Showing posts with label Haul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haul. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2012

China Glaze - On Safari

Hi there!

Today was a fun mail day for me...

China Glaze - Kalahari Kiss, I Herd That, Desert Sun,
Elephant Walk, I'm Not Lion, and Call Of The Wild.
Bottom row: Jungle Queen, Man Hunt, Purr-Fect Plum,
Exotic Encounters, Prey Tell, and Adventure Red-Y.

It's the On Safari collection by China Glaze. Normally for summer, I'd be itching for bright colors... but I've been excited for this collection ever since I knew it was in the works.

Which should I wear first?

Until next time...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Spoiled Haul

Hi there!

Spoiled polishes have been available for about a month now- but I just got my hands on some of them...

Spoiled - Shuffle the Deck, Jewelry Heist, Trust Fund Baby,
Pet My Peacock, Show Me the Money, Cougar Attack,
Ants In My Pants, and I Gotta Confection To Make.

Spoiled - I Only Eat Salads, Permission To Proceed, The Parking
Meteor Expired, Bite Me, Are Mermaids Real?, I Don't Drink Cheap Wine,
Shrimp On The Barbie, Let's Get Sushi, and Don't Be Cheesy.

Spoiled is a brand by Wet n Wild, and as far as I know it's exclusive to CVS. I got all of these at CVS online. They retail for $1.99 a bottle, but I had a coupon code for 25% off (it's since expired). Shipping for me was a very reasonable $5.49.

Here's a look at one of the Spoiled brushes in comparison to some of the others from my collection...

Nail polish brushes. Across the top: Spoiled, OPI, and Nicole by OPI.
Across the bottom: Essie, China Glaze, and Sally Hansen Diamond Strength.

I don't care for the brushes on these. They're coarse, and the angled corner that's meant to help with precision... doesn't :-/ The color selection, however, is very nice. There are 72 shades to choose from!

Which polish would you like to see first?

Until next time...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rainy Saturday Haul

Hi there!

I've strayed away from haul posts lately, but I just couldn't help myself with this one...

China Glaze - Hologram, Cyberspace, Mega Bite, Phat Santa.
Orly - Golden Maharaja, Absolutely Orchid. OPI - Honeymoon Sweet.

I mentioned to my hunny poo that I was thinking of browsing again at a local nail salon for hard to find polishes. He went to mail a package at the post office this morning, and he stopped by the salon. He called me while there, asking if Hologram and Cyberspace were of any interest to me. How sweet! He got the whole lot for just $7 ... I'm still shocked!

Are you a deal hunter? What's the best deal you've (or your significant other) found on a polish?

Until next time...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Deal Alert

Hi there!

When I go shopping, there's nothing I love more than a good deal!

Walgreens has all of their $1.99 Wet n Wild products on sale this week for .99 cents. I chose these...

All from Wet n Wild, left to right: Saved by the Blue, Teal of Fortune,
Teal or No Teal, Gray's Anatomy, Buffy the Violet Slayer,
and SaGreena the Teenage Witch.

Target has a couple of good nail polish coupons. They have $1 off any Sally Hansen nail care or color and $1 off any Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure nail color. They also have several coupons for $1 off any item from Sonia Kashuk, Revlon, and Maybelline. The coupons don't specifically say nail polish- but the pictures show nail polish bottles. You can print the coupons twice per computer :-)

Until next time...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Halloween Haul

Hi there!

I'm pretty excited about this, since I didn't before own any polishes from specific Halloween collections...

All from China Glaze, left to right: Mummy May I, Ick-A-Bod-Y,
Zombie Zest, It's Alive, Near Dark, Ghoulish Glow, Haunting, and Crimson.

The first 3 polishes are from last year's Awakening collection, and the rest are from this year's Haunting collection.

All from OPI, left to right: He's My Boo, Mummy Knows Best, I
Only Date Werewolves, Zom-Body to Love x2, Witch Arm?,
Glow-ink in the Dark, Tattoo You Want Candy?, and I Love Mummy.

The Spookettes set is this year's collection, and the Tattoo Ta-Boo! set is from 2009.

I'm most excited to wear the glow in the dark polishes! ... But I'll give them all a fair chance, and I'll be posting pictures this week :-)

Do you own any Halloween-y polishes? What's your favorite?

Until next time...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Julep Haul

Hi there!

It seems the word has been getting around about Julep and their monthly Julep Maven subscription service. I wanted to see for myself what all the hype was about, so I signed up for a month. This is the polish portion of what I received today...

All from Julep, left to right: Emilie, Sienna, Cameron, Alfre, and
Nail Therapy x2 (one is mislabled).

I'll definitely wear the colors that were chosen for me. I really like the idea of getting new polish in the mail each month (who wouldn't!?), but I can't bring myself to feel comfortable with the price/size of the bottles- maybe they'll grown on me? Julep polishes are all 8mL, while most polishes I own are 15mL.

I also received 2 bottles of their "Facial for Hands" Glycolic Hand Scrub. I haven't gotten the chance to try it yet, but I've heard great things about it from people who have.

They were running a promotion where the $19.99 introductory box set of 2 polishes, 1 Nail Therapy, and 1 hand scrub was $4.99 ... worth it! I believe the promotion I signed up with has now ended and begun as a new one at $9.99. Typically- each polish is $14, Nail Therapy is $16, and the hand scrub is $32.

On the super plus side, processing and shipping were amazingly fast... I ordered early yesterday morning! But it helps that I don't live far from their headquarters :-)

Have you jumped on this bandwagon? What are your thoughts?

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vacation Haul

Hi there!

I kind of hit the nail polish jackpot while I was away! I think I might need to leave more often :-)

All from OPI, left to right: Paint My Moji-Toes Red,
Hot & Spicy, and La Paz-itively Hot.

All from OPI, left to right: Natural Nail Base Coat, Expert Touch
Lacquer Remover, Top Coat, Coconut Melon Avojuice.

3 sets of OPI Nice Stems Minis: Play the Peonies, Come to Poppy,
Be a Dahl-ia Won't You?, and I Lily Love You.

All from OPI, left to right: Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees, Yoga-ta Get
this Blue!, Eiffel For This Color, and Bling Dynasty.

All from OPI, left to right: DS Original, I Juggle... Men, and
Paris Couture for Sure Glitter Top Coat.

All from OPI, left to right: Conquistadorable Color, No Spain
No Gain, Sparrow Me the Drama, and Done Out In Deco.

All from Orly, left to right: Two-Hour Lunch, Lola,
Mandalay Ruby, Samba, and Plum Noir.

All from Zoya, left to right: Charisma, Burke, Shivon, and
a mini Shay.

All from China Glaze, left to right: Laser Lime, Techno Teal,
Skyscraper, 2Nite, and LOL.

Now, I've got to decide which one I want to play with first! Decisions, decisions! Do you have any suggestions? I'll post some vacation pictures shortly!

Until next time...

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm a Good Guesser

Hi there!

My hunny poo and I are complete goofballs. We constantly make funny noises at each other, take dorky pictures, and make the most random and pointless bets. Recently, he bet me that he knew who would win the NBA Playoffs. I really don't think I know much about sports... I don't follow them at all. In fact, the only time I care about them is when he and I are in some type of competition.

We set the rules: write down which team we each thought would win, along with the score- just in case we chose the same team. The winner would be whoever chose the correct team and guessed the closest score. The prize: he was itching to go lose money at the casino. I really didn't want anything- I just like knowing I won :-) But he suggested nail polish. Pshhh... don't have to twist my arm on that one!

Well, I'm sure you know by now- I won :-D I guessed that the Miami Heat would win, while he guessed that the Boston Celtics would win. My sole reason for choosing the Miami Heat was that I've been to Miami.

What I got...

All from Color Club, left to right: Tangerine Scream, Warhol,
Ultra Violet, Pure Energy, and What a Shock! 

All from China Glaze, left to right: Raspberry Festival, Cherry Pie,
Orange Marmalade, Breakin', and Papaya Punch.

All from China Glaze, left to right: Seduce Me, Emotion,
Harmony, SeƱorita Bonita, and Blue Sparrow.

Can you tell I'm excited for summer?

Until next time...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi there!

I hope everyone is having a lovely day, whether you're a mother or not :-)

We forgot to check our mail yesterday, so this was waiting for me this morning...

All from OPI, left to right: Up Front & Personal, Tutti Frutti Tonga,
You're a Pisa Work, Kinky in Helsinki, We'll Always Have Paris
Suede, and Lincoln Park After Dark Suede.

All from Color Club, left to right: Sakura Glow, Coastal Creme,
Soft as Cashmere, and Untamed Luxury. 

I got a screaming deal on ebay and just could not pass them up! I'm going to play with one of the colors and post about it shortly...

Until next time...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day!

Hi there!

I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend and a great first day of the month!

Today was part 2 of my birthday redo. We went out to a yummy dinner and then went shopping... though we didn't buy anything, so I guess we went browsing. We went to 3 Sally Beauty Supply stores in hopes of finding a good deal on polish. Maaaajor let down! Those stores were just as disappointing as the one closer to me. Oh well... at least now I know that I don't need to travel to them for new nail polish. I suppose I'm content with buying online :-)

As promised, here's a picture of what I got in the mail yesterday...

Yaaay! I got the new set of Bundle Monster image plates and some summer-y polishes. The top row is Color Club's Take me to Your Chateau, Color Club's Blue Light, China Glaze's Hawaiian Punch, and China Glaze's Designer Satin. The row to the right is all Color Club: Space Case, Ultra-Astral, and You Got Soul-Ar.

I really wanted China Glaze's 5 Golden Rings, but nowhere I looked sold it by itself- so I bought the gift pack even though I already own 2 bottles of Ruby Pumps and 1 bottle of Emerald Sparkle. It ended up being cheaper than if I had bought each one individually, so that's a plus :-) Perhaps I'll set them aside for a future giveaway? Anyway, from left to right in the gift pack is China Glaze's Ruby Pumps, 5 Golden Rings, Tinsel, and Emerald Sparkle. The set also came with a little Christmas ornament.

My hunny poo is in the garage right now painting the nail polish rack he built for me. I doubt it'll be dry tonight, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to display all of my polishes. I'm soooo excited!

Until next time...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nail Polish SALE

Hi there!

I stopped in at my local Walgreens store this evening and I noticed that all Sinful Colors nail polish is on sale for .99 cents!

I picked up a few of the neons that they had...

All from Sinful Colors, left to right: Dream On, Pink,
Summer Peach, Neon Melon, and Irish Green.

I'm not sure if these polishes are also on sale at Rite Aid and CVS, but if you have one of the three stores near you... give it a looksy.

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Have the Best Mother In-Law

Hi there!

I don't know too many people who can truthfully say that they love or even like their in-laws. I'm blessed in that department.

I think it's safe to say my mother in-law spoils me...

She knows just how to feed my nail polish addiction :-) She sent me an Easter basket filled with chocolate and nail polish for my birthday!

From OPI, she sent The Show Must Go On!, Ali's Big Break, Elephantastic Pink, and So Many Clowns... So Little Time. From China Glaze, she sent Ruby Pumps, Limbo Bimbo, Coconut Kiss, Sexy in the City, and Tree Hugger. Thank you ♥

I'm excited to play with them once my current manicure wears off!

Until next time...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Haul-a (A Haul)

Hi there!

I'm a super sicky-poo today and I didn't exactly feel like redoing my nails. Plus, I still love the design from yesterday.

Anyway, I received a package in the mail today that I'm really excited for.

My new China Glaze polishes.


They're all China Glaze polishes. From left to right, they are: Free Love, Red Pearl, Heli-Yum, Mom's Chiffon, For Audrey, Secret Peri-Wink-Le, and Flyin' High.

I'll try and do some swatches once I'm feeling better.

Until next time...
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