Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts


The tale of the locks...

Wow, it has been so long since I have had time to blog. So much has happened and there are so many stories to tell. It has been non-stop craziness for the last few weeks. Some big events have taken place over the last month but probably the biggest was us leaving Dominica. That will have to be it's own post and hopefully I can get some posts up about some amazing stories that we have experienced. We are now on US soil and it has been so good to be with family. (Though, I still miss my home in Dominica).

Last week Broc's parents rented out a huge house so we could all be together. It was loads of fun, amazing food and some good ol' hearty laughs! Seriously, my belly hurt after a few rounds of Catch Phrase. Haven't laughed that hard in a long time! This was the first time in two years his family was able to have everyone together. So of course family pics were on the agenda.

Some of you might remember this post about our sweet niece Kaelyn. She has been undergoing chemo treatments and just recently started loosing her hair.

After the photographer had snapped a few pics of us, all of the guys had decided they were going to shave their heads in honor of Kaelyn. Earlier that day, Crew heard that the guys were doing this and told me that he wanted to shave his head. When we ask him why he said, "because I want to do it for Kaelyn. I thought it would be nice to do, so she wouldn't feel bad." How can you say no to that?

 The guys were draped with garbage bags and the head shaving began. 

I actually think the shaved head looks pretty good on Broc! I was always dreading the day when he would start loosing his hair, but I think he wears it well.

This sweet girl was probably feeling a little overwhelmed from all of the excitement. 

It was finally Crew's turn. It was a little emotional for me to watch. Not that I was sad about him not having his curls (well it kind of was), but it was really more amazing to watch my 5 year old want to do something like this. Knowing how much he loved his curls and watching him give them up for someone else was just about the sweetest thing ever.

He rocked a killer mullet for a few seconds!

I just couldn't quit thinking about how Crew had a choice to cut his hair, but there are sweet innocent kids who have to go through so much pain who don't get a choice. It was a moment that made me very grateful for my healthy boys. And recognizing the bigger picture- it is just hair.

 So proud of this one! Loosing the curls made him look so much older. 

Both Broc and I were really surprised that he wanted to do it. I would have never thought that he would ever want to shave his beautiful golden spiral locks. Because he has told us he would never want to shave them. If any of you know Crew, you know how attached he was to his curls. But he made the choice and wanted to do it. I was so impressed that he was capable of making a decision like this to sacrifice something to try to make someone else happy. Sweet sweet Crew and his huge heart! I just love this boy!

He was so fascinated with the feel of little Rae's head! He just had to keep feeling it!

I was worried about how he would feel about it the next day. But he just kept feeling his head and saying, "my hair feels pokey!" He hasn't been sad about it at all!

This is for you sweet girl! We love you!


The "CALL"

My mom and Lynn received their mission call on June 15. Just when they thought it wasn't going to come that week (they usually only come on Wednesdays and Thursdays), miraculously, Friday morning at 6:30 AM they got a phone call from the post office telling them the awaited letter had finally arrived! I love Morgan, it is a small town where I grew up, and it will always be home to me. Seriously, what other post office would take the time to make a special phone call to let someone know their letter is there?!

So thankful for technology, so that we could be present- or at least able to watch them open it! 
Here she is with the call in her hands! 

She was like a little kid at Christmas! Singing and dancing up a storm! Oh my how I love her! 
It wouldn't be a normal day without her made up songs and dances!  

It was a last minute "get-together" but somehow it worked out perfectly to allow almost everybody to be there! I got to meet my new baby twinner cousins! (That's my beautiful sister Jen holding one of the twinner grandbabies!- She definitely doesn't look old enough to be called Grandma!)

We were all so excited to find out where they were going to be serving!

After waiting for a bit until everyone arrived... they finally opened the "call". 

They will be serving a full time 18 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the Johannesburg, South Africa Mission! 
We were all a little emotional as they read where they would be serving. 

Crew giving loves to Grammy and my other beautiful sis! 

Isn't my mom so beautiful!

I didn't expect to feel some of the things that I felt as they opened up their call. 
Up to this point, I have been so excited for them ... and don't get me wrong- I still am! 
They leave September 3. Which means I only get to see her for a couple of weeks before they leave. 
They will be serving their mission in South Africa for 18 months.
I try to think that I am strong. But selfishly, I wonder sometimes if I will be ok without her. 
I know I have already lived 18 months without her as we have lived over seas...
And I guess I have learned during our experiences here that when you put the Lord first, 
everything always works out. And blessings come.
I really can't think of a better way to strengthen a family than to serve the Lord. 

We are so excited for you both! I can't wait to hear the incredible stories of how you help the gospel touch lives in Africa. Thank you both for your amazing examples to all of us! I know that the Lord leads us to where we need to be. And right now the people of South Africa just need you more than I do! What a blessing you both will be there! Love you guys so much! xoxo


The worst part about living far away...

Is not being able to be there for special things and family get-togethers. And recently it has seemed like we have missed out on some pretty big family events. We missed our neice Jordyn's graduation on Friday and our nephew, Kambren's baptism on Saturday and our neice Shantel got married April 28. It was so hard seeing the pictures of everybody together and knowing that we missed such special things. We have missed baby blessings and getting to squeeze a few brand new bebes who have made their debuts while we have lived afar. Broc has had to miss out on his sister's wedding and my Grandma's funeral. Sometimes it is just so hard not being able to be there when you know all of your family is getting together. I love both of our families so much and I love spending time with them.

We found out last week that our sweet neice, Kaelyn, has a cancer. They found a tumor (Wilms tumor) on her left kidney. They are removing the tumor and her left kidney today, she is probably still in surgery as I am typing this. It is killing me that we aren't there. That we aren't there to help babysit little Isaac (Kaelyn's brother). Or make dinners for their sweet family. Or just be there to give hugs. I really just wish we could hop on a plane and be there with them. This is really the hardest part about living so far away.

I am so grateful for technology that at least allows us to skype with our families. We were able to feel like we were there (sort of) for her Farewell Kidney party on Saturday. I guess I should be grateful for that. Oh how we love you sweet Rae!

Yesterday we each made a picture/ card for her. 
Knowing that snail mail takes a good month, we emailed it to her. 

We sure do love you Kaelyn! Know that we are praying for your sweet family Chels and Brock! xoxo


Crazy Busy Weekend & Oodles of Pictures

 Lately life has been nonstop. I feel that I have been running here and there and something that makes it even more fun is not having a car. Most times walking (running at times when I am late- seriously), and sometimes paying a transport driver to take me from place to place. Which is not always the most reliable way to go, as most times everybody here is on "island time". Plus we are entering hurricane season, so rain is another a fun thing to add into the day. This post is more of a journal entry with details of our life right now, really for me. I want to remember the busies of life here. Funny, I though before I came here, I would wonder how to fill my time, and just relax on the beach everyday. I was way off!

Life for fifth semester has been crazy. Probably the craziest so far during our time here in Dominica. Broc goes to Roseau, a drive about an hour away, for classes and clinicals. He leaves at 6:30am and usually doesn't get home until around 6pm. Sometimes earlier, but not often does that happen. Since Crew started school back in September, Broc has always taken him to school in the mornings and I would always come and bring lunch at noon. If Crew wanted to stay in the afternoon, it was only two hours so it wasn't a big deal to stay. Well this semester has switched things up a bit. Because Broc goes to Roseau so early, I am left to take Crew to school. Which means I have to leave our house at 7:40am. There have been some very sad breakfasts, store bought lunches, a very sad Jack because he is missing his 1:00pm nap, and a very tired Mom who now isn't home to get anything done around the house. If I would have known or realized that I would be taking Crew to school in the mornings during this semester, we would have moved much, much closer. I knew Broc was going to Roseau, but it never crossed my mind that I would need to take Crew in the mornings. I love our place and the walk isn't that bad, but it is just too hot to go back and forth a million times a day. So I spend most of the day on campus.

This particular day, Wednesday, May 16, we were on campus all day. It was a crazy day. It was also Jemulyn's birthday, one of my young women. (I teach and do activities once a week with the young women in our church). So Heidi, and Josepine (a local lady who serves in the Young Womens with me) and I took her a birthday card and a cake to celebrate!

The beautiful birthday girl who just turned 15! Let me tell you a little about Jemulyn. Aside from her brother, she is the only member of the church in her school. Some people at school make fun of her because she belongs to another church. Yet, she gets up early to go to seminary before school and is at church every Sunday, ready to answer any question you throw at her. Jemulyn is such an amazing example of standing for truth and righteousness. Knowing how hard things are for her and seeing her faithfulness, is amazing. I feel so blessed to be able to have the opportunity to work with her in young womens.

Josephine, Jemulyn, me and Cornelia (Jemulyn's mom).
After we left the Francios, Heidi and I made a few other stops and visited some other members of our church since we were already over in that part of town. I just love these sweet people!

Broc took the COMP on Friday, May 18. It is the test that he has to pass before he is able to take the STEP 1 Boards. Broc had put in some crazy late nights before the test so that added a bit to the craziness. And knowing that four semesters worth of information was put into 200 questions, he was feeling the pressure. Plus, all of the busies that go with his calling at church.

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my little nuggets running around. We sure do get a good dose of smiles and laughter. Especially, during busy weeks like this one.

Jack is the funniest little boy these days. And has a serious obsession with glasses. Just look at that face, almost edible!

Right after Broc finished his test on Friday (the test I couldn't wait to be over), he had to get things ready for a baptism on Saturday and get things ready for Branch Conference on Sunday. The Mission Presidency was coming on Saturday, so that meant lots of meetings and visits. All of which had to wait to be planned until after the test! I was anticipating a busy weekend but it turns out it was a little crazier than expected.

Saturday, May 19 was Junior Francios' baptism. He is Jemulyn's brother and turned 8 the day he was baptized! Since it was his birthday, I felt like it would be nice to celebrate it with the Branch so I made a cake. Probably the saddest looking thing I have ever made, but oh well, no one complained and he got a cake! We had to be at Coconut Beach at 10am. Here is just a glimpse at life here with out a car. I got up early to make the cake and of course there was some issues with the frosting. I used a ziplock bag to pipe some lettering on it and it kept spilling out of the bags, making a mess of the cake. Well, Broc had to get things ready for the baptism and print off a few things, so he took the kids and went early. I was rushing because of the frosting issues and my OCD was kicking in, killing me that the cake didn't look pretty, at all. But I knew I needed to get there. So I grabbed the sad little cake, the backpack, and the camera bag and walked outside only to find that it is dumping rain. So I ran back in to grab my umbrella and I start my walk to the beach. A random car was coming to pass me and I flagged him down to see if he could give me a ride. Yep, I hitch hiked! Believe me I have crazier stories. I was late and desperate and people are so great to give you a lift, most of the time. The guy could only take me down our hill to the main road, but it was better than nothing. I don't think this picture does justice as to what it was like walking the rest of the way. It was so wet my feet were sloshing around and I was just praying that I didn't slip and drop the cake. My arms were tired from carrying the cake and the umbrella. I know it probably sounds silly, but the wind was blowing so it really was hard trying to keep the umbrella from blowing away. I just wanted to sit down and cry, I didn't, but wanted to. Oh and Broc wasn't able to print off the songs and programs because the printers here are hit and miss. Evidently, this day was a miss.

Here he is Victor Francios Junior! All ready for his big day! Didn't even phase him that is was raining. 

Luckily, at Coconut Beach there is an old run down restaurant so we were able to stay out of the rain for the talks. Since I had the umbrella to keep the cake protected the boys were soaked by the time they arrived. Poor things.

The Primary and Nursery kiddos! From left to right: Jemuna, Owen, Crew, James, Hudson, Porter, Savana, Jack, Kash, Streator

The Francios family! This baptism was even more special because Jemuel, Junior's brother got to baptize him. He had just turned 16 about a month earlier! It is so amazing to see such strong members! It was probably a first for this to happen on this island. So so cool. I just love their family! And I love that we are witnessing the growth of the church here.

Junior was all smiles coming out of the water! He was so happy! He could have cared less that it was raining. The spirit was so strong and he just radiated! 

The sad little cake! It was red velvet inside.

If there is a puddle to jump in... Jack will be the first to find it!

Rain to Jack, just means more puddles to jump in! 

After the baptism. I went home, got the boys some lunch, and then put them down for naps. Broc had to take off and head to the church for some meetings. While the boys were sleeping, I whipped up some coconut oatmeal cookies for Broc and the other leaders to take around for the families they were visiting. I got the cookies made and packaged up just in time for Broc to come home and grab them before he had to leave again to go do visits. While he was gone, I started to make dinner for 8! I offered to make dinner for the Mission Presidency. I figured it would just be easier than to have them go out to eat. The plan was to make dinner and bring it to the church by 6pm. That would give them an hour to eat and be ready to go for the fireside that was at 7pm. I decided on something that I could just wrap up and take. I attempted a new recipe, Thai Chicken Wraps with a Peanut Sauce. I will be posting the recipe on Lovely.

But by this time the boys were both awake and wanting my attention and Jack wasn't about to let me put him down as I ran around my tiny kitchen trying to get the wraps all ready to go and keep them hot until the transport arrived. Rushing around I went to hurry to get a tortilla and slipped on some water that I was unaware that Jack had spilled. Seriously something clean out of the movies! It was a circus at our place. Sometimes, I wish there was an instant replay button to watch how funny you looked. This was one of those times, hurrying and rushing. Well the transport arrived around 6ish and I told Crew to tell him I will be out in two minutes as I was trying to still bag everything up. The driver told Crew he had to run somewhere and would be right back. So it gets to be 6:20pm and still no sign of the driver. I called him and after a very frustrating conversation, he tells me it will take him another ten minutes to get back up to my place. Ahhhhh! He finally gets to my place at around 6:35pm. We start driving to the church. By this time there are a few people heading to the church so he picks them up. And we finally arrive at the church at about 6:45pm. I rush the food inside to hurry and feed everybody. As one of the councilors turns to President Alvarado (the mission president) to let him know the food is here. He says, "we will just eat after the fireside". My heart sunk. Now, I completely understand his reasoning. People were starting to come and that would be rude to start eating right then. But man, I had worked so hard to make sure everything was hot and ready to go. I felt awful that I didn't make it there earlier. I felt frustrated with the fact that I didn't have a car and had to rely on someone else to take me.

At this moment, I cracked. I handed Jack to Broc and I just needed to have a moment... in the bathroom. It was a time when I felt that I had done my best and it wasn't enough. I felt awful that there were eight starving people, plus my hungry kiddos. And now the hot wraps that I worked so hard to make and keep hot would now go into a refrigerator only to wait to be enjoyed until after the fireside. I wasn't upset that they didn't eat them, I was upset that I could get there in time for them to eat them. I tried to gain my composure and went up to the fireside. It was just one of those days that come sometimes, when you realize that you just have to let somethings go. Sometimes as a mom I feel this more and more. I am beginning to realize that it is ok if things don't always work out like you plan. (*Emphasize: "beginning to realize").

Though there many hungry bellies, we were all spiritually fed. After it was over we finally were able to enjoy the wraps. Some of them were even still warm (not hot, but warm). I'm sure they would have been better eaten hot and fresh but it all ended up working out.

We got a ride home with President Alvarado. He really is so great. Then we got the boys in bed. It was about 9:00pm. At this point, I still needed to get some stuff ready for Sunday. Since it was Branch Conference, the Roseau Group was taking a bus down and we were having a luncheon after church. So then I still needed made two dozen buns, and fit 16 chicken breasts in two crock pots. We were serving BBQ chicken sandwichs. Broc was working on his talk that he had to give in Sacrament meeting. Let's just say it was a late night for both of us.

Broc had to be to church early on Sunday to get things ready for some early meetings. Which meant I had make sure I got up early enough to get me and the boys ready and everything ready to take for the luncheon. I had to be there at 8:30am for a meeting. You should have seen how many trips I made going in and out of my house trying to get everything into the van... in heels! The driver was especially great and sat in his seat the whole time I am trying to load two kiddos, two crock pots, four gallons of water, two dozen rolls, plus a bag of goodies to keep the kiddos occupied during church.  This was another time I wish I could have the instant replay button! Late nights and early mornings make for fun times with the kiddos during church! I have to give it to them though, they have handled these crazy days like champs. I only had to go out once during sacrament meeting. We'll just focus on the positives! My young women sang, "I am a Child of God". And it was beautiful. Broc and President Alvarado both gave amazing talks. Seriously, uplifted.

Broc and I taught the youth class for Sunday School. We were crammed into the tiniest room in the church. Here are the young women and young men in Dominica! Unfortunately, not all of them were there. Hopefully there will be a time when no one is missing!  From left to right: Terry, Jemuel, Jemulla, Jemulyn, Krystal, Patricka, Anisha, Terriann, Vanessa and Faith! I sure do love these kids!

We just got the Young Women posters to hang in our classrooms and the girls now have their torch necklaces to wear to remind them to Stand for Truth and Righteousness. It is a big deal. We don't have Deseret Book stores available here. And to order anything takes at least a month to get here. This is a first in Dominica. Never have these girls seen these sweet necklaces. And it has been amazing to see the church get established here. Even greater, to be a part of it!

The luncheon afterwards. We were a little worried we weren't going to have enough food for everybody, but there was just enough!

The ladies behind the scenes! 

The young women helped to serve the food. 

President Alvarado and his coucilors had to leave right after church to make their flight. So we bagged up their sandwiches and cookies for them to go. Crew loves President Alvarado. I think anybody who meets him feels the same way. He just has a way with people. His talks are so motivating and simply make you want to be better! I seriously love it when he comes!

The Roseau Group on their bus ready to head back! Crew would have loved to go back with them.

I am grateful to those amazing members in our Branch that have taken pitty upon my children during crazy Sundays like this when both Broc and I are both busy with things. So many times other people have been the ones to share their snacks or hold our crying kids, lend a hand to help a mom who is still trying to figure all of this out. Thank you.

Owen squared! Owen Carbon and Owen Russell.

Crew made a friend while we were waiting for a transport to come and take us home. I looked over to find them playing some baseball. It is moments like this that I will miss the most.

There is something about the craziness of life and humbling moments that make days like this that much greater. Hearing your best friend give one of the best talks you have ever heard was an amazing experience. I just love him more every day! I know that I really have no clue what I am doing with all of this. I really don't know how to get everything done. And there are moments when I really don't know how to do it with him being gone so much. I struggle at times, knowing that I could be a better wife and mother and that I could do a way better job with so many other things. And yet despite all of my imperfections and breakdowns, Broc somehow still makes me feel that I am the best thing in his life. I really don't know what I did to have someone so great! I love you babe and think you are doing an amazing job!

There he is sporting his Dominica style! 

It was about at this moment, when Jack was enjoying some pretzels, that we realized that President Alvarado left his i-Pad and scriptures at the church. At this point, he was probably just arriving at the airport, a drive about an hour away.

We hurried and called one of our favorite drivers, Ren. And luckily, he came right then to pick us up and rush us to try to meet up with President Alvarado at the airport. Crew got sick on the way there, notice the garbage can in his lap. Luckily he didn't throw up but we let him ride in the front seat by the window and I think that it helped. Don't think we are awful parents, there are no rules here about seatbelts or kids in the front seat!

We made it just in time. President Alvarado was in line to go through security when we drove up. We gave him his i-pad and scriptures. It all worked out.

Ren was so great, after we had dropped the goods off, he drove us to a spot to let the boys watch the plane take off. They loved it. And I guess, we got a good Sunday drive out of it as well!

The day didn't end there. We had told Lenox, a man who is blind that we would take him to his mom's grave since we weren't able to take him on Mother's Day. His mother just passed away a couple of weeks ago. So on our way back we had Ren stop and pick Lenox up and we headed to the cemetary. Crew helped Lenox pick some flowers.

Our flower child- just check out his wild hair and pants! 
When he was getting sick in the car we took off his shirt and tie. His pants are ghetto and just don't stay closed.

I'm so glad that we didn't say we were too tired to go. It was an amazing experience and
I think he was really grateful that we took him.

Notice Jack's face in this one. Shoving the flower in Broc's face,
and scrunching his nose to have him smell it! 

And then after we had dropped Lenox home, we were on our way home to find this little guy in the road. This poor iguana got hit and was bleeding. 

A few guys talked about taking it home to eat, seriously. It was wierd. 

We went home and ate cold cereal in plastic cups with plastic spoons! I have no shame in saying it. My kitchen looked like a tornado had just passed through it and I wasn't about to dirty any more dishes. Broc had to go back for another meeting at 7pm and didn't get home until after 10:30pm. I had crashed with the boys long before he got home. I'm pretty sure he was even more tired than me after such a crazy busy week. 

In all reality, this post was for me. A way to capture our crazy life right now. All too soon we will be leaving this experience and gaining another adventure. I don't want to forget the lessons I have learned here and the lessons I am just beginning to learn. I don't want to ever forget the hard things that we had the opportunity to experience. It is all just a stepping stone in our journey of life. Really I just want to be able to look back and see that I enjoyed myself, even during the hardest times. Cause that is what life is about, figuring out how to find joy in our journey.