Hello, I'm back.
I didn't plan on being away from my blog for this long, it just sort of happened and I must confess that I haven't been visiting or reading any of your blogs either, I plan on trying to catch up with all your goings on this week though.
Today is Bank Holiday Monday here in the UK and as is usual on a Bank Holiday the weather is pretty dismal, looks like rain has set in for the day. We have never been ones for planning outings on BH weekends anyway, when I was going out to work that bonus day off in the week was a chance to just be in home and do what I wanted, plus the roads are always busy at these times and sitting in traffic is not my idea of fun. Of course this is also the first Bank Holiday since lock down eased and I have a feeling every man and his dog will be heading out, so it's another day at home for us. I'm resigned to stopping close to home now if I'm honest, I still haven't been to any shops other than to do my food shopping, I think I may be in danger of becoming a recluse!
I can hardly believe we are in May already, we did have a lot going on in April which is probably why it flew by, although I do thing the older you get the faster time goes by. In April, as well as Easter we also celebrated Arty's 3rd birthday and my youngest daughter, Stevie-Leigh turned 27.
Jenny and Oliver made him a Dinosaur cake
No parties of cause for either one of them but I did get to share in Arty's birthday tea and I went out for a meal with Stevie and Darren for her birthday, (Mark was working away on both birthdays).
For Stevie's birthday she booked a pub meal and of course we had to sit outside to eat, it was boomin freezing and lol.
I made her a cake and Oliver decorated it. It was a red velvet cake, but I've just remembered that I never did get to taste it, I'm sure it was ok though.
Stevie and Darren also had a new addition to their family.
This is Ralph :-)
Isn't he sweet! You can see he has already found the comfy blanket on the bed, lol
There has been a few problems since he arrived. The people they bought him off were not entirely honest about his health.
When Stevie went the vets to register him and get him checked over it was discovered that he had an infection in his nose and was swabbed for ear mites, (the swab did confirm ear mites the next day).
Stevie did say that the woman they bought him from took him into another room to wash him before they went away. I thought that was strange and the vet, without Stevie saying anything said that his ears had been cleaned with something.
Stevie messaged the breeder to tell her what the vet had said but she denied that there was anything the matter when he left her and was quite rude. Once it was confirmed he definitely had ear mites Stevie messaged the woman again, because if Ralph had ear mites then so must her other cats and kittens because apparently it is very contagious and so thought she should know. At first she ignored her message but then said she would refund her £150 (of the £200 they paid for him).
He's settling in lovely now and making himself at home as you can see :-)
I didn't do much in the way of stitching or knitting during April but I did do a lot of sewing.
I have thought for quite a while that I would like to open an etsy shop and so this weekend I took the plunge and did just that. I'm very nervous about putting myself out there and not at all good at self promotion so I don't know how things will go, but if I don't try I won't know will I?
At the moment there are some project bags and a few fabric baskets/pouch's but hopefully I will be adding more things in the next couple of weeks. If you would like to pop over and have a look what I've been making you can find me by searching Mayfairstitches on etsy.
I hope you have a lovely week and enjoy this Bank Holiday whatever you are doing.
See you soon