Showing posts with label Easter eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter eggs. Show all posts

April 4, 2012

Easter Blessings

Here in Pennsylvania we have a local celebrity 
who gets a lot of attention each year on Groundhog Day, which is February 2.

This year, as for most years, Punxsutawney Phil 
predicted "6 more weeks of winter".  
{The only alternative prediction was "an early Spring."}
We are happy to report that Phil got it wrong this time!

My beautiful daffodils have bloomed already...

And now the crabapple tree in the front yard is joining the party.

It's almost Easter, and I love the reminders of new life and rebirth.  

Easter symbolism brings fresh beauty to our daily lives...

through bright colors...

chocolate bunnies...

fresh flowers...

fancy foods...

 and images of baby animals.

This year we are enjoying a new Easter decoration in our home,
courtesy of my new internet friend, Ann, over at All Things Paper.
She posted this photo of her gorgeous handmade card on her Flickr site, 
and I was compelled to comment on its beauty.

Before I knew it, Anne sent it to me. 
{Yes, she DID!}
She has a great tutorial on her website, showing how you can make your

However you spend your Easter, 
I hope you will celebrate your blessings of family and friends
and the joys they bring.

He Is Risen!  Alleluia!

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