Can you believe it is already October? Seriously, were did the year go?
I am completely excited that it is fall. I love fall. It is my most favorite time of the year. October marks a lot of major events in our lives. It's kinda a special month for us, full of emotions, memories, traditions, and fun.
5 years ago this month, Dustyn and I started dating! It was 5 years ago this month that I found the best husband that there could possibly be for me. He is amazing and I am completely lucky that I found him! Can you believe it's been 5 years? I can not believe that in 3 month I will have been married 5 years! That is just crazy. I feel like it was just yesterday.
4 years ago this month, our angel baby, Hannah, came to earth for a short moment. We are thankful for her and for her presence in our lives. She is such a strength to us and continually turns our thoughts to Heaven and Eternal Life. She helps us be the people that we need to be. She gives us strength to keep going. She reminds us daily of our Eternal plan. What a blessing.
2 years ago this month, we were officially approved to adopt! What an amazing journey the past 2+ year have been. I can not even begin to tell you what I have learned. I have learned more about myself. More than I ever thought I wanted to know, but it turns out, I'm not so bad! I didn't know who I was. Slowly through trial and error, I am finding myself and the person that I really want to be.
I have learned about Dustyn, about our marriage. What a miracle to be married to Dustyn for all time and all eternity. Through all the trials, we sit and wonder what in the world we were suppose to learn. What good can we take out of our pain and heartache? Somehow we always find it. We are together and that is all that matters. If we never have children here on this earth, I will always be blessed to have Dustyn. He's all I need on this earth. I know I have eternity to raise and be with my children. Now, that doesn't mean that I don't
want to have children here, but I am happy to have the eternal family that I have!
Adoption. Seriously, this is the work of the Lord. He truly knows what we need and when we need it. Adoption is such an amazing program. I mean, something that ends in an eternal family sealed in the Temple for all time and eternity. Can there be anything more special? My heart is so full of love for adoption. My whole and complete heart is in adoption. I wish I could explain with words how I feel, but I fear there is nothing I can say to explain the feelings of my heart. Just know, that I feel the love of Christ in adoption. What an amazing work.
I am not the same person I was two years ago. I have completely changed through love, heartaches, and experiences. I will never be the same person I once was and for that I am grateful.
I love October. I love what it represents to me and my little eternal family. I love that no matter how sad I am during October, I can find happiness in my Heavenly Father and in his son Jesus Christ. He is there for me! He wants me to be happy! And when he feels we are ready, he will bless us with miracles. What a loving Heavenly Father we have. We are so blessed.
I love October!