Showing posts with label Enbicon 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enbicon 2015. Show all posts

Friday, February 6, 2015

British 8th Army Infantry vs German Schurtzen in Breakthrough

Guns firing over open sights knock out Panzers!

This weekend was Enbicon 2015 which featured a 1390 EW tournament.  I was playing Brit 8th Army Infantry and my first opponent was Quinton who way playing German Mechanized Infantry. The mission was Breakthrough.

Big Willie's 8th Army
OC and 2IC with sticky bombs
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
Full infantry platoon with sticky bombs
2 x Vickers HMGs
2 x 3" mortars
4 x 2pdr
3 x Bren carriers
4 x 18/25 pdrs
Sporadic Hurricane intercept

Quintons Germans
OC and 2IC with knackers
Full armoured platoon
Half armoured platoon
4 x Panzer II Cs
2 x 10.5cm guns
2 x infantry guns
3 x PaK 36 guns
3 x SP AA

Set Up
Objectives are on top of the hill far left and behind the hedge row near the road

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Enbicon 2015 FoW tournament

Action around the Church

This weekend was the Enbicon FoW early war tournament.  It was 1390 points and we had 12 guys show up to play.  Here are some pictures of the tables and armies. Special thanks to the guys from New Minas for making the drive.  There is a ton of pictures of the tables, armies and action. I hope you enjoy.