Well she just couldn't wait to make her grand entrance :-) arriving Saturday 12th, two weeks early and really taking us all by surprise, here is our beautiful granddaughter, 20 minutes old :-)
She weighed 7lb 6oz, a good weight for an early baby :-)
Joanne, looking a bit shell shocked.
Me and Mark had gone down to London for the day, we were doing the Royal Tour at Buckingham Palace, ( this was another one of the Christmas presents that the girls bought us). We had planned to go last week but with one thing and another that didn't happen. Joanne phoned me just as we had come out of the last bit of the tour, about 3.30 to tell me not to panic but her waters had broke!!!
Off they went to hospital and they said she was just in the early stages and sent her back home.
We decided that we would catch the 10 past 5 train home, expecting to be back well before she had to go back to hospital. I called her a few times on the way back, she was getting pains so I called daughter #1 to ask her to go up and stay with them till we got back, I'm so gad i did because before our train got into Birmingham they had to take her back to hospital.
We had another 25 minute train journey, from Birmingham to Stourbridge and we got there literally 2 seconds after she was born!!
I should have been Joanne's second birth partner and I'm gutted that I missed this little one's entrance into the world, but they are both ok and that's the main thing, and Jenny got to see her little Neice make her entrance and I think she is so proud and happy about that, she was in floods of tears by the time I got there, I think she was as shocked as Joanne at the speed of it. She was only in labour for 4 and a half hours!!!!
The midwives just couldn't get over it, first baby and such a quick labour, they said it hardly ever happened like that, lol
They are back home now, mum is giving breast feeding a go and so far baby, (no name decided on yet) seems to be taking to it ok.
Phew, what a weekend! I was going to tell you all about our London visit (which was fab) but I think this news beats that hands down, don't you?
As luck would have it I'm off work all next week, I had planned on days out as Mark will be at work, but I will stay close to home just in case i'm needed, Gavin does have 2 weeks paternity leave so I will only visit if they ask me too, I think it's important that they have time to themselves.
I'm behind on blog reading so will try and catch-up this coming week.
Have a lovely time until next week