Saturday, August 2, 2008

Exhausted is an understatement!!!!

I am 100% thoroughly pooped! The painting is done. YIPPEE...except the fact that I am sore, tired, got sunburnt on my shoulders and no cleaning got done on the inside of my house today! LOL My house still has a ways to go....but it is coming along nicely! I am so excited! The paint job turned out pretty good and I pray it doesn't start peeling....ever. LOL
Chris and his brother did awesome with the siding! They got soooo much done! I am so so so excited! We still have more to do...and we still have the other side of the house...but so much progress was made today! I thank God for the beautiful weather...otherwise I would have stressed about getting it done!Here are a couple before/after pics...

BEFORE ...white door...yucky peeling paint

AFTER... all clean....crisp and newly primed and painted!!! WOOT! (oh..and although you can't tell....the door is green!!! I love it! I will have to take a better pic of it sometime!)

Chris working on the siding....look how far he got!!! WOOT!

Hmmm....who could have tried to help?? Could he be 2 feet tall and 2 years old?? Why yes....I do believe it was Jaxson!!! LOL...*don't worry...some windex and it came right off! WHEW!*

Our little helpers again!!! hehe:

And the siding...finished in this area!!!! I am so excited! Chris and his brother did a GREAT job! Gosh...I can't wait till the whole house is finished!!! (I think I am getting ahead of myself here!)

Well, I am absolutely pooped! I look forward to hitting the hay. I have to teach sunday school in the morning...then we have church...then I hope to come home and reeessssttttt!!! LOL Thanks for following me on all this and with all the support and encouragement! :) I really appreciate it! As more things get fixed up and updated...I will be sure to take pics and post about it! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend everyone! :)


  1. Woohoo!! Looking VERRRY good Katy!
    Hope you and Chris can take it easy after church tomorrow!!
    Take care

  2. WooHoo your porch looks awesome!!! Way to go girlfriend!!! And Chris rocks!! The siding looks so awesome too!!! your getting a whole new outside!!! Take it very easy tomorrow!!!:0) You all deserve it!!~Wendy

  3. Everything looks terrific, Katy! You've earned your day of rest this week!

  4. doesn't it feel SOO good to complete projects and cross things off your list of things to do! =)

  5. The siding looks amazing! I love the color!!
    Isn't it fun to see improvements on your house!?! It looks great!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm glad you did so that I could come over and "meet" you!!!
    Have a great day!
    -Heather :)

  6. Oh, you have a beautiful home, Katy! It is so welcoming and the new paint job looks great! I hope you have a relaxing Sunday after all your hard work!

  7. Looks great Katy!!It`s so exciting when things start getting done isn`t it!!Especially long awaited projects:)Hope your having a blessed Lords day!!

  8. That looks like ALOT of work! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!

  9. I stumbled upon your blog from another and WOW what a difference on your house, the siding looks GREAT. It looks BEAUTIFUL!! Hope you are resting up today. :)

  10. One step at a time! LOL It will be done before long! You have made great progress. Yay! for Katy and Chris! :)

    Hope you got your rest last night. I probably feel tonight like you did last night!

  11. Way to go...and what a great sense of accomplishment you can have knowing you are doing it yourselves:)

  12. wow!! what a big difference!! It looks grea:)

  13. EVERYTHING looks wonderful! You must be sooooooo pleased.
    I hope you don't mind I added you to my favorites.


I am always so grateful to read your comments! I thank you for the time you took to visit and share your thoughts with me. :o)
May you enter as a stranger and leave as a friend!
Warmly, Katy