Showing posts with label mini charm packs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mini charm packs. Show all posts

September 17, 2016

Little Ruby Table Topper

Hello, Friends!
I have a little table topper to share today.
I made it from a Mini Charm pack of Little Ruby
by Bonnie and Camille for Moda.

I didn't have a pattern for this table topper,
but I was definitely inspired by Sherri from A Quilting Life.
showing a sweet way to lay out the squares on point.

I had just received my mini charm pack,
and I just "needed" to make something with it.
I cut some a whole bunch of 2 1/2" white squares,
and in almost no time I had the quilt center finished.

I really LOVE the way that many designers
use a color palette that blends one fabric collection
with other lines that they've produced.
It makes it so easy to finish precut projects,
even when you don't have yardage from the same line.
I used a fat quarter from Hello Darling
to create a mitered border.

There were only a few squares left over
from the mini charm pack.
I used those to make a pieced backing.
I chose a piece of blue scallop fabric from
the original Ruby line, for the rest of the backing.

For the binding, I chose a bias stripe
from a fat quarter of Hello Darling.

I think this topper looks pretty on the front...

and on the back, too!

{I really love pieced backings...don't you?}

Sometimes you just feel the need to create.
Those mini charms will burn a hole in my sewing stash,
if I don't make something with them soon.

This project was so enjoyable that 
would not mind stitching up a bunch of them
into table toppers like this.

What do you like to make with your mini charms???

Linking up with Fabric Frenzy Friday!

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August 4, 2014

Addicted to Hexies!

For a long time 
I've been staring at all of the gorgeous 
hexagon photos
I can find on the internet.
I search for them on Flickr and on Pinterest.

{I've got an entire Pinterest board called Hexagons.}

Pincushion by Fabadashery 
I keep telling myself that I'm going to make 
some hexies of my own.
It has finally happened!!!

I printed out a bunch of paper templates

There are plenty of free templates out there.
I found one somewhere...but I accidentally printed it as 
"Fit to Printable Area", so it was a wee bit smaller than 1".

But guess what?
That size was PERFECT for my Moda mini charm pack of Glamping!

{Thank you, Bev, for including the mini charm pack in my swap gift!}

Hmmm...check out those teeny hexies on the skinny pinnie!
The 1" measurement refers to the length of one side.
The entire hexie is 2" across, in my example.

Even when I printed out new templates,
sized exactly 1" on each side,
I was able to use a mini charm 2 1/2" square.
I came upon this tutorial at Sometimes Crafter,
illustrating that you really don't even have to cut
the fabric into a hexagon shape at all!
Just line up two edges of the paper template
with two opposite sides of the square.

{Visit the post, and you'll see more photos of the process.}

Photo from Sometimes Crafter blog
TIP: If you are making a large project,
print out all of your templates from a single source.
There are minor variations from one to another, 
even if you do print them using the "None" option
for Page Scaling.

I keep the little hexies in my lovely pouch
that I received from another lovely swap package,
made by Gabrielle.

{There's room for many more in there, and it's a perfect showcase.}

I showed these to my mom, sister and niece.
We couldn't keep our fingers off of them!
We made a flower...

and then another one.

Mom said they remind her of poker chips.
No wonder I find them addicting!

Wouldn't it be fun to use them on a quilting retreat
as "chips" for playing poker???
Bigger hexies could be worth more, etc.
You could keep the ones you win!

Come back soon and find out what I'm going to make 
with these lovely little hexies!

Yep - I'm officially addicted to hexies.

{Are you?}
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