Showing posts with label Wham Pow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wham Pow. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Travel Bug

Hi there!

Over the past month, I've been (not-so) suffering from the travel bug! Hunny poo and I went to the Bahamas   It was an amazing adventure. We did every possible tourist-y thing we could think of :-) On the day of our Anniversary, we got ourselves some awesome couple's massages. My body felt like goo once the massage was over... that sure made for a rough walk back to our suite.

The evening of our Anniversary coincided with when the Bahamians celebrate their Independence Day. There was a huge fireworks display, as well as dancing and a very spirited show. It was, for lack of a better word... awesome.

It wouldn't be right if I didn't show what I wore on my nails...

My nails painted with Color Club - Wham! Pow! and Jackie Oh!

I wore colors that matched well with each of my outfits. I debated with myself whether or not to stamp a design onto my nails... I ultimately decided against it because I thought about how much it would bug me if any of the design chipped off. If part of the plain polish had chipped off, it wouldn't be as noticeable and as annoying :-)

This picture was taken from our patio...

When we weren't exploring the sights, we were laying on our lounge chairs and enjoying all of the delicious food. I love the spices used in just about every dish!

This is Atlantis...

Did you know that the bridge suite costs $25,000 USD per night!? Yeah, no thanks :-)

This is one of the ceilings at Atlantis...

It's pretty, right?

We walked through all of the aquariums, and I couldn't stop thinking that I'd really like to own a nail polish that looks like this...

Once we got back from our vacation, we had less than a week to unpack, launder our clothing, and repack to move out of state. We moved from pine trees to palm trees. I'm not complaining... I love warm weather!

With all of the traveling, I chopped my nails clean off. I didn't want to worry about them breaking or chipping. I'll even go so far as to say I've neglected them over the past month :-/ My cuticles need some serious love!

Until I get my hands looking a little bit better, I'll be posting some of the manicures that I had saved on my computer from 2 months ago. I will also photograph and post what my travel manicure case looks like... once I figure out where I packed my camera :-)

Until next time...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Neon Oranges

Hi there!

These are the neon oranges I have...

Spoiled - Jail Bait, Sinful Colors - Summer Peach,
Color Club - Wham! Pow!, and Color Club - Polish For All.

This cell phone picture is color accurate...

My nails painted with Spoiled - Jail Bait, Sinful Colors - Summer Peach,
Color Club - Wham! Pow!, and Color Club - Polish For All.

And this picture is from my regular camera...

My nails painted with Spoiled - Jail Bait, Sinful Colors - Summer Peach,
Color Club - Wham! Pow!, and Color Club - Polish For All.

Each nail is painted with a base of white and 2 coats of orange.

In order from my favorite to my least favorite:

1. Color Club - Wham! Pow! (ring finger)... This was the easiest to apply and it dries with a gloss finish.

2. Color Club - Polish For All (pinky finger)... This is nearly a tie with Wham! Pow! It also dries with a gloss finish. It's number 2 because I prefer the color of Wham! Pow! just a little bit more.

3. Sinful Colors - Summer Peach (middle finger)... This dries slightly matte.

4. Spoiled - Jail Bait (index finger)... This is number 4 because of its brush. It was difficult for me to paint near my cuticle. The formula is nice, though- it dries glossy.

Do you own/plan to own any of these?

Until next time...
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