Showing posts with label Commandos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commandos. Show all posts

Sunday, November 15, 2015

British Commandos vs DAK Grenadiers in No Retreat

The fog of war!

I had the chance to try out my Commandos again with a night attack. This time I was going to have to take on Mark and his DAK Pioneers in a MW 1710 battle. I decided to try another night attack as we were both playing infantry companies. I was hoping that darkness would let me get close enough in the desert.

Big Willie's Commandos
Commando platoon (1 section)
Commando platoon (1 section)
Commando platoon (1 section)
Commando mortars
Commando HMGs
3 x Shermans
2 x 17/25 pdrs
3 x Humber Recce cars
Hurricane support

Marks DAK
OC and 2IC
Pioneer platoon with supply truck
Pioneer platoon with supply truck
2 x 88s
4 x Panzer III Ns
2 x 8-rads
4 x 10.5cm guns

Set Up

Objectives are in the centre of the two compounds and right side of the right compound

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Commandos vs Schnell Kompanie in Pincer

German heavy guns controlling the bridge

Last night I had a chance to play test my mid-war British Commando list against Ryan.  We rolled up Pincer as the mission and I decided to conduct the British speciality of a night attack. This was one of the first times I was going to be able to conduct a night attack and I was looking forward to it.

Big Willie's Commandos
Commando Pl 1 section
Commando Pl 1 section
Commando Pl 1 section
Commando HMG Pl
Commando Mortar Pl
3 x Sherman tanks
2 x 17/25 pdr AT guns
Humber Recce Pl

Ryan's Germans (incomplete list, sorry)
OC and 2IC with knackers
Grenadier Pl
Grenadier Pl
2 x 15cm guns
2 x 15cm guns
2 x 88s

Set Up
Objectives are at the train and road intersection and

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Commandos vs German Grenadier Kompanie in Breakthrough

Was it wheat or corn fields that stop bullets...

This game was the first time Stormtrooper Nick and I had played Infantry Aces.  We went with 500 pt LW lists to try the system out and because the other pieces of my gaming table hadn't arrived so the table was long but small. We modified the distances width wise to try and get the mission to work.

Big Willie's Commandos
Commando platoon
Commando platoon
Commando HMG platoon

Stormtrooper Nick's Grenadiers
OC and 2IC
Grenadier platoon
Grenadier platoon
HMG platoon

Set Up
Objectives are in the woods behind the barn and on the road by the farm house

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Commandos vs Italian Compagnia Carri in Cauldron!

What no Commando player wants to see.....

I was able to get into Perkins Hobby House for what will likely be my last game of FoW in 2011. My friend T2B was around with his 1500 pts of MW Italians and we rolled up Cauldron. I haven't played it in a very long time so it sounded like a good mission where I would be defending. I chose my Shermans for immediate ambush, Commandos and 6 pdrs to be on the board with the other 2 Commando platoons and mortars to be in delayed reserves. T2B tooks his Arty, Lancias and 75/18s which all deployed in one table quarter (damn rolls of 5!)

  • HQ with 2 Piats
  • Commando Platoon
  • Commando Platoon
  • Commando Platoon
  • Commando Mortars with 2 tubes
  • 4 x 6 Pdr Portees
  • 3 x Sherman III
  • Sporadic Hurricane support
Compangnia Carri
  • HQ tank
  • 5 x Carri (CV)
  • 5 x Carri (CT)
  • 5 x (SP) 75/18 (CV)
  • 3 x 16/40 (CV)
  • 4 x 100/17 guns
  • 2 x Lancia da 90/53

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Commandos vs Brit Infantry in Free for All

Undaunted the Commado's advance!

With Skirmish 2012 fast approaching and the 1500 LW tournament with it, there are a lot of guys gearing up for it and trying different army lists. I won't be playing in it but wanted to help the guys get ready and wanted to try a new force out. So my Brits became Commando's (at least until I get my other ones painted). We played at Perkins Hobby House and went with Free for All as you will normally play it at least once in a tournament. Louie was rocking his Brits from the Hell's Hwy pdf.

  • HQ with 2 piats
  • Commando platoon 1 section
  • Commando platoon 1 section
  • Commando mortar platoon 2 tubes
  • Independent Armoured platoon (3 Shermans and a Firefly)
  • 4 x Achilles
  • 50th TT Infantry platoon
  • Naval gun fire
  • HQ
  • Infantry platoon
  • Infantry platoon
  • 2 x Achilles
  • 2 x Shermans, 2 x Firefly
  • 8 gun Sexton battery
  • Humber scout car platoon
  • AOP

Monday, December 12, 2011

Commando/Rifle reinforcements!

 A ton (well not really) of Brit Infantry to paint!

After the last tournament I decided that I wanted to try and do a good job painting my infantry.  I've been thinking about doing Commando's and Perkins Hobby House has a lot of reference books in which all the Commando's look almost identical to the normal British troops.  So here is a complete infantry company with enough pieces to also be used as a Commando company.  I have tried to have at least one model with a beret on each stand so that it is very noticable that they are Commando's if I go that way.  I really like this because it gives me multiple options of how to play them (Commando's or non-desert British forces that can be used in either MW or LW (I think EW would be a stretch but I do have a bunch of boys anti-tank rifles also).  I'm going to be mounting all of these models using the battlefront urban basing kit which I will feature in another post.  I think I will likely try and follow the painting guide done by Crac des Chevaliers

Commando OIC
 Commando/Rifle Platoon Commanders

 Commando/Rifle Support weapons

 More support weapons

Commando SMG team

I'm hoping to get these guys primed either tonight or tomorrow and start working on bases coats in the coming week.  Christmas is almost here and that will definitely have an impact on just how much I can get done (not sure if that will increase given the time off work, most likely decrease).  I'm hoping to get to Perkins this Tuesday for another game so if I do there should be another battle report up shortly there after.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Devil's Party

The Special Service Force or Devil's Brigade has always seemed like a really cool army to play.  I recently purchased the source book "Dogs and Devils" so that I could start building my force.  Ca$h from Druken gamers of Ottawa is starting an escalation league so this gave me a chance to create a new army and play some games against the boys.  Only problem was that the escalation league is Mid-war.  No worries I will use the SSF models and treat them as Royal Marine Commandos allowing me to start a new army and still fit with the era that the league is running in.  Bazoka become PIATs and aside from the helmets vs berets there really isn't a big difference.  I plan on showing WIP and battle reports in the coming league.  So here is what I'm going to be running:

Commando HQ - FV
3 x Commando Companies (1 x Platoon) - FV
1 x Canadian Anti-tank Platoon (4 x 6pdrs) - CT
1 x Canadian Shermans (3 x tanks) - CT
1 x Royal Artillery Battery ( 8 x 25pdrs) - CV

I'm going to start with the HQ, Combat Platoons and Arty and work from there (luckily the Arty is already painted!)