Showing posts with label Grymn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grymn. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Trains, (no planes) and Automobiles

For those who don't get the title reference click here.

Sadly, none of my terrain will ever look this good!

My Beloved Wolfy and I skipped town for a weekend to go and visit her sister and brother-in-law in Nashville, TN. Its an easy 5 hour drive (unless its pouring rain the whole time in which it was a miserable 7 hours back on Monday). They were nice enough to advance our birthday presents and put us up in a hotel suite that was well out of our price range (birthdays, anniversary, Christmas...and any other special occasion they want to lump in there is fine with me!). 

The 2020 Nissan Altima we rented for the weekend...yeah, could I afford one I'd buy it (and that's coming from a guy who's driven Dodge Rams for 20+ years).

On Saturday we spent most the day at their house just chatting about whatever, but eventually Wolfy and Mandy wanted some 'sister time' and so I accompanied Micheal down to his hobby room where he showed off his latest model train work-in-progress.  

Completely different from the last time we visited, and nearly twice the size (if not more), I was truly impressed! Indeed, I was drooling so much I took far too few pics (hell, should have taken some videos of the two separate switching stations in action). He also gave me a primer on the use of weathering powders which he is a big fan of and I've been meaning to try out. 

We also discussed the advances of 3D printed terrain, and swapped manufactures that we like for potential future purchases. Whilst discussing the hobbying points, I pointed out that his work station was too terribly organized and offered to destroy it to be more in line with mine. Curiously he declined the offer. 

So whilst the girls had their time we geeked out in the basement. Here's the few pics I did take:

As you can see, still a WIP.

The interior of the right most brick building in the previous photo. Note the light beyond the right door at the far end, it is on an engine that had just rolled out. 

This ought to have been a video of it rotating this engine to it's next track. 

Looking into the window of the building into the opposite side of the prior photo. 

This little scene was probably my favorite part of the whole setup. According to Micheal, it's everybody's. Something of which he's immensely proud (and rightly so!). 

On a different note...for several years now I've had a penchant for hiding minis in family members' homes. My grandparents had gotten the lion's share of these endeavors (it's good to keep em' on their toes), though my mother and father in-law have as well. Whilst my grandmother treats it as a game that she pretends to not like (whereas I'm pretty sure she does), Wolfy's folks have proudly displayed their mini since finding it a few years back. 

As such, I felt the need to leave behind a deep cover operative (the pink haired mini from that ill-fated project) in Nashville. I had hoped to hide it in the train set up, but was never able to be left alone with it, thus I found another location within the home. However given how immaculately clean their house is, I fret that she will be located all too quickly... 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Moving at a crawl...

...if even that much. 

Battletech is in full swing but everything else is pretty much a non-starter right now. I did at least (barely) manage to sloppily apply the red to the robes of my Daughters of the Burning Rose KS minis, but that's been it.

3-color minimum achieved! Meaning they're ready for Tournament play, lol!

I dunno, perhaps I just need to take a break (which is apparently already in progress...) or something. I've been going pretty steady on this ol' blog for almost a solid decade. I'm not ready to throw in the towel (or have any intent to do so), rather I think I'm just going to putter around with The Buffet Assault Group blog for a bit, and get it fully up and going. Speaking of, Kushial and I played a 7-8ish hour brawl this past Saturday, and I ought to be posting about that here shortly. 

So stay tuned, I'll be back...eventually...

P.S.: Oh, I have my Grymn army up on ebay for anyone who's interested here stateside. 

Thursday, August 9, 2018

INCOMING!! (and outgoing...)


Welp, my hobbying here of late has mostly revolved around ebay. The proverbial flood gates are open, though it seems that almost as much is coming in (thus far) as is going out. 

Winter is coming...

I got the ball rolling with my Salamanders' dreadnought from last year's Dreadtober posts. After 20+ years of faithful service across the battlefields of Florida, Georgia and Tennessee, and more refits than I can count, it has now redeployed to South Dakota. No doubt it will be used to defend the great white north from the White walkers this coming winter...

I hope its as good as the prior incarnation.

Funds from the Dread funded my purchase of the new Kill Team rule book, and rather than paint I've been skimming the rules and mucking about with lists ever since.

You have to wonder at the logic of having the ammo
protrude out in front of the blast shield...

On a whim a bid on and won a half dozen of Anvil Industries Regiments' series mortars. They were inexplicably listed in the electronics testing gear category (no idea how I found them myself). Anyways, after winning the auction I priced them out on anvil's website, and ignoring the shipping from England, I still got them for 96% below retail price, huzzah! They will go to my Grymn who until now had only heavy stubbers for heavy support (which aren't fieldable for IG infantry in 40k).

Hope we don't melt whilst our box sits on our new home's front porch...

Needing a case for them, I booted my Salamanders' Cataphractii Terminators out of their fruit-of-the-month-club case (who's six, foam cut outs fit 60mm bases perfectly). As a further indignity, they were put up for sale on ebay. Following that they will be deploying to the hellish warzone of Texas this afternoon.

I would never pay that much for these things! No doubt a thought of the toy collectors when viewing my 40k offerings...

Starcom, still awesome after all of the years...apparently.

Following that I put up some old toys I found in a box in the back of the laundry room closet. I had to google the 'battle beasts' via the fine print on one's foot to figure out what they even were. Regardless these five old toys sold for a surprising total of $92!! I need to see what else is in that box...

Not painted of course, but for $12 for 10, I'm not complaining.

I have a chaos champion coming from a KS soon, and so ordered 20 Chaos Cultists for flesh out a kill team for her (yes her) to command. I took a sliver of the toys' funds for these. The rest of the funds from this month's ebay sales will go to bills and bolstering our woefully depleted checking accounts. Speaking of, who (here in the USA) wants some Ork vehicles? Come on now, the new codex is coming up soon...well eventually. 

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Warmadillo is complete!


Well it took a bit longer than anticipated, but my 30k Auxilia / 40k Imperial Guard Vanquisher tank is finally finished! I'm quite pleased with the model overall, and am not adverse to the idea of getting several more at a later date. For the time being however, I'll just have to content myself with just this one. 

Damn it! I need to touch up the right side vision slit on the front hull.

If I were to get more, I would do a few things differently. First of all, all of the wheels in the running gear will all be of the same color! It doesn't look like much to do, but for whatever reason, it was a royal pain in the ass painting them different colors! The green especially-which didn't want to coat the primer at all! No idea what that was all about, the vallejo green had no issues covering the base coat of paint...

Also I might take a page from Inso (yeah, check out that Chimera conversion based off this same model!), and omit the tools and chains on the hull. A few of those fuckers simply did not want to fit into the allotted slots and at one point I was afraid I was going to break the tank's hull trying to force them in! Apparently snap-fit doesn't allow for even the slightest inkling of' paint!

Those two complaints aside, this was a lot of fun to both build and paint! I ought to have added some decals to the hull, but got ahead of myself with the weathering, leaving me with only the turret to apply them too. Not too many though, just aquilas on the left and right sides, ID #'s on the left and rear, kill marks above the left side aquila, and lastly, a bit of decoration on the right: the skillfully painted (by the crew, not by me) Warmadillo icon! That decal was a Fallout Hobbies' custom design that was originally intended for my now long defunct 15mm Gruntz army. That said it works just as well for 28mm scale, as it would have had for the 15.

Now all the Warmadillo needs is an enemy Landraider, Battlewagon or the like to blow up!

Monday, July 23, 2018

This week's round up


For those fearing a sudden exodus of my 40k collection, hasn't happened yet. Patience grasshoppers, patience... 

This really looks weird given the two different types of resin.

This week was Battletech's turn on the ol' auction block: 5 mechs and half a dozen tanks. In exchange I did recently got a new Mechwarrior Online-styled Awesome 8R for less than half the cost of the pewter MWO mechs I got last Christmas. For those not familiar with the Awesome variants, well...let's just say that of all of 'em, the 8r is the worst one. That's alright though, it looks cool and I have a fondness for mediocrity.

All told now I have a mech company, a single tank lance and a reinforced conventional infantry company. Given that we play maybe one or...two games per year at best. This little collection still ought to give me wondrous variety.

Its coming along...

As for my Vanquisher, I've managed to paint the basic camo on the turret, still needs another coat, plus details, decals and dirtying up, but its getting there...slowly. 

Here we see Chapter Master Profanitus, as he slays
the accursed leader of the Fallen!

And finally, I got in a thousand point, 8th 40k game with Bob Saturday evening. It was his first bout of the new edition, and he's only coming around to it begrudgingly, much like I was/still am. He'll be posting his thoughts on the game soon, and I'll add a link to it just as soon as that post arrives.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

So what if I just sold all of it?

Or rather, damned near all of it?

Highly recommended.

I recently Started reading This is How by one of my favorite authors - Augusten Burroughs. With this book purchase ($4 at the local used book store, except we had a credit so it was more like free!) I'm pretty sure I have all of his books now. Maybe. I may have to peruse the shelves to be sure.

As self help books go this is anything but the typical sort, especially when in the 1st chapter he remarked that affirmations are total bullshit. I myself have never purchased a self help book previously (and when considering this book, I debatably still haven't). Anyways whilst reading the chapter 'How to be thin' at lunch today (or rather yesterday as you read this), Augusten was hammering on the obsessive need to be thin-or rather whatever need/want that you think you really must have. The word thin itself in this case is really just a euphemism for a desirable but unattainable type/state of happiness.

Being the geek that I am, gaming naturally came to mind (and my frequent obsessing over it in one way or another), along with my endless want to buy MOAR! (well done on the marketing GW/et al.). Considering the vast collection of minis that I have, I had to ask myself which minis really make me feel happy? Not just regular ol' gamer happy (hell, any ol' mini/hobby purchase can achieve that), I mean the warm fuzzy-like a carefree little kid playing with his toys kinda happy. Very quickly the answer sprung to mind: my Grymn.

Yup, just that one army. 

Immediately thereafter another thought sprung to mind: So what if (barring a few sentimental favorites like the Grot Mega Tank) I just sold everything else? And I mean everything, bits, terrain, cases...the whole nine yards. Leaving me with just my 500-ish points of Grymn.

Well...I'd still have my favorite army which is both 40k/30k compatible. It would still take forever for me to get it all painted. Along with the Grymn, maybe I could buy some more Quar-the one and only sold off army I truly miss. True, my old Beastmen IG army rears its (literally) ugly head once in awhile when it comes to regretful ebay sales, but in all honesty the Quar are the only ones I dearly miss.

So...this is where I am at the moment I guess. Even with 2 miniature kickstarters awaiting completion, I'm pondering a potential mini gaming semi-extinction-level event of a sort.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

40k King Tiger Vanquisher WIP 3


Still chugging along... 

Note how much better the tank looks when the gun-to-turret sizes are better proportioned as compared to GW's actual Leman Russ offerings.

The main body is 'done' essentially, barring the tools, tow chains, etc.. Those are primed black and just need some dry brushing to add detail/dirty up before popping them into their allotted slots in the hull.

Hmm, those exhausts are a bit too clean...

The tank looks much more complete now that the turret is assembled and attached! The fit is snug but does fully rotate. I trimmed down a Grymn Sergeant who is speaking into a comm-link to serve as the tank commander. 

Cutting him in half at the waist (gulp!), I removed his hand and rifle then shaved down his right arm for a still snug fit. I found a spare button (from who knows what article of clothing) that fit perfectly into the underside indent of the turret/hatch bottom to affix his now severed body to for good measure.

Jeez! Even these little guys have to squeeze to get in!!

The Mechanicum Onager Neutron Laser-turned-Vanquisher cannon fit almost perfectly, only needing the barrel's end point trimmed off  where it meets the mantlet for aesthetic reasons. I did add a co-axial heavy stubber but as expected it popped off at the lightest touch, and I'm loath to drill into the turret at the seam to secure it better. Thus I'll just leave it off. 

Double tap the cannon? Yes please!!!

In 40k now, the Vanquisher can fire twice if the tank is stationary or moving at half speed, and better yet doesn't suffer the -1 to hit (which EVERY fucking tank ought to have!). Though curiously, not the hull mounted heavy stubber. I'll still pay the points for the nonexistent heavy bolter to keep my list 'battle-forged', but that's of little concern as the tank is essentially the same point cost as it's 7th-ed incarnation was. 

Now I just need to get some more desert tan spray to re-prime the turret and hopefully get this project moving towards its conclusion.

Monday, June 11, 2018

WIP Grot Tanks


I've been wondering what to do with my Rivet Wars Stug walkers. They were originally supposed to be Armored Sentinels for my Grymn IG army, but then my Grymn migrated to 30k and its Imperialis Militia. In 30k they won't work as (1) there are no armored sentinels and (2) the unit size minimum is 3, and (3) the cost of acquiring more of these has become cost prohibitive.

Skittering noises will be required in the movement phase! 

So, what to do with these otherwise great minis? I tried selling 'em on ebay to no avail, leaving them to collect dust once more before deciding to use 'em as Grot Tanks! Grot tanks have a minimum unit size of 4, however you can field an understrength sized unit as an auxiliary support detachment for -1 command point. So, Grot tanks it is!

The painted one may needs some more gubbinz prior to being painted.

I just have the two for now, the painted (and soon to eventually be repainted) one has a multi-barreled big shoota, and the other has a grotzooka, loaded with Stikkbombz (indeed, one is even protruding out of the muzzle). If there's one thing to be said about grot tanks, its that consistency is not a concern. So in the future I can add other small vehicles of some sort to flesh out the unit to the minimum of 4 (or more)

Monday, December 18, 2017

Tau update


Notta whole lot of hobby time this week, so I'm working thru the backlog.

All they need now are some space marines to kill!

A little ways back I managed to assemble the remaining three Breachers and their attendant Guardian drone. I've never seen this squad type used and am curious to see how they fair in our games of Kill Team. The Guardian Drone confers a 5++ save to the squad which ought to (hopefully) compensate for the fact that their guns are most effective at point blank range.

The Gue'vesa Squad leader is the one on the left with the little critter who will mete out her 2 close combat attacks. 

This week I did manage at least to finish painting the first of my Farsight Enclave Fire Warriors. This is a repaint of one of my older minis which was painted in a time-consuming camouflage scheme of discontinued colors. This color scheme is much quicker to paint!

As small as the auxiliaries' guns are, I think I'll just use the same stats as the auxiliary carbines that they wield in 30k rather than the standard lasguns. I doubt any of my opponents will mind. 

He's painted to match my Grymn who will serve as Tau Auxiliaries (a.k.a.: cannon fodder) for my Kill Team. Its a simple color scheme that's easy to paint, and considering that the Fem Fa'Tau are led by Commander Shadowsun (who is tasked with bringing Farsight in), its easily justifiable to have our forces shooting at one another in a Kill Team game.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Some Salamanders & Friends


As a reward for their victory this past weekend, the 3 Salamander bolter grunts have made it into the painting queue. I realized after base-coating that two of their bases were plain, so I had to go back and add stuff, hence the odd colors on those bitz.

Ack! My cell phone's flash cast these in a really harsh light!

The one with the red shoulder pad will be a Sgt., who has a 'master-crafted bolter'. Previously, master-crafted bolters just got a scope, a lick of gold paint or something like that. However with the advent of the Primaris Marines, their bolt rifles are a great way to make an upgraded bolter stand out a bit from just the 'regular' variety.

Ugh, the flash was even worse on these two!

I also finished painting another Grymn in the more normal-ish uniform and armor colors. I'm basing them (which includes rebasing the first) the same as I am both the Rainbow Warriors and the Salamanders. This will allow them to be used as allies in some form or fashion in the future.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Leaving the battlefield of the Red Sands for awhile…


I’m kinda tired of both painting my red armored Grymn, as well as using their red sand flock for seemingly everything. Its cool, its different (or rather it was…), and I will no doubt continue to use it (the sand as well as the color scheme) on unfinished projects.  Luckily I have a bucket load of Grymn, still unpainted and some still unassembled. So starting a new contingent really doesn’t hurt anything aside from consistency across the army when on the table. 

Currently, my Grymn serve as Outremar Imperialis Auxilia allies to my Alpha Legionnaires, with the abhuman healot provenance (i.e.: Squats). Curiously (and unfortunately) the provenances for Auxilia are only available when you use a force commander. As an allied contingent, that precludes using any other option. 

However I’ve been wanting to try using the Imperalis Auxilia Platoon Command Cadre as my allied contingent’s HQ choice. Unlike IG command squads, this little (no pun intended) unit can be outfitted in various ways, and acts as sort of a Swiss army knife. No provenances though, sad face.

As such, they’ll serve as just ‘regular’ humans which in effect makes the good ol’ ‘regular’ space marines of 30k True-scale by comparison. 

(And suddenly off topic and on the ol’ soap box: Do you see that GW? If you hadn’t made your human infantry so fucking out of proportion to what they should have been vs. space marines in the 1st place, then this massively stupid, fluff-retcon from hell that are the Primaris-Sigmarines wouldn’t have been necessary. They may in general be pretty models, but your fluff reasoning for them is just fucking awful! Rant concluded aaaaaand, back on topic….)

Anyways, where was I? Ah yes, the Grymn. I opted for a simple ‘test’ color scheme, and here it is:

Ta Dah!!!

Simple, easy and quick to paint…yeah, I like it. The base however, not so much. I dunno, I just painted it grey and flocked it, hell the Ork bit was little more than an afterthought to cover the opening that was visible in the slotta base. I’ll probably scrape the flock off and redo it as a desert base like I’ve been using on my Rainbow Warriors. Those in general look better. Still as a test minis goes, this one is the 1st of many more just like it I’m sure. 


Paint Recipe: (for my own reference):

Armor: Vallejo Green Grey

Clothing: Vallejo German Camo Orange Ochre

Leatherwork: Vallejo Red Leather

Wash: GW Agrax Earthshade (slathered on as per the norm)

Drybrushing: the usual Bleached Bone.

Monday, April 17, 2017

My Rogue Stars' version of the A-Team!


Okay yes, I'm of that generation that grew up watching the A-Team and I loved the show...well, for awhile anyways. Sadly even as a kid the episodes got terribly repetitive, and all of the show's flaws became readily apparent. Recently Wolfy and I watched the A-Team on Hulu and the show has aged really poorly.

That said, I wanted to make a Rogue Stars crew based on the A-Team using some of my leftover Grymn who don't fit into my Outremar army, called the G-Team.  Needing 5 members, I opted to use the awful 5th season add-on to the cast: Frankie "Dishpan' Sanchez (scroll down to the last of the 'additional characters').

The G-Team was a small (no pun intended), uniquely skilled band of fugitives who fought as mercenaries for the oppressed. They were most famously known for their improvisational antics, which…after a time became mind-numbingly repetitive to anyone who followed their exploits closely. Despite their painfully obvious predictability (something their governmental pursuers curiously never picked up on), they held the public's attention for a few years before disappearing into obscurity…

The following were G-Team's members:


The mastermind behind the G-Team, Hanibull lead the G-Team throughout its lifespan. Whilst his repertoire of ideas was (terribly) limited, he was nonetheless a master of surveillance, strategery and disguise. At their mission's end, Hanibull was oft quoted as saying he: 'loves it when a plan comes together!'


The G-Team's logistical specialist, Fayce used flirtation and her good looks to prise whatever was needed away from those who had it (ironically, her best 'assets' didn't include her face). Though rarely required, if something proved unattainable despite her wiles and charm, she always had her SMG ready to close the deal! 


Never without her trademark leather jacket, Myr'dok served as the G-Team's somewhat mentally unstable medic. She made a hobby out of slipping narcotics of various types into B.A.'s food in hopes that hilarity would ensue! However due to frequent overdosage, the big guy passed out more often than anything else.

B.A. B'Ruckus:

The only non-Grymn member of the G-Team, B'Ruckus (a half-Ork) fulfilled their need for brute strength and intimidation. However, B'Ruckus' preference for red T-shirts, camouflage and vast amounts of gold jewelry (often all worn together!) left many to wonder if he was really a threat, or just there for comedic effect. Poor fashion choices aside, his short temper and considerable attitude, made him a force to be reckoned with!

And lastly:


Crankie is the final and truly forgettable member of the G-Team. In a last gasp of desperation to extend their failing notoriety, Crankie was coerced into joining the G-Team. Unfortunately for him, he signed on at a point in which the rest were all well past their prime. Supposedly an expert in pyrotechnics, the only significant thing he ever managed to destroy was his own career, which subsequently went down in flames.

*All images copyright of Hasslefree miniatures.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The 30k Blast Pistol


In the Forgeworld's Imperialis Auxilia army list there's a curious weapon that has a stat line but no descriptive entry. Its just an oversight I'm sure, and considering the typos that Forgeworld had in the previous publication of this list, if this is the only issue then I'm good with it! Anyways, this is the Blast Pistol:

Type: Pistol

Basic Stats: Range: 6", S:5, AP: -

Special Rules: Twin-Linked, Gets Hot.

So...a pistol that hits like a truck, but has no penetrative power. Its pathetically short ranged, but has a high probability to hit, except when it blows up in the shooter's hands. I pondered that a bit, and to me that sounds like the 40k equivalent of a Blunderbuss.

Unglamorous as a blunderbuss is, I find it curious that it only squad leaders and officers can get them. I suppose then that its meant to either be an aristocrat's weapon, or...that anyone of seniority in the Imperialis Auxilia potentially bought the rank rather than earned it, and is assumed to not be able to hit the broad side of a barn.

So why am I bothering with any of this you ask? Well, I wanted to give my Outremar Platoon Commander a weapon that would set him/her apart from the rest of the platoon. Hasslefree's Grymn miniature line has a lot of different sculpts, however the variety of weaponry is somewhat lacking. Its mainly 2-types of assault rifles (which easily pass for either autoguns or bolters), dual pistols and lastly heavy and/or special weapons.

Note: The shells in the bandolier on her back are now almost as big as the gun itself!

So I took one of my Grymn grenade launcher troopers (the unpainted one), clipped the barrel of the grenade launcher off. From the barrel I clipped off the grenade launcher's tip and glued it neatly onto the GL nub that the (now former) GL trooper was holding, and with that: tahdah! Due to her funky little pistol, I now have a Platoon Commander who stands out of the crowd.

That said, in a squad full of Heavy Stubbers, my PC armed with a blast pistol will be a complete waste of points, but...well, at least she looks cool.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Perhaps it was faulty intel...?


I took my Alpha Legion/Outremar army on its first official outing this past Saturday vs. Bob and his Iron Warriors. This was to be the point where theoryhammer would be put to the test. I was using the Sacrificial Offering Rites of War, where my Outremar only deploy and more or less act as bait, and all of my Alpha Legionnaires would arrive via reserves and outflank. Sounds great on paper and I was dying to see how it would work on the table top!

Turns out, Bob's army was the perfect foil for this tactic, as his army included a pair of landraiders full of Cataphractii Terminators on the flanks, ugh! Anti-tank weaponry is sorely lacking in my army which is something I've needed to address for quite some time but never actually got around to doing. Still, my Alpha Legionnaires pressed the attack!

The following of more of a highlight reel rather than a proper battle report:

It wasn't till the bottom of turn 2 that I thought to start taking photos. Here you see the Alpha Legion arriving enmass on turn 2. That said, I never bothered to take pics of the Techmarine & Servitors, Predator and Exodus' paltry right flank assault force. Despite Exodus killing nearly every marine he shot at!

Everyone knows how this one goes, we've all been there: 4 meltaguns in point blank range = 1 penetrating hit which turned that curious looking twin-lascannon sponson into goo. Yeah, good job guys. The termies wanted none of that and jumped out to eliminate the threat. One was vaporized via overwatch before they tore my tactical support squad to pieces...

Ya know, the Iron Warriors' trait which allows them to not have to take morale tests inflicted by shooting casualties? Yeah well, my Centurion was starting to loathe that right about here...

The Outremar cower in fear as death itself approaches the other side of their Aegis defense line.... 

To their credit, the little bastards passed their LD check due to being stubborn in their deployment zone, and kept these monsters in place for another round...

My flank assault is caught in the Iron Warriors' lethal crossfire, and quickly the ranks start to thin...

You know how this went, but it made for a nice photo op at least.

The shattered remains of my Centurion lead blob finally reaches the Breachers marines, and they would spend the rest of the game there (with the Centurion and Apothecary becoming my army's only survivors).

The Iron Warriors Praetor and command squad charge my Outremar Force Commander ("The Gov'na") and his Grenadier bodyguards. They Outremar were eradicated w/o inflicting any return casualties.

In the end, we tallied the Vps as: Iron Warriors 12, Alpha Legion 0. In hindsight I'm not sure how we reached that number as Bob had 3 objectives, 1st blood, line breaker & martial hubris (i.e.: Alpha Legion arrogance) VPs., which totals 6...that said, I still had none. So mathematical skills aside (of which I have few), it still totaled out to Iron Warriors: lots, Alpha Legion: (still) at 0. At least I didn't get tabled!

Still it was a fun game and Bob and I reminisced a bit mid-game about how our 30k game was 'like how 40k used to be'. As such whilst it may be back to the drawing board for my army, I'm looking forward to more 30k in the future!

On a much different note: Playing a game of Rogue Stars vs. Hoss,  my Beloved Wolfy killed half of his force with brutal efficiency and caused his survivors to flee the field! Thus, if we lump our two games together it comes out to a draw!