
Showing posts with label Christmas tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas tree. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 December 2020

10th December - I have a tree

 I have a tree 🎄

I've wanted a new Christmas tree for a couple of years.  We drove round all the places we could think of a few weeks ago looking and the only one I liked was in Homebase. They had reduced the price of all the trees but the one I liked was still £126.  I ummed and ahhed but we came away with nothing.

To be honest, If our week away hadn't been cancelled I don't think I would have bothered with a tree this year, but as we are going to be here I wanted to put one up.

I was browsing online yesterday and saw that they had reduced the trees in Homebase again, the one I liked was now £95.  I ordered it on click and collect and when I got there it was the last one and I got another 10% off  :-)  Sometimes It pays to wait.

So here it is.  I faffed about with it last night and decorated it this morning.  I suspect that when Mark comes home on Friday he will think it's too big, but I did tell him I wanted a big one and this is about as big as we can get away with, lol.

I haven't stitched myself any ornaments this year so I'll have to make 2021 the year of the stitched ornament so I can fill it next year :-)

I know I share these every year but I'll share a few of my favourites over my next few blog posts

These are a few years old now but If anyone would like to know the designers let me know in the comments and I'll look back and find out for you.

Here are the lovely advent's I opened this morning.  I will have to remember to take photos in the daylight as you just can't see the beautiful colours in the artificial light.

Thanks to everyone who is popping by and taking the time to leave a comment, I do love reading them each morning, it's like opening another lovely advent :-)

See you tomorrow

Saturday, 12 June 2010

I Should Pay More Attention!

Not a lot to show this time, I've hardly sat down to stitch at all this week, Marks at home and i find that by the time dinner is over and cleared away it's too late to get anything out. Having him at home these past few weeks has upset my routine, lol. Having said that i pulled out Rubie Owl last Sunday intending to devote all afternoon
to her only to find i had made a mistake, a HUGE mistake, in fact 2 Huge mistakes!! first off, as soon as i put her in the hoop i noticed this -

Rubie Owl - April 2010
See the Rubies section? can you see any Rubies? no, because i happily went on filling in that section!! i also carried on with a full border at the bottom which should not have looked like this! Mistake #2 came to light as i was looking at my thread colours, I've been using Buttercup when the chart called for Butterscotch DOH!! Where was my mind! clearly not on my stitching!! OK, so the colour doesn't matter too much and I'm not going to change it, but i will have to take out the section and stitch the 'rubies' because that will bug the hell out of me! If I'm in the mood i may start to rip it out tonight, or i may just carry on with the leaves and do it when I'm in a better frame of mind, i has put me off a tad i can tell you, not looking forward to ripping out stitches.


On a happier note, i did have a finish the week before last but neglected to show it so here you go.
Christmas Tree 'Freebie' from Gazette94 blog (Claire)
Christmas Tree 'freebie' from Claire stitched on a scrap of 28 count using Threadworx 1089
Side view - with beads
I added beads to the edging and i think it turned out pretty cute :-)
If i can motivate myself i could get loads of stitching in over the next few weeks, the World Cup has kicked off this weekend, with England's first match tonight against the US. There again i might be sitting shouting at the TV like the rest of the country, lol
Thank you for your continued visits and comments, they make my day:-) Have a great weekend whatever you may be up to!