
Showing posts with label Simply Live. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simply Live. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Simply Live - All Framed Up!

I always get in a tiz choosing a frame, but with Sharons help at my LNS i went for a simple green one in the end, i think it works well though as there's quite a lot going on in the design. I was a bit fed-up with sitting in so yesterday Mark took me a ride out to visit the Nimble Thimble Nr Oswestry, it was quite a jaunt but the journey is through beautiful countryside. Unfortunatly i didn't take my camera, i wish i had then i could have shown you how beautiful and green everything was.
The shop is not really in a town, it's in a setting with some other crafty like units, well more like log cabins really, on the edge of a village, in fact we could see no shops in the village at all, it was just outside a place called Knockin which had a little shop called The Knockin Shop!...well what else could you call it, lol.
I had a good old rumage around and came back with a couple of charts, The Weathered Garden, Bent Creek and one called Five Cats & a Canary from M Designs, which i'd never heard of but was quite cute!I also ordered Cirque des Triangles which i first came across on Sandra's blog, hers looks fantastic in red, (i may steal your colours for this one Sandra, lol.) when i get around to it.
The world and his wife seem to be starting Mary Wigham and i don't know weather to jump on the band wagon or not. What i won't be doing is stitching it on 32 count as i wouldn't be able to see the holes lol, so we'll see what else i can come up with. In the mean time i did buy the threads, i'm a couple short, but they will be following with my Cirque des Triangles next week.The sun was shining lovely here but as i type i can now hear thunder rolling in! so looks like running to get the washing in before the rain starts!
I've got a lovely quiet week ahead as Mark is off to Cyprus tomorrow morning to stay with his mum & Dad for a week, so that means i can spread out in the bed and no need to wear ear plugs at night, and whatever we fancy for tea, yayyyyy! Whatever gave you the impression i'm looking forward to next week!!
Until next time Tara-a-bit x

Friday, 29 May 2009

Days Out & New Starts

My week off work has finished, it will be back to being awakened by the alarm in the morning, i could so get used to getting up when i feel like it and pottering around the house, and the weather have been very good to me too. i don't do sitting in the garden really, much prefer there to be a pool i can dip into to cool off when it gets a bit much. On Monday we went to Blenheim Palace, which as you probably know is the birth place of Sir Winston Churchill, and a very impressive building.
How about this for a back garden! don't think I'd fancy the job of mowing and edging though!

Capability Brown designed the gardens, which are huge and very beautiful. We didn't look round them all, this is the water garden.

And i was dead jealous of the Hostas in the Secret Garden - they were HUGE!
Inside the rooms were very large, as you would expect, no photographs were allowed (why i don;t know) i usually get around this by disarming the flash and holding my camera in front of me then no one can tell! best not to share those photos though, i don't want to get done for breech of copyright! We were able to exchange our 1 day pass for a 12 month pass on the day we went so we will definitely try and go back again - I'd love to go again at Christmas time and see the rooms decorated.
I've been getting lots of stitching time in this week too, usually i only stitch in the evenings but I've been parking my butt down in the afternoon and getting a few hours in! I made good progress on my ABC, which I'll show you next time, this time i wanted to show you my new start. i bought this when i went to the Craft show at the NEC in March

The Primitive Needle -Live Simply

I'm using 28 count with Gentle Art threads - I'm loving the way the threads are giving it a faded subtle look & I'm surprised at how fast it's stitching up. I now have 4 WIP's, and this from the woman who not so long ago said that she couldn't cope with more than one project at a time! I blame you lot out there leading me astray, LOL. The next part of AT has been released so I'll be working on that for a few days next week. Hope you all have a great week, the sun is shining beautifully again here but i am going to sit in the cool of my sitting room and stitch, i may venture out into the garden later with the hosepipe and give everything a good dousing. Thank you for visiting me and all your lovely comments, see you soon..Tara-a-bit x