
Wish it was an April Fools Joke

So we got the long awaited letter yesterday... Let's just say we wish it was a really bad April Fools joke! We had been waiting all day today to receive another letter from the U that said just kidding...APRIL FOOLS- You really did get accepted! The U was the last school we were waiting to hear from and our last hope of going to Medical School this year. We just want to thank everyone for the many thoughts, prayers, fasts and more prayers that were given in our behalf. We really do appreciate all of the love and support we have received through this. Ironically enough, Broc and I had been preparing ourselves for this news the last couple of weeks. Although our hopes were high and we were very surprised and disappointed with the news, a lot of our conversations had unknowingly prepared us, somewhat, for the rejection. That’s not to say that there were no tears or questions about why we didn’t get in, but we knew and understood that there could have been another plan for us during the next year. With all the prayers and faith that have gone into this process, both on our part and on yours, we felt comforted and relieved as the day went on. We know that the Lord’s hand has definitely been a part of our lives throughout this process and especially with this decision. Though everything pointed towards Broc getting in, we recognize that we have something we need to learn or accomplish over this next year. We are so grateful for these opportunities we have to grow and learn. We know that the Lord has a greater plan in mind for us at this time. Again we can’t say this enough, but we really appreciate all of your care and concern. We love you all!


Unknown said...

We are so sorry! I am sure that whatever the Lord has planned for you will be wonderful :) You are an amazing little family and have done so much for our family and we are truly grateful that you have been in our lives at this time and it must mean that there is some other family that needs you guys there for them too...so med school will just have to wait ;)

Bell Family said...

Your blog is so cute! Things will all fall into place and work out great. I think our next move might be to Miami, so if there's any med schools out that way...ha ha :) love ya

Unknown said...

Hey Crys & Broc! Sorry that the news was not what you had hoped! Things always do have a way of working out for us... Just not always in our time frame. Keep the faith and know that the Lord is truly aware of your family and your needs... he just knows the whole plan and the best way for you to get to the final outcome. Selfishly, I'm glad that you'll be close for at least another year... So when are you coming to visit? Our door is always open and we'd love to have you come anytime!! Know I love you!! Love, Jenn

Rosie said...

You know this happened to my brother and it worked out better for him. We know how hard it is and just remember the Lord has a PLAN! We love you guys!

Josh and Liz said...

Hey guys, I put Broc should live in a van down by the river, but that should only happen if you can get the old chevy van! I hope you guys are doing okay. This is a tough thing to deal with, but you guys have the right attitude. I can't tell you how many people I know in dental & med school who have gone through this, and it ends up working out in the end. Let me know if there's anything we can do for you. Josh

natalie said...

We are so sorry guys. We have not stopped praying for your little family. The Lord is mindful of you, and I know you know that. He will take care of you as he has thus far! We love you all!

Unknown said...

I know how you feel. We're in the same stupid boat. But, I'm sure there are good things too. Who knows, it might be a blessing in disguise.

By the way, love absolutely love, the hair!