2018 California

Monday 7 January 2019

The End.


It was great talking at you.


Warm wishes.


Au reviour.

Peace out.
After the final whistle has blown.
After the dust has settled.
When all is said and done.
When the sun has crept under the yardarm.
After the embers had died.
Once it was all over.
After the last chance saloon had closed for business.
Once the trumpet had sounded last post for the very last time.
As our story came to its inevitable end.
Once the end game had finally been won/lost.
In the moment before the epilogue writers got busy...
As the final curtain came down.
As the end credits began rolling.
As the sun set slowly in the west.
As the Angel of death began to flap his wings.
As the Earth began to crumble and all was lost.
At the inevitable, sad, conclusion…

It's not good-bye...it's see you later.

I have found that while I was "roped" into blogging in the beginning a number of years ago (I struggled with how I would add one more thing that I had to keep up with), I enjoyed the organization of documenting our lives.  However, I would like to preserve these memories in a book format, which has become more challenging (slurping, reformatting, resizing, rearranging, etc.).  Therefore, I will continue on, but straight into a formatted document that is ready to print (personal published book) at the exact moment that I choose to--at the end of each calendar year--without any fuss.

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