Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts


Tin foil dinners at the beach

Since living here in Dominica, I feel that one of the hardest parts is saying goodbyes to good friends. The VanOrmans lived just down the road from us and had kids close to our kids ages. Crew LOVED playing with Jonah and Micah and all of their "cool" legos! Jack adored playing with Christian as well. Broc served in the Branch Presidency with Jared. And Nicole is simply an amazing person. She was always there to help whenever I needed anything. If Jack was sleeping she would grab Crew from school. She is just one of those sweet people who is the definition of a good friend. We got back from St. Maarten and had to say goodbye to their sweet family. I have been so blessed to know so many amazing people throughout the last 8 years. And there are times that I wish we could just stay neighbors forever. But such is life and goodbyes are inevitable at some point.

We made dinner for the VanOrmans the night before they left. We thought that instead of having them come up to our house, we would head to the dock on the beach. Eat by the water and enjoy the amazing ocean sunset.

I made tin foil dinners! Something that Nicole actually taught me how to make. I posted the recipe on Lovely.

Jonah is incredible at catching lizards. 

Jack's new obsession- showing his abs!

There may have been a huge spider coming at us... and we may or may not have almost died while jumping into the road of oncoming traffic. Oops! Good times and much laughter! Too bad the boys didn't find it as funny! (We actually got lectures from both Broc and Jared about how we should never jump into the road... blah... blah... you could have gotten killed!! I am almost peeing my pants right now, thinking about how funny this was!

The boys!

We will miss you terribly Nicole, Jared, Jonah, Micah and Christian. Thank you for being such amazing people. So happy we had the chance to know you! We wish you the very best of luck with your next adventure!


Sushi Night!

We try to get together with some friends occasionally, when studies allow, and have a themed dinner. Usually it ends up coming together as more of a "This would be fun... I have this ... do you have this?...why don't we do...". Kristen had some nori and some other sushi goodness that she wanted to get used up. So this occasion ended up being a sushi night! I was not complaining! Seriously, I sort of felt awful as I didn't really contribute much to dinner. I did however, provide a mean cheesecake for dessert to make up for it. I had never made sushi before so I was excited to learn. P & K were pros demonstrating this!

the fillings...

Lest we forget my favorite filling... cream cheese! 
Oh my I will admit I made the best roll with the mango shrimp, cream cheese, cucumber, mango and carrot. Dipped in a mango passion fruit inspired dipping sauce! It was so so good. I am still dreaming about it. 

Broc and Paul whipped those babies out like you would not believe! Killer sushi skills boys. 
A promising future in store if medicine doesn't work out!

Pretty little rolls all in a row!

I guess I should give myself more credit. I did make some vinegared cucumbers to go on the side (seriously the easiest thing ever). These actually are my favorite! Especially since living here.

Yep, the creeper lerking on the floor is my husband! Love him!

Yum and Yum! 
All enjoyed on our finest mismatched Dominican pink and red plastic tableware. 

So much fun! I am not sure what we are going to do when we have to leave and don't have you guys around to make amazing dinners together. Till' next time!


Everybody Wang Chung Tonight!

Last Sunday we met up with some of our friends to have a "Chinese Night"! While we didn't do everything we had hoped to do (homemade pot stickers and parasols for the drinks), we still had so much fun trying to create the perfect Chinese atmosphere! I love these guys!  

On the menu: Broccoli and Beef over Jasmine rice- Not too shabby for just throwin' it together without a recipe!

Floor cushions (aka- couch cushions), candles, lanterns, chopsticks and some incredible Chinese instrumental music made for some killer Asian ambiance!

Can't wait to see what next months themed family dinner will be?


BB-Q with Friends!

Some of my good friends came over for a BB-Q Jen, Becky, Brandon, Shunae and Travis. It is always fun to be with good friends!


Picking the Perfect Tree!

We went tree shopping with some of our friends, Colby and Becca Gage. We ended up finding the perfect tree!

Becky's Wedding

My best friend of forever, got married! So happy for you guys!

Here are some pics of their special day!

Beck got married September 28, 2007 to Brandon Patrick. I know it's been a good 6 months but I had to post pics of how cute they are! The wedding was beautiful and they are such an adorable couple. The more I get to know Brandon, the more I know he and Beck were made for each other. It was so great to be at their ceremony and recall the feelings I felt on my wedding day! The whole day was beautiful! There is just such a special power at the temple!