Showing posts with label Tyne and Tees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyne and Tees. Show all posts

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tyne and Tees vs Canadian 4th Armoured in Free for All!

Smoking fields of Shermans

I got the chance to get over to Perkins Hobby House this weekend to get a game in. Wild Bill is a new addition to the crowd at Perkins and he's just getting into the game, so we decieded to play Free for all. I think that given some more practice, Wild Bill is going to be a real threat on the Hobby House battlefields.

Tyne and Tees
  • HQ
  • Full Infantry Platoon
  • Under strength Infantry Platoon
  • 2 x 6 pdr anti-tank guns with UC transport
  • 3 x UCs with Piat and extra hull MG
  • 4 x Achilles
  • 3 x Crocs
  • 4 x Priests with OP Sherman
  • AOP
Canadian 4th Armoured Div
  • HQ Shermans with recovery vehicle and AA Crusader
  • Sherman Platoon with Firefly
  • Sherman Platoon with Firefly
  • Sherman Platoon with Firefly
  • 4 x Sextons with OP Sherman
  • Motor Rifle Platoon
  • 2 x Achilles

Friday, November 25, 2011

Tyne and Tees vs Brits in Breakthrough (round 3)

Crocs lined up ready to engage the 5.5"

The final round was against Louie's Brits in Breakthrough. I ended up winning the roll to attack/defend so Louie set up ready to hold me off for 6 turns. Louie and I had played this mission a couple of times when were were getting ready for the tournament so I felt I had a pretty good understanding of what I needed to do. I was getting pretty tired by the end so I'm afraid that I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked. I deployed everything but the Infantry who conducted the flank march.

Tyne and Tees
  • HQ
  • Infantry Platoon (full)
  • Infantry Platoon (2 sections)
  • UCs with Piat and one extra hull MG
  • 2 x 6 pdr anti-tank guns
  • 4 x Achilles
  • 3 x Crocs
  • HQ
  • Infantry Platoon (2 sections)
  • Infantry Platoon (2 sections)
  • 4 x Sherman Tanks (2 Fireflys)
  • 4 x 25 pdrs
  • 4 x 5.5" guns
  • 3 x Humbers

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tyne and Tees vs Panzer Lehr in Encounter (round 2)

 Crocs roast some Grenadiers!

This was round 2 of Battle Cry in Petawawa hosted by Perkins hobby house. I was playing against Clockwerks77 from Table Top Tacticians and knew it was going to be a supper fun game as we always have a blast.  I'm trying out the WWPD batrepper, I really enjoyed using it, hope you enjoy!

Tyne and Tees
  • HQ
  • Platoon 1 Infantry
  • Platoon 2 2 section stong infantry
  • Platoon 3 2 x 6 pdrs
  • Platoon 4 4 x Achilles
  • Platoon 5 3 x Crocs
  • Platoon 6 4 x Preists
  • Platoon 7 3 x UCs with Piat and one extra hull MG
  • AOP
Lehr Grenadiers
  • HQ
  • Platoon 1 Lehr Grenadiers
  • Platoon 2 Lehr Grenadiers
  • Platoon 3 3 x PaK 40s
  • Platoon 4 4 x Heavy Mortars
  • Platoon 5 4 x Panzer IVG's
  • Platoon 6 3 x Pumas

Tyne and Tees vs German Pioneers in Free for All (round 1)

German air power flexes it's muscle!

The tournament organizer (Bob M) was really on the ball.  He has sent out an very detailed and easy to understand marking guide along with how the missions were going to be decided.  Basically there were 6 different ones thrown into a hat and 3 were chosen.  We ended up pulling Free for All, Encounter and Breakthrough.  My first game was against Ca$h from The Table Top Tacticians.  He was running German Pioneers and his list looked something like this:

2 x Full Pioneers
3 x Nebs with PaK 40
4 x Brumbars
2 x Tiger Ies
Limited Stukas with bombs

I was playing with
1 Full Infantry Platoon
1 Under strength Infantry Platoon
UCs with Piat
2 x 6 Pdrs with UCs
4 x Achilles
3 x Crocs
4 x Priests with AOP

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Brit Infantry vs Tyne and Tees in Breakthrough!

The tanks call Arty in danger close as they try to take each other out!

This Wednesday night I was able to get a game in against Louie.   We were playing in preparation for Battle Cry a 1500 pts late war tournament that will be held at Perkins Hobby House.  There are several missions that it could be so Louie and I decided to play Breakthrough.  My list looked like this:

2 x Rifle platoons
2 x 6 pdrs
4 x Mortars
UC platoon with Piat and 2 x .50 Cals
2 x Achilles
3 x Crocs
8 x 25 pdrs

Louie's list
2 x Rifle platoons
Sherman platoon (2 x Fireflys)
4 x 25 pdrs
4 x 5.5" guns
Humbar platoon

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Crocodiles and Mortars!

In getting ready for the recent tournaments going on in Ottawa and Petawawa, I've been trying out different platoons to find out what works well and what doesn't.  This is a couple of pictures of the Crocodiles and Mortars that I've been working on.  After looking at how WWPD showcase their work I wanted to do the same.  I used the same method that Battlefront teaches in their "how to paint a Churchill" tutorial and then outlined the tank.  I found it was quick, easy and looks great.  Here are the two platoons.

Crocs advancing along the road

A closer look at the Crocs
Mortar platoon in a plowed field

Mortar platoon commander and observers

Friday, October 28, 2011

Brits vs Tyne and Tees in Hold the Line!

 Tyne and Tees hold firm against the counter attacking Brits!

I've had these photo's on my phone for a while and finally was able to pull them off.  This was played to help us get ready for the OMG tournament so it's a little out of order with the other AARs.  Both of us were playing Infantry lists and were concerned with having to be the attacker.  We had played a game the week before there I was the defender for Hasty Assault and was able to pull out a narrow 4-3 win.  So this game I would be attacking Louie's Brits dug in Brits.  He was rocking something like this:

2 x Rifle platoon
Sherman platoon with 2 x Firefly's
4 x Achilles
4 x 25 pdrs
4 x 5.5" guns

I was playing with something like this:
2 x Rifle Platoons with 2 sections
2 x 6 pdrs with carrier transport
3 x UC Recce
2 x M10's with 17 pdr
2 x 17 pdr anti-tank guns
3 x Crocodiles
8 x 25 pdrs battery
1 x AOP

After doing some reading I decided that I would try the Brit special rule, "Night Fight".  So this was my first experience with night fighting and it was interesting.  I can see how this could be a huge double edge sword.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Panzer Lehr Grenadiers vs Tyne and Tees in Hasty Assault (Round 3)

Fear the wrath of the Crocs!!!!

The final game was against Clockwerks and his sweet Panzer Lehr Grenadiers.  His list looked something like this:

HQ with Schrek
2 x Panzergrenadier Lehr Platoon (6 stands with 3 tank hunter teams, half tracks and a 3.7 cm anti-tank gun)
Heavy Mortar Platoon
Anti-tank platoon (3 x PaK 40s)
4 x Panzer IV H
3 x Pumas

We were playing the Hasty Assault which meant that I would be defending.  I deployed my Battery, Anti-tank guns, and Recce on the table and held my Achilles in immediate ambush.  Clockwerks deployed a Grenadier platoon, the Pumas and the Panzer IV H's.  This game was loads of fun with us laughing a lot at some of the silliness that happend.  Great game and loads of fun, I can't wait to have another game aginst him.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

King Tigers vs Tyne and Tees in Domination! (Round 2)

Clever Hans, eh??

Round 2 I was pitted against Matt Varnish from Table Top Tacticians whom I've been gaming with for years.  He surprise everyone by rocking up to the event with a KING TIGER LIST!!!!  He had something like this:

HQ King Tiger with BergPanther recovery vehicle
2 x King Tiger (1 per platoon)
3 x Panzerwerfers with extra crew
Pioneer platoon

So a small but crazy lethal list, and like all of Matt Varnishes stuff they looked awesome.  We played Domination (again you can find it at the WWPD downloads page) and it was the first time that either of us had played this mission.  I have to admit I was really intimidated by the King Tiger and I think that made me forget some basics which in turn hurt me.  The game hung on a knife edge for the last 3 or 4 turns with massive amounts of importance on single die rolls.  Here's how it went....

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

FSJ Pionners vs Tyne and Tees in Dust Up (Round 1)

An AOP calls in the steel rain on Germans in the woods!

This weekend was the OMG's late war Flames of War tournament held at their normal club location.  It is also a Soccer teams club house and I thought it was an awesome venue.  The tournament organizers had pizza and pop as part of the entrance fee and had water and pop on site for purchase (very cool!).  The tables looked great but I would have prefered more terrain as tanks really had massive lanes for fire.  The tournament was 1500 points and we played 3 games each one allocated 3 hrs to play.  This was a little to much time in my opinion, I would have like 2 hr games because we are done earlier and it forces players to push the action.  I ran the Tyne and Tees (50th) from the Turning Tides book and this is how my army looked:

2 x Rifle Platoons with 2 sections
2 x 6 pdrs with carrier transport
3 x UC Recce
2 x 5-ton transports
4 x M10's with 17 pdr
3 x Crocodiles
8 x 25 pdrs battery
1 x AOP

My first game was against Dean, who was running a Fallshimjager Pioneer list that had

2 x Full strength Pioneer platoons with flame throwers
3 x StuG IIIs
2 x Nashorns
4 x Nebs with PaK 40 and trucks

We played Dust up (created by the I95 guys) and it was my first time playing it.  Take a look at the link to WWPD's downloads so you can see the mission brief.  I really enjoyed it even though it pushed me outside my comfort zone.  I deployed my guns, Crocs, UC's and an Infantry platoon with the rest held in reserve.  Dean deployed a Platoon of Pioneers and the StuGs.