Thursday, 6 June 2024
The love of books
Thursday, 23 May 2024
Book choices
Thursday, 3 March 2022
Highly recommended these two
A few years ago I belonged to a Book Club at one of the local libraries, I used to really enjoy it but sadly the number dwindled and it finally folded. The same library also ran monthly groups on Wednesdays and Thursdays, they were very popular and there were waiting lists to join both. As a result of lockdowns over the last two years many people chose not to go back once things were open again, which meant that I finally got to join the Thursday group. The group is still quite small, about six at the moment, but that's ok. Last Thursday was our date to meet and discuss January's book.
Catherine Isaac is a new author to me and someone I will look out for again.
1990. Harriet is a journalist. Her job takes her to dangerous places, where she asks questions and tries to make a difference. But when she is sent to Romania, to the state orphanages the world is only just learning about, she is forced to rethink her most important rule.
2018. Ellie is a gardener. Her garden is her sanctuary, her pride and joy. But, though she spends long days outdoors, she hasn’t set foot beyond her gate for far too long. Now someone enters her life who could finally be the reason she needs to overcome her fears.
From post-revolution Romania to the idyllic English countryside, The World at My Feet is the story of two women, two worlds, and a journey of self-discovery that spans a lifetime.
At 20 Londoner Ann Ingle fell madly in love with an Irish fellow she met on holiday in Cornwall. At the church to arrange their shotgun wedding she discovered that he hadn't even told her his real name.
Sixty-odd years later Ann looks back on that first glorious fall and in a series of essays considers what she has learned from the life that followed - bringing eight children into the world, their father's years of mental illness and tragic death at 40, being a cash-strapped single mother in 1980s Dublin, coming into her own in her middle years - going to college, working and writing, and continuing to evolve and learn into her ninth decade, even as she accepts the realities of being 'old'.
These two books bring my reading total to 10 so far this year, you can find the link to my Goodreads page in the right hand side bar if you're interested in what else I've been reading.
Monday, 3 January 2022
Books read in 2021 - reading challenge
I've mentioned before how I keep a reading record on Goodreads and I set my reading challenge every year on New Years Day. I've set my challenge at 50 books again for 2022, it seems like a good round number to aim for, although I don't always reach it.
Last year I managed to read 42 books which, according to Goodreads, equates to 12,760 pages. I usually only read when I go to bed, so I'm happy with that number.
My shortest book was Lockdown by Peter May, (246 pages), my longest book was Stone Cold Heart by Caz Frear, (480 pages)
Two books stand out from last year for me, The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig and The Four Winds, By Kristen Hannah, both very different books but brilliant in their own right.
The Midnight Library was a popular choice on goodreads with 1,875,26 people shelving it
My last book for 2021 was Times Echo by Pamela Hartshown, I'd put this near the top of my list too, thoroughly enjoyed this time slip novel, not a fast read but, one of those books, similar to the other two that you actually don't mind reading every word because it's all relevant and not just padding out the story.
I've recently joined a book club again. I used to belong to one at my local library but due to dwindling numbers that one closed some time ago The one I've joined is at the same library but this particular group has been going for a number of years and before the pandemic was always full, but because of the situation over the last two years and the various lockdowns some members decided to drop out altogether, which is how I was able to join. I've been to one meeting so far and everyone seems very nice and I'm really looking forward to reading what books are on offer, our first meeting of the year is at the end of January.
Are you a reader? what books stand out as your favourites last year? and have you set yourself a reading challenge for this year?
Thursday, 5 August 2021
July in books
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
April is a cutie
Monday, 21 October 2019
Busy, but not with crafting
I've been enjoying watching some podcasters doing Vlogtober this month, love watching Gaynor of Tales From Cuckoo Land podcast and Alli from Little Drops of Wonderful, I've recently been watching Sherri from Olli and Bella too, I don't know how they manage to fit in recording bits of their lives throughout the day, edit and upload but I'm so glad they do, it's nice to share other peoples everyday things rather than a staged podcast sometimes. It seems that if you are a true podcaster you make granola, lol. I would never have thought of making granola myself until I saw Gaynor and Rachel, (from Sew Ray me podcast) showing how they made theirs, I had a go and now i'm hooked!
This is about the forth time I've made it now and it is truly much better than shop bought.
I do like a good selection of nuts and seeds in mine, this time it's hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds, I use good quality oats, some maple syrup, a sprinkling of salt and a good sprinkling of cinnamon over the top and a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil. Once it's cooked I add the raisins and dried cranberries. I've been having it with Greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast, even Mark, who is definitely not normally a granola eating man has said how nice it is :-)
This tray made up a large and a small jar.
Thursday, 28 February 2019
On this last day of February
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
February in books
This book was in the young adult section of the library but don't let that put you off it's very well written.
Another book for young people, in fact this one was in the children's section of the library but again it was a great book.
Rose is an 11 year old girl with autism, she loves numbers and homophones but has trouble understanding her classmates. She lives with her dad who isn't the most patient person but does love her in his own way. He comes back with a stray dog one day which she names Rain, the dog becomes her best friend and when Rain goes missing in a storm Rose won't give up looking for her.
This is only a short read but such a lovely one, well worth reading.
My favourite book this month was Mockingbird, myleast favourite was The Food of Love.
I'll be back soon with a crafty update