Saturday, July 20, 2013 

The New Mattei's Tavern

gets a nod from the Latte Times' S. Irene Virbila
Mattei’s Tavern, the Los Olivos restaurant that has been around since 1886, has just reopened after a hiatus between owners. Brothers Matt and Jeff Nichols ran the place as Brother’s Restaurant at Mattei’s Tavern for years, but when they lost their lease last year, they moved to another location in town and opened the restaurant Sides Hardware and Shoes.

 Now Charles and Ali Banks of Terroir Selections, former owners of Screaming Eagle and now involved with Sandhi, Mayacamas, Mulderbosch and Leviathan wineries, have purchased Mattei’s Tavern. After some sprucing up, the landmark restaurant reopened Saturday

...(Chef Robbie) Wilson plans on not one, but two menus at Mattei’s Tavern. The first, called 1886, features traditional dishes such as beef tartar, campfire trout and wood-fired chicken. The other, called 2013--“inspirations from Los Olivos”--lists dishes such as grilled octopus with scarlet runner beans and preserved lemons, smoked lamb’s neck with refried cannellini beans and salsa verde marmalade, or halibut with lemon ash and olive “debris.” - LA Times

Make reservations on Open Table.

And follow Mattei's and Chef Wilson on Twitter...

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Friday, January 20, 2012 

Cheese Dreams Food Truck

Coming to Santa Barbara ..... soon!

Watch for breaking news on their Twitter site.

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Tuesday, July 05, 2011 

Sly's in Carpinteria

has a new via their Twitterfeed!

James Sly

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011 

Arch Rock Fish is the place to be


$1 specials in the restaurant and bar all night to celebrate our first year (since the concept was born)

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011 

Mobile Cafe - the new food truck in town

Welcome to Santa Barbara - Mobile Cafe! Follow them on Facebook or Twitter.

They are providing mobile delicious and nutritious food in the Santa Barbara area. Offering up Grass-fed organic beef, and more. 

Love their tag...
"We're new. We're fresh. We're tasty. 
We're just getting going."

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Friday, December 31, 2010 


hate to differ with @williamshatner, but it really was a lousy year. 2011 has got to be better.

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Friday, December 03, 2010 

Just Saying....

Before you eats.... check their tweets. @ and @

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Saturday, October 09, 2010 

Trick or Tweet this Halloween

An idea from Twitterforfood.
Here's an old idea with a new twist to fight hunger this Halloween:

Leave a paper grocery bag with people in your neighborhood with instructions to fill the bag with canned food for your food bank and that you'll be by on Halloween to pick the bag up. You can make your own sheet to put on the bag or use this one from

If just one person per neighborhood did this, think of all the food we could collect for local food banks! I know some are already doing this, but let's make a big push on twitter to make this happen across the country!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010 

Tweet of the Day - Part 2

Bill Marler bmarler Senator Coburn - you are a douche -

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When you reach for that packaged food item

in the grocery store...keep in mind this factfilled tweet.

Bill Marler bmarler FDA inspects less than 10% of food manufacturing facilities. This is silly.

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Tweet of the Day

FairFoodFight FairFoodFight RT @organicnymilk1: "Americans have a right to expect when they eat your products they won't die"....nice standard! #eggrecall | Aim high.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010 

Top Chef Master Rick Bayless

was on the Central Coast and dined with the Murrays.

Chef Bayless tweeted....

Dinner w Murrays in Los Olivos.Simple&perfect.Bright, rich fruit of Andrew Murray's 2007 Grenache still in my head

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010 

Far Western Tavern

has entered the Twitterverse.

Far Western Tavern, Guadalupe
Originally uploaded by yausser.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010 

Welcome to Santa Barbara - Arch Rock Fish

Coming soon to the 'hood (both physically and cyberly) - Arch Rock Fish. And they, in part, want to welcome YOU to their place. They have a little invite on their Facebook page.

Arch Rock Fish You know you love free...FREE GIFT BAG, w/AR T-SHIRT, FARMER'S MARKET BAG and more! And did I mention a chance to be on TV?

In our efforts to market the Arch Rock in a new, creative way, on June 21 we will begin filming 10 behind-the-scenes shorts on the process of opening the Arch Rock Fish. We'd like to feature friends, family and SB Locs in our videos. Be a part and get the free stuff mentioned above. And that's not all...To promote the videologs, we will be running non-stop "man on the street" TV commercials, asking the question: "What do you look for in a neighborhoodjoint?" Join us please, let me know if you want the gift basket and the star treatment, at Arch Rock Fish baby!

Follow them on Twitter, too.

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Monday, May 10, 2010 

Country Meat Market

is now Tweeting!

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Tuesday, May 04, 2010 

It's Twitter for Food Day Today

Skip a meal and donate your savings to your local food bank (mine, the Santa Barbara Food Bank.) I challenge my fellow foodies and bloggy friends! Let's raise some moolah!

Hunger is here in every season, but summer brings some unique challenges. For millions of kids, the only decent meal they get is during school. Without that consistency while school is out, these kids go hungry. With people on vacation and out of town, food bank supplies run lower and donations are less because we all have summer plans on our minds and don't think of needs as much.

Here at #twitterforfood, we are approaching our 1 year anniversary of creating hunger events on Twitter. It's our hope that this summer we can really kick this up a notch and get the shelves of foodbanks more full through people every month simply skipping one meal and donating the savings to their local food bank. - Twitterforfood

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Friday, September 25, 2009 

The Burger Bus

Will be open and serving up their delicious burger bonanza this Saturday, September 26 at The Jill of All Trades at The Presidio Motel (1620 State Street) from 11:00 am - 7:00 pm

If you haven't had a Burger Bus are in for a real "tweet."

View Larger Map

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Monday, August 17, 2009 

Ultimate Bagels moving into old Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

Ultimate Bagels has "visually" announced they are moving into the old space long ago vacated by Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at 1226 State Street.

Follow their progress on their Facebook page and on Twitter.

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Friday, July 31, 2009 

Will Twitter for Food

Will Twitter for Food -

Saturday, August 1st is the next #twitterforfood event. What we are doing is asking everyone on Twitter to skip a meal and use the savings to fund any local or global hunger relief agency. There is a list of hunger agencies and food banks on the main page of, but feel free to fund your favorite.

We'll be glad to add any hunger relief non-profit organization to the list, just request to be added by sending an email to or Direct Message our twitter account @HungerNoMore.

I'm skipping a meal for the Food Bank of Santa Barbara.
In 2008, over 125,000 people in Santa Barbara County were served by Foodbank member agencies. The Foodbank distributes food to over 220 social service programs and agencies, churches and community groups from Carpinteria to Santa Maria.
So...all you "tweeps" out there....get to "tweeting" and giving money to your local hunger relief organization.
#twitterforfood Skip a meal Aug 1st and use the savings to fund hunger relief locally and globally! Please RT!

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Friday, July 24, 2009 

Final vote on offshore drilling: 28-43

SB Channel safe for now. Thanks Pedro!

(per numerous Tweets)

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