Showing posts with label Stargrave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stargrave. Show all posts

Monday, January 24, 2022

Captain Teague's new ride

If there's one thing that the Squats loathe about the galaxy ('nids aside), it's the physical need to have to look up to all of the lesser races of the galaxy. It absolutely infuriates them! To remedy this, the previously forlorn Captain Teague has gotten himself a new abeyant (the definition for those not sure as to what that is).

Teague has commandeered a cargo droid (also from the Starschlock KS) from his ship's inventory, replaced one arm with an autogun (that impressive cooling jacket is as much for show as it is function) and controls the bot via a remote in his pocket.

The intimidating side...

I'm sure though that it took some practice, and none too few falls before getting accustomed to the droid's gate in order to use it as a mode of personal transport.

Now seeing eye-to-eye with those verminous humans, Captain Teague is all but certain to be given his proper due (and has a few rounds ready for anyone who doesn't!). I'm not sure what to do with this guy, though Stargrave is still his most likely bet. Perhaps leading the Astro-Guards from my prior post. 

I'd imagine that any attempt at using that droid's hand as a weapon would quickly see Teague dumped onto the ground. Rather it's likely just for balance and as an adjustable step up onto the howdah. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Star Schlock Astro-Guard

Psst: Did you hear that?
Hear what...?
(slight pause)...that. Better go check it out... 

The squad as a whole.

The guy with the red striped helm is the Squad sergeant/leader.

Judging by these sculpts, the sculptor apparently likes his women petite and leggy. 

The squad ID numbers are on the backs of their helmets. 

One of these is not like the others...

There are 10 unique sculpts so that there are no duplicates within each squad. However I grabbed two of the same and as such they have different numbers on them. The second set of 'twins' in the back will get the same treatment whenever I paint the 2nd squad. 

This marks the first full squad complete for me in 2022. I batch painted these which isn't much fun though is effective, and cranked them out over the course of two days. The last two days of my 'Rona quarantine in fact (the bofors turret in my prior post was also mostly a quarantine project). 

Of course I only started painting on all of these once I returned to the realm of the living. Usually I hear folks complaining that towards the end of their quarantines that they're bored out of their minds. I'd imagine that most mini painters like myself instead find themselves being rather productive.  

Sweep & clear in progress. 

I got these minis plus a 2nd squad along with almost as many robots, which sorta look like kitchen accessories with legs (think free roaming coffee grinders), out of the Star Schlock Kickstarter a little ways back. These have a bit of an old school Imperial Guard feel and I painted them to suit rather than the garish colors seen in the KS itself. 

Sergeant and the lasgun support trooper.

Interestingly, these came with 20mm bases, and I based everything on those aside from the 2 support weapon troopers per squad which are on 25mm bases (one of which was by necessity). As such these guys (and gals) now work perfectly in my cavern terrain, with only the support troopers having to stick to the wider corridors/caverns. I think that's a bit representative of their weapon's unwieldiness in tight quarters.  

Best not stop and smell those alien flowers, they're likely toxic!

The squad sergeant (denoted by the red stripe on his helmet) and 7 other basic grunts are only armed with pistols, with the support troops having a lasgun and grenade launcher equivalents. Thus I figure they're essentially Redshirts an 'away team' sent to a planetary surface, or an asteroid mining facility or whatever to investigate...something

The two likely heading to their doom that were in the first pic (and of the 'in action' pics, this one is my fav!). 

My buddy Hoss is a fan of this mini line and is wanting to try Stargrave. I'm guessing these guys along with my cavern terrain will be excellent for trying that game out (once I refamiliarize with the rulebook...).   

Another group shot, looking a bit more dynamic than they did on my kitchen counter top!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

(Squat) Captain Teague

I based him the same as Dev0504, meaning they'll both likely fight alongside one another in Stargrave at some point.

Teague grew up the child of diplomats, spending his childhood traveling the galaxy. Honestly, his early years were the envy of most children I would imagine (and that's excluding the fact that most Squat children were devoured by the Nids). He had an eye for the worlds his family visited and took to pict recorders naturally. He easily ought to have been famous the galaxy over, but wasn't by personal choice. 

Despite being an abhuman, he was accepted for and contented himself with a menial and meagerly pict recorder position within the Imperial Propagandus division of the Administratum. His lack of personal drive was baffling to most, even those close to him. Like all squats, he had a taste for heavy drink, though his was rumored to be excessive even by a Squat's standard. 

Often his superiors would submit his picts for award consideration, with frequent wins and most of the resultant bonuses going to those above him. Honestly, Teague couldn't be bothered to even care. He soldiered on quietly, mindlessly. Rather than reap the rewards of his minimal though still spectacular picts, he instead chose to live in his once decent but soon dilapidated and trash filled, mid-spire hab.

After a century or so of dutiful (and in his opinion) effortless work for the Propagandus, Teague reconnected with an old love from his youth and chose to suddenly retire and move onto a happy retirement on a distant world. 

Within days of his departure, that dream was shattered. Details are few, it is believed that his personal daemons (liquid and otherwise) which probably lead to his lack of drive in life came to a head, and his love cast him off. 

Walking off into the unknown...

He sold all of his pict recorders, claiming 'that wasn't him anymore'. He sobered himself up (no mean feat for even a modestly drinking Squat), tried in vain to clean up his hab before selling it all, and along with a not to insubstantial inheritance, he purchased what is officially a small Chartist vessel, but would be better described as a curiously warp capable garbage scow. 

Teague chose to end his days in the difficult, dirty and dangerous work of a lowly Chartist captain (as is evidenced by his bionic arm after losing his own in an industrial accident aboard his own ship). His vessel, the Knuckledragger departed with without fanfare and for points unknown. Sadly, Teague and the Knuckledragger haven't been heard from since. 


Originally, Captain Teague was going to be the Rogue Trader-esque captain who hauled Inquisitor McClellan around the galaxy as like said inquisitor, Teague is also based off of someone I once knew. I only met him once, though he was a decades long RPGing friend and acquaintance of My Beloved Wolfy

Since he deactivated his Facebook account sometime last year, I have no idea where he is. Though presumably (due to a lack of funds) he's still locally punishing himself with his chosen physically demanding, minimum wage jobs in lieu of his gifted photography. Hopefully the remodeling of his woefully neglected home is coming along as well. 

Rather than get any deeper into Teague's personal demise, I'll instead leave you with his 'parting shot' that ended his decades long career at our little local newspaper.

Photo credit: Andre Teague, 7-31-20

Also, for anyone interested: 

The above mini came from Uscarl Miniatures.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Two Eldar Corsairs and a Viet Cajun walk into a bar...

You aren't really expecting a punchline are you?

One of these is not like the others...

This week, not having any particular project in mind I just picked minis from within the horde scattered around my hobby area and painted whatever struck my fancy. First up, the Viet Cajun:

Love this sculpt!

Viet Cajun is actually a food genre I recently discovered whilst watching the Netflix series Ugly Delicious. As soon as I head those two words mentioned in conjunction, this mini came to mind!

Originally I had intended to use this mini as an adeptus mechanicus...something, but he/she's way too ragged to fit in with that little contingent. Thus Stargrave will become his/her home I think. 

I recently ordered up the rules PDF and have a multitude of 'off brand' minis (as that GW elitist Neverness would say) to populate my crews. I'm thinking this VC will serve as a locally hired guide or the like.

Speaking of GW, I also painted an Eldar Corsair armed with a shard carbine, as well as a Corsair Fire Dragon (the first ever Fire Dragon that I've painted I might add). I have another 5 of each yet to paint, plus a unit of my spar-glaive equipped Corsairs.  These both went relatively quickly and am sure I can knock the rest out fairly quickly (though whether or not I actually will remains to be seen). 

Similar yet different. Consistency isn't really a thing amongst my Corsair units. 

The yellow flowers are new, though most will end up adorning Fem'Fau Tau bases

Whilst the Silver Drakes as a whole are fighting the Nids, small contingents are sent to fight in other warzones to keep the chapter from becoming too specialized. One can only hope that this one merely lost his helmet...