Tuesday, July 16, 2013

to Osprey, Florida

Saturday, July 6, and Sunday, July 7, 2013

From here on, it is just road.  Left St. Louis on Saturday morning and no stops except for bathroom breaks, gas, food and overnight in Macon, Georgia.  I was able to finish my book.  We traveled through Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and finally Florida.  They just don't have enough lanes on I-75 in Florida.  Kent needs his own personal lane.  We estimate that we have traveled 37,000 miles on this entire trip, having left in March.  We have traveled by car, taxi, bus, boat, ferry, train, plane, tuk tuk and rickshaw.  And a lot by foot!  We were able to visit with our children and grandchildren, and good friends, go to countries that we have never been to before and see sights we never thought we would ever see.  So, this is the last entry.  Looking forward to making this into a book.  Thanks for sharing the ride.      

The End

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