Fear the wrath of the Crocs!!!!
The final game was against Clockwerks and his sweet Panzer Lehr Grenadiers. His list looked something like this:
HQ with Schrek
2 x Panzergrenadier Lehr Platoon (6 stands with 3 tank hunter teams, half tracks and a 3.7 cm anti-tank gun)
Heavy Mortar Platoon
Anti-tank platoon (3 x PaK 40s)
4 x Panzer IV H
3 x Pumas
We were playing the Hasty Assault which meant that I would be defending. I deployed my Battery, Anti-tank guns, and Recce on the table and held my Achilles in immediate ambush. Clockwerks deployed a Grenadier platoon, the Pumas and the Panzer IV H's. This game was loads of fun with us laughing a lot at some of the silliness that happend. Great game and loads of fun, I can't wait to have another game aginst him.