on the right is a lance head. |
Photo Credits: Tim Rast